Royal Flush

Edit: New poker room at MGM Detroit is waaaaay better than before. They have probably a dozen tables (compared to about 8 before) -- although only 2 were running.

Overall, this rack is still in pretty good shape. The prior MGM rack was pretty bad at the end...maybe they knew they were moving and getting a new rack and didn't care about the bicycle tires.
So I had offered to pick up a few singles for a member looking to fill a rack. He shipped me one warped chip he had and asked me to trade it in and pick up 10 more. I started in the poker room, told the guy what I was doing (that I wanted to buy a rack and find the best 10 to take as souvenirs) and he said normally it wouldn't be a problem, but he didn't have a cashier, so he couldn't accommodate me. He suggested roulette or craps.
One craps table was running and it was full... I couldn't get close enough to ask if I tried. The Big Wheel was not running. There were 2-3 roulette tables running, but they all only had 120ish whites each...
I found a table with one player, waited until the dealer finished a payout, then asked, hoping to buy a barrel at a time, and he could buy the barrel back and color me up so his table wasn't without whites. Instead, he referred me to his pit boss.
Pit boss was super cool. I told him what I wanted. He first suggested the cage. Told me to buy a barrel of their "20 best whites" and the rest in reds, then I could return the whites to the cage if they weren't worth keeping, and use the reds to buy $10 at a time off the tables (there was probably 10 black jack tables running) each with probably $60 to $80 in whites in their racks). In the process of explaining this (and checking the whites at the roulette table I originally asked at), he asked me how long ago I was at the poker room. He said he saw the cashier coming back from break and called over there to make sure.
When I got back the poker room, a manager was already smiling and said he thought I'd be coming back after he got a call from Pit 17.
2 racks netted one mint chip and 9 pretty good (but dirty) ones that should clean up nicely. Tipped the cashier a buck and 10 more MGM $1's have been liberated. Got a few sideways looks from the players as I checked racks for flea bites.
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