Guns you own (7 Viewers)

What is your all-in budget, including accessories (scope/red dot, sling, flashlight) and magazines?

If I were out the door at $1k that'd be great. If you told me I needed to spend $2k or more just to get something enjoyable to own, I'd forget the idea. That said, I fully expect to invest in upgrades as I learn more about them, as time goes on.

Will this be a bench gun, for the gun range to shoot stationary targets? At what distance?

I imagine I'd like to shoot targets in the 2-250 yd range as my skills improve. I think it'd be cool to shoot at multiple stationary targets like at a training facility but that'd probably down the road (I don't know if there's even anything like that around here). Initially it's just for plinking in the 25-100 yd range though.
Is this a better rifle than the Sig I linked?
Sig makes great guns. I don’t know much about their ARs. I’ve built quite a few ARs and bought a few out of the box. The two below are builds that I did. I believe that I am in for around $1400 on each of those, but you could do it much cheaper. I have all upgraded parts on them.

I have never heard complaints about Palmetto, if you want something out of the box.

Is there some correlation between liking chips and owning way too many guns ? I can see having too many chips, but it seems like you can only shoot one at a time, why would you need more than one ?
Is there some correlation between liking chips and owning way too many guns ? I can see having too many chips, but it seems like you can only shoot one at a time, why would you need more than one ?
My wife asked me the same question once. I asked her, “Why do you need more than one pair of shoes? You can only wear one pair at a time.” She said, “For different occasions and purposes.” “Exactly,” was my reply. :D
Elaborate, do you carry a bigger gun if you’re going someplace dangerous as opposed to a smaller one for going to the opera ?
Sig makes great guns. I don’t know much about their ARs. I’ve built quite a few ARs and bought a few out of the box. The two below are builds that I did. I believe that I am in for around $1400 on each of those, but you could do it much cheaper. I have all upgraded parts on them.

I have never heard complaints about Palmetto, if you want something out of the box.

Nice work. I don't feel like learning enough about them to build one out as my first AR. But maybe sometime down the road it might be a cool project. This dude built one for $500 with a Palmetto lower.

I bought a Sig P365XL the other day - only put about 70 rds through it so far but I like it a lot. I picked it up after I was disappointed in the SD9 I'd bought. I may or may not keep the S&W... still undecided.

The reviews on that Sig AR were mixed. Some said various aspects were shit but wouldn't really elaborate as to why - which sucks for someone like me.
Nice work. I don't feel like learning enough about them to build one out as my first AR. But maybe sometime down the road it might be a cool project. This dude built one for $500 with a Palmetto lower.

I bought a Sig P365XL the other day - only put about 70 rds through it so far but I like it a lot. I picked it up after I was disappointed in the SD9 I'd bought. I may or may not keep the S&W... still undecided.

The reviews on that Sig AR were mixed. Some said various aspects were shit but wouldn't really elaborate as to why - which sucks for someone like me.
At this point my advice would be to slow down and do some research. There are dozens and dozens of companies making AR 15s right now but only a handful doing it 100% correct. The best forum on the internet to learn about ARs is Also, join School of the American rifle on Facebook. The guy who runs it is known as instructor Chad on YouTube and I would suggest his videos as well.

Up until 2008 if you wanted a combat grade AR made to all the proper specs and put together properly you really only had the Colt LE 6920 (basically an issues M4 without full auto and a 16” instead of 14.5” barrel). Then BCM came along and started making rifles the equivalent to Colt but with more options and more readily available. Daniel Defense was another and of course Lewis Machine and Tool (LMT). Nowadays you have a few more options like Sionics and Sons of Liberty Gun Works.

Simple advice is buy a BCM lower and BCM upper (you save the firearms tax that way). Id recommend their 16” midlength enhanced lightweight barrel with a mlok rail. If you want a better trigger Geissele is the top dog... Actually all their stuff is top-of-the-line. Make sure you buy a BCM bolt carrier group.
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Is there some correlation between liking chips and owning way too many guns ? I can see having too many chips, but it seems like you can only shoot one at a time, why would you need more than one ?

