Guns you own (7 Viewers)

Just recreational, its like suppressor vs silencer I guess.
Warning...gun nerd post here.....I know what you mean but the crazy thing is they were originally called silencers. Some designs were called mufflers. Modern shooting enthusiasts call them suppressors...including me since they really can’t truly silence anything.

PSA to clarify magazine vs clip for any non gun people reading this - the best way to think about it is that a magazine historically meant a place where ammunition was in Ft McHenry’s powder magazine pictured below. In guns it’s where the ammo is stored and fed from into the action. A clip is a device used to more easily put ammo into a magazine. For example, and M1 Garand has an internal magazine that the user can push a clip of 8 rounds into. The clip is flung out of the internal magazine on the last round. Stripper clips are usually used to push ammo into an external magazine...but also used for internal magazine bolt action rifles


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I love strippers. They're fast and fun to use. I always take a bunch of strippers to the gun range.
Mostly russian, but a few asian strippers too. Sometimes, if I am in the mood, I will take some british strippers with me, but my brother-in-law always takes them away from me. He loves the enfield :).
I love strippers. They're fast and fun to use. I always take a bunch of strippers to the gun range.
Mostly russian, but a few asian strippers too. Sometimes, if I am in the mood, I will take some british strippers with me, but my brother-in-law always takes them away from me. He loves the enfield :).
American strippers are garand! But be careful because they will bite your thumb if you don’t pull out quickly!
Warning...gun nerd post here.....I know what you mean but the crazy thing is they were originally called silencers. Some designs were called mufflers. Modern shooting enthusiasts call them suppressors...including me since they really can’t truly silence anything.

PSA to clarify magazine vs clip for any non gun people reading this - the best way to think about it is that a magazine historically meant a place where ammunition was in Ft McHenry’s powder magazine pictured below. In guns it’s where the ammo is stored and fed from into the action. A clip is a device used to more easily put ammo into a magazine. For example, and M1 Garand has an internal magazine that the user can push a clip of 8 rounds into. The clip is flung out of the internal magazine on the last round. Stripper clips are usually used to push ammo into an external magazine...but also used for internal magazine bolt action rifles

Yes - if we want to get technical about it I believe they are legally called silencers, per the NFA. Suppressors is a more accurate term IMO though, so I also call them that.

Enjoying the suppressor talk btw, I'm a ways off from buying one, but the info is nice to have.
Yes - if we want to get technical about it I believe they are legally called silencers, per the NFA. Suppressors is a more accurate term IMO though, so I also call them that.

Enjoying the suppressor talk btw, I'm a ways off from buying one, but the info is nice to have.
Suppressor is not only more accurate but also a less scary sounding name. What is frustrating about the NFA is that they put suppressors on it because of poaching on private property during the Depression. It had nothing to do with any criminal intent. In some countries they are unregulated and shooting ranges require them.
Can't wait to post here...

Done with chips, now on to the clearly way more expensive hobby of guns.

In Canada, gotta first take a firearms course. I did that back in September. Then the Federal Police do their checks, and I finally received my PAL (possession and acquisition license) to go and buy my first gun. I plan to buy 2 or 3. Definitely a pump action shotgun and some sort of a rifle. I'm a total newb. Ground zero.

I have a wife who likes guns and a brother in law with $100K into the things. Once I hook up with him, it should be a steep but welcome learning curve.
I had a friend of a friend come over to pick up some home brewing stuff on his way home from work. To do something during the wait, I was cleaning up around my reloading table. I was expecting a 15 min hello, here is the stuff, thanks and goodbye. He told me he was also a reloader but couldn’t find primers or ammo. My first thought was “i should ask if he has any Paulson poker chips and we could strike a deal”.
Persistence pays! After a few years of searching for the right one, my grail EDC is finally here....a vintage West German made Sig Sauer P228. Serial number dates this one back to 1991.View attachment 626520View attachment 626531
Huh, The town I live in is on the other side of the slide. I didn't relaize they had a facility in this town. I knew they have several factories in the towns around me, I did a few projects in their Portsmouth NH facility. The Sig academy is just up the road from my house as well.

They make those horrible Lindt chocolate ball candies here too
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Persistence pays! After a few years of searching for the right one, my grail EDC is finally here....a vintage West German made Sig Sauer P228. Serial number dates this one back to 1991.View attachment 626520View attachment 626531

wowser! I have one of those! I dont think mine is 1991 vintage, but it’s close. Looks identical. I have many rounds through that sucker. Mine might have some holster wear too... I think it’s currently one of my staged HD pieces.
wowser! I have one of those! I dont think mine is 1991 vintage, but it’s close. Looks identical. I have many rounds through that sucker. Mine might have some holster wear too... I think it’s currently one of my staged HD pieces.
This one will join my carry rotation once I put a few rounds down range to make sure it functions like it should and the sights are where they need to be. I have no doubt that it will not disappoint! I currently carry a Sig P220 compact in the winter months and pocket carry a S&W 442 in the warmer months when I’m wearing cargo shorts. The 228 should fill the gap nicely :cool

I prefer a 45 for HD and typically have my CZ 97B in my nightstand and a P226 almost always resides in Mrs. Baroo’s nightstand.

