Guns you own (2 Viewers)

I like shooting them and I love the look of them. Why I don’t like shooting them - cleaning them sucks. I find cleaning a 1911 completely miserable.
Heh. I started this exact same way. Totally left 1911s and went to revolvers, then to Glock, then to the PPQ, and now.... Back to 1911s. With age, cleaning them has become alot more fun then the mess I used to feel.

No clue why, and can totally see why people would say nah with the system used with the striker fired.
Hey, as long as we are not on the subject. Best online vendors for ammo?
My local brick & mortar stores are getting way too expensive.
Specifically pistol ammo, 38 spec, 357 mag, 45 ACP
Unfortunately there is no one answer. You need to constantly look around. That said I’ve bought the majority of my ammo from
You need to always factor in shipping costs as that’s where they get you a lot. I would suggest following Mrgunsngear on Facebook. He used to always post great deals though the commies over there shut down gun pages a lot. You can post a motorcycle rider getting decapitated but try to post a good deal on a firearm related product and you get suspended.
Palmetto State Armory has good deal time to time and even Brownells with codes. However, now is not the best time to be ammo shopping. Two years ago was. Buy cheap and pile deep!
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I like shooting them and I love the look of them. Why I don’t like shooting them - cleaning them sucks. I find cleaning a 1911 completely miserable.

Exactly. It's a 110 year old design. Disassembly and reassembly drove me nuts. Classic look, obviously lots of history, but...
an air compressor makes short work of gun cleaning.. douse with solvents, scrub a little, let sit, spray away the gunk, oil... fun.

Pretty sure @TomC727 was referencing the mechanical aspect, as much as the actual scrubbing. I've never used an air compressor. You still have to wipe it down after spraying it, though, right? Make sure the solvents are gone?
1911s were my first handguns and I shot and cleaned them for years before I bought my first modern pistol. I honestly thing they are a lot easier to completely disassemble and clean. You can completely detail strip them without tools...except for the mainspring housing. You can also use brake cleaner on them without worry as they are all metal.

You need a punch to completely detail strip my M&Ps
Pretty sure @TomC727 was referencing the mechanical aspect, as much as the actual scrubbing. I've never used an air compressor. You still have to wipe it down after spraying it, though, right? Make sure the solvents are gone?

the solvents I use are typically Hopes #9. I use a toothbrush to Apply and scrub the Hoppes on the gun (grip internals and slide). I let it sit. Then I typically bore snake the barrel. Once dome, I take the grip or slide held in a shop towel, then air compressor blow off all the gunk and solvent, which gets caught up by the rag. the air pretty much dries off the gun parts, and then I apply oil, reassemble.
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any suggestions on suppressors for this? I want something light and quiet....Trash Panda? also what about optic?

Daniel Defense (DD)M4 PDW Pistol in 300 Blackout.

I'm thinking about the Holosun hs515gm red dot

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This is all great stuff - thanks. I’m warming to the idea of a different gun for self-defense but definitely want a 1911 for the range at a minimum (I just like the 1911s). Thanks for the article too - reading that now.

My options are somewhat limited as I drive between NC where I live and MA/NH/CT quite a bit for work. I don’t think I’d carry but I’d like the option and I know CT and I think MA have some pretty limiting restrictions around what you can own. I’ll have to research that a bit more.

I did some quick research when I was buying my first gun 6-7 years ago so take it with a grain of salt and do your own research but most of the gun/magazine restrictions in MA allow for things to be grandfathered in and as far as my research goes unless they changed the magazine it’s very difficult to prove when they were made. Most of the MA gun restrictions are actually consumer protection laws that don’t allow for gun shops/registered sellers to sell you certain firearms after 1990. The stupid loophole is that police can still get the latest restricted guns then sell them privately. I guess better than nothing but it’s still extremely silly imo.
any suggestions on suppressors for this? I want something light and quiet....Trash Panda? also what about optic?

Daniel Defense (DD)M4 PDW Pistol in 300 Blackout.

I'm thinking about the Holosun hs515gm red dot

The best bang for the buck has been the Aimpoint Pro since it came out. Brownells recently had them in stock for $420 with a code. That’s a great deal for a combat durable optic. Holosuns have been getting good review but I’m don’t have experience with them. I’ve been interested in an Eotech because I have an astigmatism but they have low battery life. Trijicon MRO is another option but they have known parallax issues. So for me it’s hard to justify anything else for the money

As for suppressors I’ve been researching for more than a year and I’m still uncertain. That said I keep getting drawn to the OSS Helix. The “flow through” design was greeted with skepticism at first but has had nothing but positive reviews for the last year. They also won an Army contract. The lack of back pressure and not having to deal with harsh cycling, fouling and gas in the face by using adjustable gas block has pretty much sold me.

