Guns you own (7 Viewers)

FYI, that Navy Seal video is kinda whack... lol.. they seemed to be making a comparison in order to support their assertions about 5.56. I mean, the idea they used “ball“ 9mm ammo in a +P Is ludicrous, especially when they start out by saying they’re testing ammo and walls in common HD situations. Ball 9mm ammo is designed to penetrate, and is a sucky round for SD or HD. And they used a SMG length barrel, which arguably would increase the FPS even more. A better comparison would be Ball 9mm vs HD self defense rounds ... shot from a pistol :). I can guess what I’ll be doing for the next half hour (searching youtube). Lol

Here’s the defensive rounds I use (cuz ppl asked for pics). They’re hot loads, but designed to deliver max stopping power. But I'm curious about over penetration of these loads, so i can’t wait to find some videos. I wouldn’t want to be hit with one. Regardless, there’s a huge, huge difference between 9mm ball and one of these loads.

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edited to include an interesting video (first one I found) comparing the above Critical Duty rounds to ball ammo. The results were interesting, and of course the ball ammo, performed as suspected. However, the CD ammo Didn’t frange as much as would have thought.

That was just one of the first video I saw in a search of YouTube. There are probably 100 of them all showing basically the same thing. I’m sure you can find a test that looks at what you want. That said you aren’t going to find many that show common jacketed lead core 5.56/.233 penetrating more

The point isn’t just that common handgun ammo and buckshot will penetrate multiple walls inside a house but that 5.56/.223 doesn’t do any worse and often penetrates LESS. A large segment of the population wrongly assumes the opposite demonstrated in this thread.
Most of the arguments against an AR for home defense are based on urban legends and dopey gun shop chatter. A legitimate argument against may be that a rifle is more difficult to secure and stage in a home where a pistol can go in a small lock box next to your bed. But if none of that mattered and you had an AR and a pistol sitting next to you as some dude started breaking in, it would be very unwise to grab a pistol over the AR.
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A legitimate argument against may be that a rifle is more difficult to secure and stage in a home where a pistol can go in a small lock box next to your bed. But if none of that mattered and you had an AR and a pistol sitting next to you as some dude started breaking in, it would be very unwise to grab a pistol over the AR.

ya, I Have 3-4 handguns within reach at night, but no AR (unless you count my .22lr version). As you stated, it’s a bit harder to secure. After recent posts ITT, I’m now toying with the notion of a shorty AR for HD.. I find the smallish nature of a weapon system allows me (my preference) to move quicker and be more agile clearing a space. I don't necessarily care for a long barrel in clearing residential Settings (with the exception of going in hot, direct to a known threat). If I lived on a large property, or expected a prolonged firefight, I’d consider an AR a much clearer choice. I still don’t have any issue recommending a handgun to someone Looking for a HD option. But obviously ammo choice and personal preferences play a big role.
I had a single rifle safe in my bedroom closet at the old house. I left it there when I sold the house, it was not worth the effort to remove it. I also have/had a nightstand safe. Realistically if it was middle of the night I would go for the nightstand safe first since it is right next to me.
ya, I Have 3-4 handguns within reach at night, but no AR (unless you count my .22lr version). As you stated, it’s a bit harder to secure. After recent posts ITT, I’m now toying with the notion of a shorty AR for HD.. I find the smallish nature of a weapon system allows me (my preference) to move quicker and be more agile clearing a space. I don't necessarily care for a long barrel in clearing residential Settings (with the exception of going in hot, direct to a known threat). If I lived on a large property, or expected a prolonged firefight, I’d consider an AR a much clearer choice. I still don’t have any issue recommending a handgun to someone Looking for a HD option. But obviously ammo choice and personal preferences play a big role.
Shorty ARs are a topic within themselves! I would recommend taking some time researching (if you haven’t already) reliability and terminal ballistics as you shorten a barrel. Also buffer and spring weight and gas port size. I chose 11.5” because it was the best trade off for my purposes. I want to suppress it so in the end the overall length will be close to a 16”.
Here is a great video. If you don’t already know Garand Thumb you should. Probably the best gun channel on YouTube. He is current military as a AF SERE instructor and some other stuff. He T&Es tons of weapons and does reviews.
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Something like this might be on my radar now Been happy with my BCM thus far.


