...again, I’m not hating on the AR, but i have to wonder why the AR has surged so heavily in recommendations for HD. I cede it’s not a bad platform for some, given the right circumstances...
but consider this... ARs (and assault riffles in general) have gotten a bad rap in several active shooter incidents in recent years, and the gun control folks have come after it HARD core. It wasn’t until these attacks on gun ownership, and assault rifles, that we saw a huge surge to tout the AR as the ultimate HD platform. “See, we need assault rifles because they’re the best HD defense option”. The gun industry has pushed this premise HARD! Industry Experts abound, but I’m not completely sold that it’s the only, or even best option (and I have a wealth of my own experience and training).
Im firmly against the “this is the best” mindset, as everyone is different, and each situation is different. Love this debate though.

I’d argue that some of the pistol “discussions” in the above videos and such, understate the pros of using a handgun in a HOME self defense scenario. These same videos seem to gloss over the reality (likelihood) of a soccer mom pulling out an AR in the middle of the night, slinging it, and then clearing their homes like door kickers in Afghanistan....
In a real HD situation (at least the vast majority I’ve been involved with), the homeowner barricades themselves in a closet, or bedroom, hiding behind a bed, etc. they will use the gun as a last resort, if attacked. They aren’t normally charging through their house Tactically clearing.
The other aspect that troubles me with using a rifle, is the ease of bringing it on target in close quarter SD combat. This become easier with more training, but I still prefer the handgun in close quarters. Now, I’d argue that an offensive close quarters combat is different, and a rifle excels in this arena. But this is moving to the target in an aggressive manner.
Another aspect where the handgun excels is interacting with the environment. If you ARE exploring and clearing your home, you’ll need a free hand, whether on the phone with police, or to open doors, turn on lights, etc. this is harder to do carrying a rifle.