Apologies to the guy in the wheelchair...​

OK, So I'm at my local Farm and Fleet store... Perusing for various stuff, making the obligatory swing through the few empty ammo aisles... Of course, they're still empty (I even exchange a solemn knowing glance with another dejected shooter in the empty ammo aisle)... After snagging a few extra mags and some pepper spray (on sale), I am milling around aimlessly bored (not sure why I'm not heading to the checkout)...

Then I see it... my senses tell me something is happening, I need to investigate... I see some old guy on a mobility scooter talking with a sales clerk (IN THE AMMO AISLE)... So who cares, right? ...but then I notice the sales clerk is pushing a full cart full of boxes... Could this be? My senses reach out, and I overhear the old dude asking if they have pistol ammo, and they sales clerk says "yup"... In an instant I'm there... I'm now standing next to the clerk, and I ask if he happens to have any 5.56 (even a small box or two), and the clerk says yup! I'm like a cheetah, pouncing... I ask for it, and ask if there's a two box maximum, which the clerk confirms. As the clerk is unboxing a case marked "Winchester 5.56", As he opens the cardboard box, it reveals TWO boxes of 500rd Winchester 5.56 62gr ammo. I ask the price, and he scans a box, and says "two hundre... I exclaim I'll take my two box max, and I can hardly believe my luck.. I think the clerk as said $299 (or roughly $.60/rd), which is a steal! The clerk hands me one box, and is standing there about to get the second 500rd box for me...

However, enter the old man wheelchair guy... He zips up and exclaims he'd like the second box ...and out of fairness, I can see why the clerk would not want to allow one dude to snag all 1000rds of 5.56 (which probably only show up about once per month)... The old guy continues to look on, his eyes saying "give me the other box"... However, I shoot him a glance that says "bro, I will effing sparta kick your ass out of that chair"... And I calmly explain I need all 1000 rds for a rifle course I plan to attend in the near future (not 100% untrue). I explain that I'm sorry, but I expressed dibs.
It actually got kinda tense for a minute, and the clerk broke the tension by offering wheelchair dude 10% off his entire purchase for missing out on the ammo... After a minute, the guy zoomed off in his scooter, possibly in tears...

So I claim my spoils of war, place the ammo into the cart, and now I notice they have 9mm (Winchester white box) for $13/box... This also has a two box limit, so I snag two boxes of that... The old guy asks about .22LR and the clerk indicates he has some of that too... I ask how much, and the clerk says a decent supply (I later find out he's grossly underexaggerating his stock).. The 2nd clerk brings out a case of 2000rds of .22 (in 250rd boxes), I ask if there's a limit, and the clerk says not on the .22... I snag 1000rds (4 boxes), and I head to cash out... On the way, I text my posse, who all rush to the store to snag their limits on 9mm and more .22. I didn't push the issue on the .22 since I was feeling mildly guilty about the 5.56... But when my buddies started arriving and snagging .22 by the 1000's... I was informed they had entire pallets of the stuff, so one of my buddies grabbed me 2k more rounds.

The best part of the story is that when I checked out, I realized I misheard the original clerk, and the 5.56 was only $220/box, or $.46/round after tax.

So my final haul today:

1000rds 5.56 62gr @ $0.46/rd
100rds 9mm @ $0.26/rd
3000rds of .22 @ $0.06/rd


Apologies to the guy in the wheelchair...​

OK, So I'm at my local Farm and Fleet store... Perusing for various stuff, making the obligatory swing through the few empty ammo aisles... Of course, they're still empty (I even exchange a solemn knowing glance with another dejected shooter in the empty ammo aisle)... After snagging a few extra mags and some pepper spray (on sale), I am milling around aimlessly bored (not sure why I'm not heading to the checkout)...