Most people own guns for the enjoyment of ownership, the kinship with other gun enthusiasts and for the challenge of consistently hitting targets of varying sizes and distances.

Others are just collectors, who have accumulated many firearms over the years but don't shoot much. Hell - I know people who have cool guns they've never even fired.

Do you own any chips that will seldom if ever see the felt? It's kind of like that.

My wife asked me the same question once. I asked her, “Why do you need more than one pair of shoes? You can only wear one pair at a time.” She said, “For different occasions and purposes.” “Exactly,” was my reply.

Elaborate, do you carry a bigger gun if you’re going someplace dangerous as opposed to a smaller one for going to the opera ?

The simplest answer is you need more than one gun for the same reason you don't hit driver off the tee on a par-3.

The thing to understand is that all guns have limitations and no one firearm does it all. Many firearm owners (like myself) aren't hunters and don't carry for self defense. It's a hobby and I enjoy shooting.

Your remark comes off as antagonistic in nature but I'm going to assume you're asking because you have a genuine curiosity. The thing is, there are many reasons to own a firearm. Whether it's a hobby, for self defense, for hunting, or just for the sheer appreciation of the history and it's relationship to the foundation of this country - there's really no wrong reason to be interested in firearms unless a person has malicious intent. It's estimated that there are 300,000,000 firearms in the US; yet only a small fraction of those (well under 1%) are used in the commission of doing harm to others or themselves.
While we are on the AR topic, here is my latest. Technically this is a Colt LE6920 oem bought in 2016 But I had used the upper receiver and bolt carrier group for an 11 1/2 inch build I did with a Colt FBI barrel pictured in this thread. I had to put that on a pistol lower. That left me with the original barrel and the lower. Sourced myself a Colt stripped upper and a new bolt carrier group and put it all back together with lots of goodies.
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Mike, It’s not antagonistic, I just don’t know much about the subject. My experience with guns was having best score in boy scout camp, and pissing my friend off who brought me to shoot at the gun club by shooting better than him. Never owned a gun before. They don’t let you have one in Boston. It’s just amazing that everyone is so well armed. I do have a blackjack in my car.

Why in your opinion is piece-mailing an AR together better than the Sig I linked?

I appreciate you taking the time to reply and that your level of knowledge/experience is far superior to mine... but I just want something that doesn't suck out of the box. Maybe a few years from now I'll be ready to research and build out a custom AR... in fact that sounds like fun someday. But in the near-term, that's not in my comfort zone or anywhere near the level of involvement I want to commit to.
Mike, It’s not antagonistic, I just don’t know much about the subject. My experience with guns was having best score in boy scout camp, and pissing my friend off who brought me to shoot at the gun club by shooting better than him. Never owned a gun before. They don’t let you have one in Boston. It’s just amazing that everyone is so well armed. I do have a blackjack in my car.

So what do you want to know then?
Why in your opinion is piece-mailing an AR together better than the Sig I linked?

I appreciate you taking the time to reply and that your level of knowledge/experience is far superior to mine... but I just want something that doesn't suck out of the box. Maybe a few years from now I'll be ready to research and build out a custom AR... in fact that sounds like fun someday. But in the near-term, that's not in my comfort zone or anywhere near the level of involvement I want to commit to.
The government charges 11% or some thing in tax for complete rifles. Being that you can buy an AR 15 separately top and bottom and just pin them together faster than I can type this you save the money.

I recommend BCM over the Sig simply because you don’t hear much about Sig rifles in the serious use gun community. However, a shit ton of famous trainers use BCM rifles. Colt was the gold standard for ARs because they own the Technical Data Package. Basically every AR is a reverse engineered Colt. Colts however used to be hard to find and they never really made a lot of variations. BCM is the equivalent to Colt quality and is very very well vetted.