Do you have a 5.56 as well or are you only suppressing the 300 BLK? Reason I ask is I intend to suppress 5.56 now and later 300 BLK and a 6.5CM. I’m looking at the 30 cal OSS in titanium because you can use it for both.

That said, if I only wanted to suppress 300blk some have said the OSS isn’t the quietest. Not sure if that it true or not. 5.56 doesn’t get really that quiet but sub sonic 300 can be really quiet so chasing decibels is a little more warranted. Some other options I’ve considered is the Dead Air Nomad and the Trash Panda. I liked that they are larger volume cans and try to deal with back pressure that way. The Nomad seem to perform a bit better than the Panda.
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The best bang for the buck has been the Aimpoint Pro since it came out. Brownells recently had them in stock for $420 with a code. That’s a great deal for a combat durable optic. Holosuns have been getting good review but I’m don’t have experience with them. I’ve been interested in an Eotech because I have an astigmatism but they have low battery life. Trijicon MRO is another option but they have known parallax issues. So for be it’s hard to justify anything else for the money

As for suppressors I’ve been researching for more than a year and I’m still uncertain. That said I keep getting drawn to the OSS Helix. The “flow through” design was greeted with skepticism at first but has had nothing but positive reviews for the last year. They also won an Army contract. The lack of back pressure and not having to deal with harsh cycling, fouling and gas in the face by using adjustable gas block has pretty much sold me.

Do you have a 5.56 as well or are you only suppressing the 300 BLK? Reason I ask is I intend to suppress 5.56 now and later 300 BLK and a 6.5CM. I’m looking at the 30 cal OSS in titanium because you can use it for both.

That said, if I only wanted to suppress 300blk some have said the OSS isn’t the quietest. Not sure if that it true or not. 5.56 doesn’t get really that quiet but sub sonic 300 can be really quiet so chasing decibels is a little more warranted. Some other options I’ve considered is the Dead Air Nomad and the Trash Panda. I liked that they are larger volume cans and try to deal with back pressure that way. The Nomad seem to perform a bit better than the Panda.
Thanks for the info. It will be fun to select my first optic!

I'm a new firearm owner and this is my first AR (4th Firearm). So i do not have a 5.56 (yet). I went with 300 Blackout (Pistol) because my main reason for this purchase was home defense. I like the short barrel and overall short length. Also have heard it said how horrible it must be have to fire an AR (especially indoors) without ear protection (in the case of home defense when you might not have time or access). So subsonic and suppressor seem like a perfect match here.

Also, for practice, the idea of shooting 30 rounds + of subsonic, 30 caliber ammo through a silencer was intriguing.

I don't know much about suppressors yet either, so i'm doing a bunch of online reading and research and watching lots of youtube. I have heard that most people who take the "universal" suppressor approach are usually disappointed and might as well "bite the bullet" and try to get the best match for each firearm they want suppressed.

I have heard good things about the Trash Panda, but will start to look into the Dead Air Nomad as well. I guess I should consider the DDWave since it is a DD firearm.

Exactly. It's a 110 year old design. Disassembly and reassembly drove me nuts. Classic look, obviously lots of history, but...

When I get a really nice 1911 I’ll probably have the same opinion, but the “cheapies” i have now are not “tight” like most people talk about. I can take it apart and put it back together without looking at it and I can’t fathom how anyone would ever put an idiot mark on their slide. And I also agree with another poster that working with them is much more mechanically satisfying than flipping a lever on my plastic guns. Like I say though, I know there is a difference between what I have now and what most people think of with they think of 1911s.

the solvents I use are typically Hopes #9. I use a toothbrush to Apply and scrub the Hoppes on the gun (grip internals and slide). I let it sit. Then I typically bore snake the barrel. Once dome, I take the grip or slide held in a shop towel, then air compressor blow off all the gunk and solvent, which gets caught up by the rag. the air pretty much dries off the gun parts, and then I apply oil, reassemble.