Edited to add I don’t NEED an AR pistol or SBR, buuuut who really cares about “needs” on this site.
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@Old State i feel like you owe my wife an apology.. I’m now shopping for BCM rifles/pistols. She ain’t particularly agreeable.

But dont take this as an admission that you’re right. I’ll explore the HD aspect, but a very good friend, who knows slightly more than I about guns (been a cop for 20+ years and served for 10 years on SWAT for a large department) also owns a number of SBRs. He agreed with me his go to HD would be a handgun near his nightstand. Caveat that if the zombies started breaking down doors/windows, the SBRs would come out...
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@Old State i feel like you owe my wife an apology.. I’m now shopping for BCM rifles/pistols. She ain’t particularly agreeable.

But dont take this as an admission that you’re right. I’ll explore the HD aspect, but a very good friend, who knows slightly more than I about guns (been a cop for 20+ years and served for 10 years on SWAT for a large department) also owns a number of SBRs. He agreed with me his go to HD would be a handgun near his nightstand. Caveat that if the zombies started breaking down doors/windows, the SBRs would come out...
Haha. Well you are in Wisconsin so maybe you can find something local. Or better yet build it and buy shit in piecemeal so she doesn’t notice. Actually I don’t have any gun shops selling top quality ARs so I would have to order BCM parts. I’m was actually on there site last night looking at a stock and some other stuff for my recent 16” build.

As far as police and gun advice....I too have several friends and a cousin who are cops (one acquaintance is SWAT too). None of them are gun guys and I wouldn’t necessarily seek out advice from a police officer. The SWAT guy is the husband of my wife’s work friend and isn’t very interested in firearms all. Didn’t even know the brand of AR they were using and kinda seemed embarrassed that he didn’t when I asked. So I’m extremely skeptical of police and firearms recommendations. My two closest cop friends were asking me for advice when they bought their ARs!!! :tdown:

Sounds like your guy is different but I would be very interested in hearing the exact reasoning behind him recommending against the AR

The instructors I mentioned before (who all choose ARs for HD) train are the people SWAT and military units call to train there guys.....
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@Old State my buddy and I both enjoy firearms and shooting sports. But he takes it to a different level. He was hard core swat and in charge of selecting and testing rifles/weapons for his unit. He’s a FA and tactics instructor, teaching swat tactics, but this was probably like 7 years ago? More recently, He and I would go to the range and compete against each other in steel target drills, and I’d give him a Slight edge in ability, though on occasion I do come out on top (variance). He and I both competed in USPCA pistol competitions.

As for his reasons for preferring the handgun at home? Dunno. Probably proximity to his main gun safe and his bedroom handgun safe. He also has no problems moving and shooting effectively with a handgun.

Many cops I know, who can carry everywhere without restrictions, only carry occasionally. Guns fall into the “tool” category and there’s little fascination. It doesn’t surprise me about your swat buddy. My buddy doesn’t leave the house to grab the mail from his curbside mailbox without being armed. Ha ha.

I fall into the guns are tools category, but do carry more than avg, but not to my mailbox. :)
Ruger SR-9

And a Mosin Nagant WWII Soviet 7.62mm rifle. According to serial number it was made in 1941 so good chance it was used in WWII.

I’m pretty sure that anyone who used this rifle and survived WWII inevitably went deaf. Sounds like a damn cannon going off.
Ruger SR-9

And a Mosin Nagant WWII Soviet 7.62mm rifle. According to serial number it was made in 1941 so good chance it was used in WWII.

I’m pretty sure that anyone who used this rifle and survived WWII inevitably went deaf. Sounds like a damn cannon going off.

pictures or this is all blah blah blah. We want to see cool photos. :)

ok. Seriously cool guns and welcome.
I don’t know much about the .300 blackout. I haven’t really looked into it. I did go to my local gun shop on an errand (these guys do know their stuff, as I’ve shot with a number of them at USPCA shoots and all my ”knowledgeable“ friends recommend them).

My errand? to fund my new BCM by selling an old AR-15 A2 Sporter in .223. I rationalized it this: it’s been sitting in my safe for 28 years. In that time I’ve put less than two mags thru it. It’s not something I rush to shoot, and it’s not a practical or tactical weapon. It’s a safe queen. And it’s got some value.


My new AR will be 100% BCM build with the exception of the $500 Vortex Optics. 100% made in WI. BCM 11.5 Recce Mk2 in 5.56.