If you look up all the top carbine instructors in the US, many of them formal special operations guys, you would find the majority of them are shooting BCM rifles. Daniel Defence is great too but pricier and hard to find. LMT is VERY difficult to source. Simply put, if you were to poll the top military/LE/civilian weapons instructors in the US on their top recommendation, I’d bet a lot of cash that 85% would say BCM...maybe more.

Colt is like Paulson and BCM is like CPC ;)

PS: I belong to big daddy unlimited. If you want to know a price I’ll look it up for you because you can’t scan their website without a membership. They are usually cheaper but also charge shipping. I just bought the light and the back up iron sights on the above rifle from them.
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So what do you want to know then?

how many guns does the average chipper own ?
when one goes to shoot, do them shoot them all, or just one or two ?
is it legal to own a big cache of guns ?
do you need special permits if you have big guns like the assault rifles ?
how common is it to have a bar full of people with guns on their hip ?
like I said, in Boston they don’t just let you have a gun, and I've lived here my whole life, so I just don’t know About guns . I’m learning all kinds of stuff this week including that Grant looked like Willie Nelson on the history channel.
how many guns does the average chipper own ?
when one goes to shoot, do them shoot them all, or just one or two ?
is it legal to own a big cache of guns ?
do you need special permits if you have big guns like the assault rifles ?
how common is it to have a bar full of people with guns on their hip ?
like I said, in Boston they don’t just let you have a gun, and I've lived here my whole life, so I just don’t know About guns . I’m learning all kinds of stuff this week including that Grant looked like Willie Nelson on the history channel.
It’s interesting to see how far removed some people in the coastal cities are from gun ownership. Many many gun owners have lots of guns each with a different purpose. Some consider them like tools for certain jobs or tasks (hunting, sport shooting, home defense, Concealed carry, etc. ) and others collect them for historic or other reasons. It is about 100,000 times more common find a person with a large collection of guns then one with a large collection of poker chips!

As for permits and what not, you live in one of the most restrictive states in the US. There are about six others that are similar. The rest of the United States does not have such draconian laws. I live in Pennsylvania. You do need a permit to carry a gun which they have to give you unless you can’t pass a background check. You do not need a license to buy a gun but gun dealers all run background checks. You do not need special permits for “assault weapons” because that is a major political term. The function just like any other semi automatic rifle but look scary to non-gun owners and politicians take advantage of that.
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how many guns does the average chipper own ?

I don't know. I only own 2 but I'm just starting to build my collection. If you want to know I'd suggest a poll maybe?

when one goes to shoot, do them shoot them all, or just one or two ?

I've been shooting with friends who own 12+ firearms... they usually bring 4-5 to the range. Logically speaking, it'd be a pain in the ass to bring many guns to the range... you can only carry so many physically and there's the hassle of cleaning them all afterwards.

is it legal to own a big cache of guns ?

AFAIK, there are no legal restrictions on the number of firearms a person is allowed to legally own, nor should there be.

do you need special permits if you have big guns like the assault rifles ?

Define 'assault rifle' as you understand it please.

how common is it to have a bar full of people with guns on their hip ?

I can't speak for other places, but it is illegal in the state of Michigan to carry a firearm (openly or concealed) in an establishment where alcohol is served.

like I said, in Boston they don’t just let you have a gun, and I've lived here my whole life, so I just don’t know About guns . I’m learning all kinds of stuff this week including that Grant looked like Willie Nelson on the history channel.