Then I see it... my senses tell me something is happening, I need to investigate... I see some old guy on a mobility scooter talking with a sales clerk (IN THE AMMO AISLE)... So who cares, right? ...but then I notice the sales clerk is pushing a full cart full of boxes... Could this be? My senses reach out, and I overhear the old dude asking if they have pistol ammo, and they sales clerk says "yup"... In an instant I'm there... I'm now standing next to the clerk, and I ask if he happens to have any 5.56 (even a small box or two), and the clerk says yup! I'm like a cheetah, pouncing... I ask for it, and ask if there's a two box maximum, which the clerk confirms. As the clerk is unboxing a case marked "Winchester 5.56", As he opens the cardboard box, it reveals TWO boxes of 500rd Winchester 5.56 62gr ammo. I ask the price, and he scans a box, and says "two hundre... I exclaim I'll take my two box max, and I can hardly believe my luck.. I think the clerk as said $299 (or roughly $.60/rd), which is a steal! The clerk hands me one box, and is standing there about to get the second 500rd box for me...

However, enter the old man wheelchair guy... He zips up and exclaims he'd like the second box ...and out of fairness, I can see why the clerk would not want to allow one dude to snag all 1000rds of 5.56 (which probably only show up about once per month)... The old guy continues to look on, his eyes saying "give me the other box"... However, I shoot him a glance that says "bro, I will effing sparta kick your ass out of that chair"... And I calmly explain I need all 1000 rds for a rifle course I plan to attend in the near future (not 100% untrue). I explain that I'm sorry, but I expressed dibs.
It actually got kinda tense for a minute, and the clerk broke the tension by offering wheelchair dude 10% off his entire purchase for missing out on the ammo... After a minute, the guy zoomed off in his scooter, possibly in tears...

So I claim my spoils of war, place the ammo into the cart, and now I notice they have 9mm (Winchester white box) for $13/box... This also has a two box limit, so I snag two boxes of that... The old guy asks about .22LR and the clerk indicates he has some of that too... I ask how much, and the clerk says a decent supply (I later find out he's grossly underexaggerating his stock).. The 2nd clerk brings out a case of 2000rds of .22 (in 250rd boxes), I ask if there's a limit, and the clerk says not on the .22... I snag 1000rds (4 boxes), and I head to cash out... On the way, I text my posse, who all rush to the store to snag their limits on 9mm and more .22. I didn't push the issue on the .22 since I was feeling mildly guilty about the 5.56... But when my buddies started arriving and snagging .22 by the 1000's... I was informed they had entire pallets of the stuff, so one of my buddies grabbed me 2k more rounds.

The best part of the story is that when I checked out, I realized I misheard the original clerk, and the 5.56 was only $220/box, or $.46/round after tax.

So my final haul today:

1000rds 5.56 62gr @ $0.46/rd
100rds 9mm @ $0.26/rd
3000rds of .22 @ $0.06/rd

View attachment 635116
Jackpot homie!

I am paying essentially double that for all my ammo.
I am surprised you didn’t buy all 20,000 rounds of that .22lr.
It sells for .20/round or more up here.

Apologies to the guy in the wheelchair...​

OK, So I'm at my local Farm and Fleet store... Perusing for various stuff, making the obligatory swing through the few empty ammo aisles... Of course, they're still empty (I even exchange a solemn knowing glance with another dejected shooter in the empty ammo aisle)... After snagging a few extra mags and some pepper spray (on sale), I am milling around aimlessly bored (not sure why I'm not heading to the checkout)...

Then I see it... my senses tell me something is happening, I need to investigate... I see some old guy on a mobility scooter talking with a sales clerk (IN THE AMMO AISLE)... So who cares, right? ...but then I notice the sales clerk is pushing a full cart full of boxes... Could this be? My senses reach out, and I overhear the old dude asking if they have pistol ammo, and they sales clerk says "yup"... In an instant I'm there... I'm now standing next to the clerk, and I ask if he happens to have any 5.56 (even a small box or two), and the clerk says yup! I'm like a cheetah, pouncing... I ask for it, and ask if there's a two box maximum, which the clerk confirms. As the clerk is unboxing a case marked "Winchester 5.56", As he opens the cardboard box, it reveals TWO boxes of 500rd Winchester 5.56 62gr ammo. I ask the price, and he scans a box, and says "two hundre... I exclaim I'll take my two box max, and I can hardly believe my luck.. I think the clerk as said $299 (or roughly $.60/rd), which is a steal! The clerk hands me one box, and is standing there about to get the second 500rd box for me...

However, enter the old man wheelchair guy... He zips up and exclaims he'd like the second box ...and out of fairness, I can see why the clerk would not want to allow one dude to snag all 1000rds of 5.56 (which probably only show up about once per month)... The old guy continues to look on, his eyes saying "give me the other box"... However, I shoot him a glance that says "bro, I will effing sparta kick your ass out of that chair"... And I calmly explain I need all 1000 rds for a rifle course I plan to attend in the near future (not 100% untrue). I explain that I'm sorry, but I expressed dibs.
It actually got kinda tense for a minute, and the clerk broke the tension by offering wheelchair dude 10% off his entire purchase for missing out on the ammo... After a minute, the guy zoomed off in his scooter, possibly in tears...