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I don’t know much about the .300 blackout. I haven’t really looked into it. I did go to my local gun shop on an errand (these guys do know their stuff, as I’ve shot with a number of them at USPCA shoots and all my ”knowledgeable“ friends recommend them).

My errand? to fund my new BCM by selling an old AR-15 A2 Sporter in .223. I rationalized it this: it’s been sitting in my safe for 28 years. In that time I’ve put less than two mags thru it. It’s not something I rush to shoot, and it’s not a practical or tactical weapon. It’s a safe queen. And it’s got some value.

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My new AR will be 100% BCM build with the exception of the $500 Vortex Optics. 100% made in WI. BCM 11.5 Recce Mk2 in 5.56.

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Well I’m happy and sad for you. I don’t think I would have been able to part with that Colt but I hope you got a lot for it. Colt stuff, especially models like you have have shot up in it’s a good time to sell....especially if Colt starts selling to the public again.
The BCM build will be great. Covid has driven up prices but I’ve seen “blem” BCM lowers for for under $300 sometimes before all this crap started.

Do you like to build And tinker with ARs? Are you on Facebook? If so you have to join School of the American Rifle. It’s a group started by the guy who runs this school
He also posts on YouTube as “Instructor Chad”. Tons of info you won’t find anywhere else. Highly recommended
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I don’t know much about the .300 blackout. I haven’t really looked into it. I did go to my local gun shop on an errand (these guys do know their stuff, as I’ve shot with a number of them at USPCA shoots and all my ”knowledgeable“ friends recommend them).

My errand? to fund my new BCM by selling an old AR-15 A2 Sporter in .223. I rationalized it this: it’s been sitting in my safe for 28 years. In that time I’ve put less than two mags thru it. It’s not something I rush to shoot, and it’s not a practical or tactical weapon. It’s a safe queen. And it’s got some value.

View attachment 462659

My new AR will be 100% BCM build with the exception of the $500 Vortex Optics. 100% made in WI. BCM 11.5 Recce Mk2 in 5.56.

Similar to this:

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That is a beautiful A2!!! I doubt I could sell it either. My last build is a budget A2 clone.
I realize people want to see more pics and less talk so I took some to share. Some of my non tactical pieces. Here are two I inherited from my Father in Law. The little Walther was supposedly taken off a German officer during WWII by his Dad and the Browning High Power he bought in 1969. He does NOT take care of things so I was shocked to see this in practically mint condition!

I hope you got a lot for it.

Selling mine on consignment. TBH it’s been for sale for one day. Tons of interest but no buyers yet. shop Said the range is 1500-2500, and mine is in particularly good condition. we listed in the middle of that range. But who knows what the market will bear locally. Id rather it stay local.
Selling mine on consignment. TBH it’s been for sale for one day. Tons of interest but no buyers yet. shop Said the range is 1500-2500, and mine is in particularly good condition. we listed in the middle of that range. But who knows what the market will bear locally. Id rather it stay local.
Well if you wanted another Colt that was tactical and were willing to go Form 4 for a SBR, these are still for sale somehow for $1300. Centurion Rail to boot! ;)
Still easier to build a pistol and if the ATF changes their mind Form 1s are being approved in 3-5 weeks with efile.

BTW, here is a great video on your Colt. Part 2 of 4 in a series Chris Bartocci put together on the Colt Sporter series. He is probably the world leading authority on everything Colt (AR) and wrote the books Black Rifle and Black Rifle II. He also used to work for Colt.
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From back when I shot NRA Bullseye circa 2001. I bought this pistol and sent it to the late great George Madore to be accurized. National Match bushing and Kart barrel were hand fitted and the slide was lapped. Front strap was checkered and all parts were tested for hardness and replaced and hand fitted if needed. Then the whole thing was polished and blued. The trigger is unreal and the day he test fired it, it shot a 1 and 5/16th inch group at 50 yards from a Ransom rest! This was when miniature red dot first came out and I had a mount made for it.
Here is an article about him


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So much good info, always try and keep up with skimming through this.

Probably won’t be picking up our first HD (or any) piece in Texas, but perhaps when kids are a little older and the next house :oops:
Looking for ideas for a lightweight, compact or sub-compact for carry when I run. Considering Sig P365 or Glock 43x at the moment. Any other initial ideas?
LCP 2 in belly band holster. I’ve done 8 plus mile runs without issues or printing. You’d be surprised how much road runners get f’d with.

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