I know firearms are difficult to obtain in MA but not impossible with background checks and a waiting period. I'm sure there are local groups to help you become more educated on the topic locally if you looked around.
I never really thought much about gun laws except for not caring if anyone had a gun as long as they didn’t shoot me.

isn’t an assault rifle is like one of those big guns like Tony Montana’s little friend or that guy in Vegas who shot up that concert ?

you have to clean guns after you go shooting ? Is that difficult? Necessary?
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but I just want something that doesn't suck out of the box.
BCM is the opposite of suck. There are a lot of junk ARs out there that will choke on you. It’s definitely a buy once cry once purchase. SOLGWs is a newer company that is very highly respected in the non hobby serious AR community. Lots of options too
I don’t want to sound like a shill for BCM and for the record I do not own one. I own three Colts and a Colt upper on a LMT lower. I also built up an LMT lower that is waiting for a precision upper build. I do have a lot of BCM furniture and things for my rifles though (Lots on the rifle above) and I have followed the AR world pretty closely for the last 12 years.
That said this is a great video if you’re wondering about guns wont suck out of the box
like I said, in Boston they don’t just let you have a gun, and I've lived here my whole life, so I just don’t know About guns . I’m learning all kinds of stuff this week including that Grant looked like Willie Nelson on the history channel.
Much of what you ask depends on various state/local laws.... however.... I whole-heartedly applaud your willingness to ask questions & learn for yourself, rather than depend on what passes for the usual groupthink these days.

how common is it to have a bar full of people with guns on their hip ?
Not very.... even up here.

I live in Maine. Unbeknownst to most in the rest of the country, we're what you might call the "Texas of the Northeast". You can take your gun with you most anywhere unless there is a local ordinance in play. & if it's chilly, you can put a coat on, no permit required. "Castle Doctrine" the absolute right to use deadly force in defense of your self, family, home & property, is written into the State Constitution (much to the consternation of politicians & activists of a certain stripe) :D

Personally, I believe that's the biggest reason our violent crime rate is well below averages. But, that's a whole 'nuther sermon.

When it comes to bars specifically. Most of the larger municipalities have a local ordinance against it. Also, any bar or restaurant owner can put a sign at the door stating "no firearms allowed". Which is fine, he owns the joint, he makes the rules.

do you need special permits if you have big guns like the assault rifles ?

isn’t an assault rifle is like one of those big guns like Tony Montana’s little friend or that guy in Vegas who shot up that concert ?
"Assault is an action, not an object" - I forget where I heard that, but I like it. :D

The term "Assault Rifle" or "Assault Weapon" as used by 99.9% of politicians & the media is 100% WRONG.

They use it based solely on what a particular weapon LOOKS like, & nothing to do with it's capability.

For example... take these two... On top is the Ruger Mini-14. Below it is the poster-child for everything big, bad, horrible, & wrong with the 2nd Amendment, the much maligned AR-15 "assault rifle".


So, beyond the obvious looks, what's the difference?

In reality... nothing worth noting when it comes to the damage each is capable of. They fire the exact same ammunition. They are both semi-automatics with the exact same rate of fire (how fast can you keep cycling the trigger?). You can get larger magazines for the Mini-14 to give it the exact same capacity of the AR-15.

Yet, you'll always hear that the AR-15, & others like it, must be banned. While the Mini-14, is "just a hunting rifle" & is never mentioned in any "assault weapons ban".

Now, should you want a genuine military type, fully automatic, assault weapon. That you're not going to be able to get without a special licence. Fully automatic weapons have been banned from sale to the general public since 1934.

is it legal to own a big cache of guns ?
What's your definition of "big". More than 10? More than 20? More than 100?

While maybe technically not illegal, if you've got a warehouse full somewhere don't be surprised if the ATF comes nosing around wanting to ask a question or few. :D

That said, between myself, my brother, my father, my uncle & cousins, we probably have enough guns to start a revolution in many Central & South American countries.
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B. A. Baracus and the A-Team didn't carry AR15s...
What's really funny about that is they're "supposedly" using the full auto AC556. But, apparently they didn't have "movie prop" versions of 'em. So the actors are repeatedly pulling the triggers as fast as they can. They're Stainless Mini-14 GB-F (government barrel-folding stock).

