I would say that's true for anyone considering specifically clay custom chips in the $3/chip range. Speaking personally, and recognizing that I am just one data point, my next set does not have the clay requirement.I don’t see Tina chips impacting CPC sales at all. I don’t think any person considering custom chips in the $2-$4 per chip range is swayed to the .50 per chip category.
So if we were to remove the $0.50/chip Tina option, the $3/chip CPC product offers the customization and quality that I expect at that price and in the absence anything else I would consider. I'm happy to pay that price.
But when we add back the $0.50/chip option, now I have a decision to make. It's not
versus $0.5
, it's $valueCPC/$3
versus $valueTina/$0.5
.I suspect that analysis to be true for a non-insignificant number of potential CPC customers, especially if they already have a clay set as their primary. That could certainly affect sales.