How do you all pronounce “hoppes”. I had always pronounced it like “hops”, then I heard someone who has been around a long time say out like “hop ees”.

Also, I use compressed air for almost everything in my life from cleaning cars to blowing farts at my buddies but I’ve always used it sparingly on guns. Unless you have an air dryer in line, or are using canned air, there is a TON of moisture in compressed air, I was always weary of introducing moisture at the end of the process. I know you said you oil, and my concerns are probably over blown, but I just had always chalked compressed air and guns up to a net negative. All that said though, I have absolutely used it to blow things out in the past.
How do you all pronounce “hoppes”. I had always pronounced it like “hops”, then I heard someone who has been around a long time say out like “hop ees”.

Straight from a Hoppes company video

Also, I use compressed air for almost everything in my life from cleaning cars to blowing farts at my buddies but I’ve always used it sparingly on guns. Unless you have an air dryer in line, or are using canned air, there is a TON of moisture in compressed air, I was always weary of introducing moisture at the end of the process. I know you said you oil, and my concerns are probably over blown, but I just had always chalked compressed air and guns up to a net negative. All that said though, I have absolutely used it to blow things out in the past.

I’ve been to many high end professional and law enforcement ranges, and most of the dedicated cleaning rooms have compressed air stations. I believe some concern revolves around aerosolized lead particles being blown around, but proper ventilation and room cleaning are in play. I’d say you’re probably ok using a compressor to clean Your guns
Thanks for the info. It will be fun to select my first optic!

I'm a new firearm owner and this is my first AR (4th Firearm). So i do not have a 5.56 (yet). I went with 300 Blackout (Pistol) because my main reason for this purchase was home defense. I like the short barrel and overall short length. Also have heard it said how horrible it must be have to fire an AR (especially indoors) without ear protection (in the case of home defense when you might not have time or access). So subsonic and suppressor seem like a perfect match here.

Also, for practice, the idea of shooting 30 rounds + of subsonic, 30 caliber ammo through a silencer was intriguing.

I don't know much about suppressors yet either, so i'm doing a bunch of online reading and research and watching lots of youtube. I have heard that most people who take the "universal" suppressor approach are usually disappointed and might as well "bite the bullet" and try to get the best match for each firearm they want suppressed.

I have heard good things about the Trash Panda, but will start to look into the Dead Air Nomad as well. I guess I should consider the DDWave since it is a DD firearm.

The nice thing about 300 is that it can be two guns in one with the change of a magazine. Supersonic gives you rifle ballistics but the unsuppressable sonic crack. Subsonic gives you almost movie quiet but with 45 cal pistol ballistics (a tiny but better).
This review just came out on the new Nomad titanium
any suggestions on suppressors for this? I want something light and quiet....Trash Panda? also what about optic?

Daniel Defense (DD)M4 PDW Pistol in 300 Blackout.

I'm thinking about the Holosun hs515gm red dot

Another vote for aimpoint pro. Tough to beat. I love Eotech myself, but I’ll be the first to admit the Aimpoint is better all around.

Also badass DD. Always wanted a 300 blackout
Another vote for aimpoint pro. Tough to beat. I love Eotech myself, but I’ll be the first to admit the Aimpoint is better all around.

Also badass DD. Always wanted a 300 blackout
I don’t know that the Eotech aren’t as good...just different. The donut dot reticle is very popular with some serious shooters and they are in use with some of the most elite military units in the world (As are several Aimpoint models) They also have zero parallax.

I just prefer Aimpoints because of the battery life. On a home defense weapon you can just leave it on...for years! 50000 vs 600 hrs battery life. For military and LE you can change just batteries before every mission so Eotechs may have more appeal there.
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I don’t know that the Eotech aren’t as good...just different. The donut dot reticle is very popular with some serious shooters and they are in use with some of the most elite military units in the world. They also have zero parallax.

I just prefer Aimpoints because of the battery life. On a home defense weapon you can just leave it on...for years! 50000 vs 600 hrs battery life. For military and LE you can change just batteries before very mission so Eotechs may have more appeal there.
Very true. I’m just thinking of it for the average Joe/home defense type use. Mostly due to the battery life and the fact that they are tanks. If there’s even a chance it could be the weapon of choice in a HD situation then aimpoint no question in my opinion
I have had my Aimpoint Pro since they first came out and have yet to change the battery (several years). It even works (dot can be seen) with the caps on still! Very useful feature when in a high stress situation.

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