If you watch one of those old episodes really close you'll notice that the number of ejecting spent casings & muzzle flashes don't exactly match up with the "full-auto" sound effect. :D
I liked George Peppard better in Banacek . They show awesome scenes of Boston in the 70's
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how many guns does the average chipper own ?
when one goes to shoot, do them shoot them all, or just one or two ?
is it legal to own a big cache of guns ?
do you need special permits if you have big guns like the assault rifles ?
how common is it to have a bar full of people with guns on their hip ?
like I said, in Boston they don’t just let you have a gun, and I've lived here my whole life, so I just don’t know About guns . I’m learning all kinds of stuff this week including that Grant looked like Willie Nelson on the history channel.

What’s the threshold of a “big cache”, this could be 10 for some. While 100s might not be to another.
I never really thought much about gun laws except for not caring if anyone had a gun as long as they didn’t shoot me.

I would encourage you to read up on some stuff and become more familiar with some of the extreme legislation being proposed in some areas. I think you'd be appalled.

isn’t an assault rifle is like one of those big guns like Tony Montana’s little friend or that guy in Vegas who shot up that concert ?

The term 'assault rifle' or 'assault weapon' literally means anything that can do damage or kill. The thing to ask yourself is what isn't an assault weapon when you think about it? When you consider it in those terms, what should be legal and what should be banned?

The Vegas shooter had legally owned sporting rifles. He modified them with what are called 'bump stocks', which basically turns a standard rifle into a de-facto full auto. They were legal at the time but have since been banned - and rightfully so IMO.

you have to clean guns after you go shooting ? Is that difficult? Necessary?

Yes, no and yes.

Most handguns and rifles are designed to be what is referred to as 'field stripped', meaning the main body parts (the upper and lower of an AR, or the slide and frame of a handgun for example) can be quickly and easily disassembled with no tools required. There are many videos on Youtube on how to field strip various guns. Cleaning them takes only a few mins each if you do it regularly. Firearms that are not cleaned regularly are prone to malfunctions.

They can be disassembled further but it usually isn't necessary unless you're performing some type of repair or upgrade.

I clean mine every time I shoot them just so it's easier and doesn't take as long. It probably isn't 'necessary' in the literal sense to clean them after only 50-100 rounds, but I do it anyway.[/quote][/QUOTE]
Not to get into the weeds with the “Assault Weapon”, but the history of the terminology is kind of interesting.

“Assault Rifle” and “Battle Rifle” are legitimate technical and historic military terms. The first signifies a select fire (full auto capable) rifle that fires a small or intermediate cartridge...namely the 5.56 NATO, 5.45 x39mm, or 7.62x 39mm. This type of weapon is typified by the M16/M4 and AK 47/74. A “Battle Rifle”signifies a weapon (select fire capable or semi) that fires a major rifle cartridge...namely the 7.62 NATO/.308.

“Assault Weapon“ is a completely manufactured political term to encompass ANY firearm deemed offensive to a certain political segment and give it an ominous sound. Prior to 1988 the term “assault weapon” didn’t exist. It was an invented term and it proliferation can be traced back to a specific 1988 memo originally published By the “Violence Policy Center” and authored by an anti gun activist Josh Sugarmann. It’s still available to view here
He writes:

Although handguns claim more than 20,000 lives a year, the issue of handgun restriction consistently remains a non-issue with the vast majority of legislators, the press, and public. The reasons for this vary: the power of the gun lobby; the tendency of both sides of the issue to resort to sloganeering and pre-packaged arguments when discussing the issue; the fact that until an individual is affected by handgun violence he or she is unlikely to work for handgun restrictions; the view that handgun violence is an "unsolvable" problem; the inability of the handgun restriction movement to organize itself into an effective electoral threat; and the fact that until someone famous is shot, or something truly horrible happens, handgun restriction is simply not viewed as a priority. Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons

Here is a surprising honest article that the NYTs allowed to print and hasn’t removed.

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