So I claim my spoils of war, place the ammo into the cart, and now I notice they have 9mm (Winchester white box) for $13/box... This also has a two box limit, so I snag two boxes of that... The old guy asks about .22LR and the clerk indicates he has some of that too... I ask how much, and the clerk says a decent supply (I later find out he's grossly underexaggerating his stock).. The 2nd clerk brings out a case of 2000rds of .22 (in 250rd boxes), I ask if there's a limit, and the clerk says not on the .22... I snag 1000rds (4 boxes), and I head to cash out... On the way, I text my posse, who all rush to the store to snag their limits on 9mm and more .22. I didn't push the issue on the .22 since I was feeling mildly guilty about the 5.56... But when my buddies started arriving and snagging .22 by the 1000's... I was informed they had entire pallets of the stuff, so one of my buddies grabbed me 2k more rounds.

The best part of the story is that when I checked out, I realized I misheard the original clerk, and the 5.56 was only $220/box, or $.46/round after tax.

So my final haul today:

1000rds 5.56 62gr @ $0.46/rd
100rds 9mm @ $0.26/rd
3000rds of .22 @ $0.06/rd

View attachment 635116
Those prices are a good sign! Hopefully the end of this craziness is near
Those prices are a good sign! Hopefully the end of this craziness is near
Certainly not trying to burst your bubble... this particular store hasn't raised prices much at all. They're a big chain, but cater to small town country folk... They've kept the prices steady, but they sell out of stuff the instant they shelve it (if not before).

Jackpot homie!

I am paying essentially double that for all my ammo.
I am surprised you didn’t buy all 20,000 rounds of that .22lr.
It sells for .20/round or more up here.

My buddies snagged far more. From 4-8k rds each. I know folks could flip this for big $, but it wasn't about the money for me or my crew. We will use it, and none of my crew are the type that would flip it. I have some sense/desire to allow others the opportunity to snag some of this .22 ammo, which is why I limited my initial purchase. However, once I found out they had a pallet of the stuff, I snagged 2,000 more rds. :)
Certainly not trying to burst your bubble... this particular store hasn't raised prices much at all. They're a big chain, but cater to small town country folk... They've kept the prices steady, but they sell out of stuff the instant they shelve it (if not before).

My buddies snagged far more. From 4-8k rds each. I know folks could flip this for big $, but it wasn't about the money for me or my crew. We will use it, and none of my crew are the type that would flip it. I have some sense/desire to allow others the opportunity to snag some of this .22 ammo, which is why I limited my initial purchase. However, once I found out they had a pallet of the stuff, I snagged 2,000 more rds. :)
That’s nice to see. Thankfully I was able to get 1200 rounds of .223 and 1100 of .45 for $.15/rd when Walmart stopped selling and discounted. If I had found out about that a couple days earlier probably could have got more. That was my last ammo purchase and unfortunately I haven’t shot much since.

The 2012 craziness almost drove me out of shooting and I’ve never gotten back to where I was. Between carbine classes and IDPA I was sometimes shooting 1000 of ammo a month then and reloading for pistol. When reloading supplies got scarce I stopped IDPA too. I was starting to slowly get back into shooting more then this crap happened.
That's similar to my story. Prices are all over. I've seen guys in my IDPA club rush to buy 9mm for $1/rd and the next guy scores like this at 30c/rd. During the last shortage my son and I were shooting IDPA regularly, going through 1K plus a month and buying 3k-4k rounds every 90 days. We were lucky to have plenty on hand when both crisis hit so could stretch it out with reloading and doing more training with 22lr to save the 9mm for events. Lucky to not have had to pay crazy prices then or now.

I prefer rifle over pistol personally and that is much easer to keep up with for volume, supplies and reloading time.

Gotta keep Maria fed her diet of 88 rounds a month. :)
My SA-WW2 bench pic.jpg
That's similar to my story. Prices are all over. I've seen guys in my IDPA club rush to buy 9mm for $1/rd and the next guy scores like this at 30c/rd. During the last shortage my son and I were shooting IDPA regularly, going through 1K plus a month and buying 3k-4k rounds every 90 days. We were lucky to have plenty on hand when both crisis hit so could stretch it out with reloading and doing more training with 22lr to save the 9mm for events. Lucky to not have had to pay crazy prices then or now.

I prefer rifle over pistol personally and that is much easer to keep up with for volume, supplies and reloading time.

Gotta keep Maria fed her diet of 88 rounds a month. :)View attachment 636847
Beautiful classic!

One of the best sounds is that clip ejecting...

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