Hereford Club Cash Set Mockups (1 Viewer)


Full House
Nov 4, 2014
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This set is still at least 6 months to a year off, but I figured I would start getting some feedback.

First a little back ground, I grew up on a farm and my dad and grandpa raised purebred Hereford cattle until the mid 80's until we started using Angus bulls for breeding. Herein lies the idea for the name, and I think "Hereford Club" has a better roll to it than "Angus Club" Hereford bulls have a distinct look to their heads, that is the reasoning for using the bull head on the inlay.

I want these to have an old school look to them and looked at a lot of older chips to come up with base and spot colors, however I am not looking to replicate exact spot patterns, but I am not opposed to it either. The inlays will be black for the cash set, but I am thinking of having A and B sides. One side will be the bull head and smaller denom, the other side will have "Hereford Club" or "The Hereford Club" and a larger denom. I will also be hiring one of our designers to clean up my crude inlay

I think the H mold is a no brainer for this set, that said I love the MD50 and really like the scroll mold on my Rounders set. I only have a few old H mold chips and assume the new handles about the same as I really like the feel. The bonus of the the Scroll mold is the ability to have oversized higher denoms.

There will be a Tourney set hopefully about a year after this set.

As with any design thread I welcome any feed back or mockups you would like to offer, no color/spot choices are set in stone either.

Values are

Hereford Club Cash 1jpeg.jpg

Off to a good start. Like the backstory. I also like your colors, but the Purple and retro blue are close in color. Very busy looking 100 there, but I really like it.

Careful with the larger inlay on H mold. It doesn't always come out like you might expect. Courage and Redbelly have experience with this on other molds. Maybe someone else has tried oversize on H-mold.

From a stylistic view having different edge spots is great for a cash set. Your 1 and 5 use the same pattern and then you jump away from it. 2DS16 or 4DS16 would work to break things up a bit, but there are many options.

Have fun with your project!
Off to a good start. Like the backstory. I also like your colors, but the Purple and retro blue are close in color. Very busy looking 100 there, but I really like it.

Careful with the larger inlay on H mold. It doesn't always come out like you might expect. Courage and Redbelly have experience with this on other molds. Maybe someone else has tried oversize on H-mold.

From a stylistic view having different edge spots is great for a cash set. Your 1 and 5 use the same pattern and then you jump away from it. 2DS16 or 4DS16 would work to break things up a bit, but there are many options.

Have fun with your project!

All of this.

I think the monopoly set has oversized inlays and looks ok.

Also consider 312 for the $5? Was a pretty popular spot on $5s back in the day.

Love the 1/8 pie idea you have for the $100 will be interesting to see how it actually turns out.
Random thoughts:

H-mold is perfect for this theme. 1" oversize inlay should be fine.

Save the scroll mold for your tourney set (and get oversize upper denomination chips).

Something about the butterscotch chip bugs me.... maybe trade out the imperial for a lighter blue?

Don't like the blue $5 chip at all (too close in color to 25c chip, same spot pattern as $1 chip). I'd use a different color (retro green?) with white/tiger 312, 414, or 418 spots (see pic below for some suggestions).

Please don't lose (or change) that crazy-good hundo, this will be an awesome chip.

Love the name and mold choice, but I'm partial to Angus Club only because my dogs name is Angus. that is all, carry on, looking good so far
Thanks for the feed back so far. This was a cut and paste job on the inlay on my MAC, it is a PITA to use for these applications unless you actually want to purchase a program and install it. I don't yet, plus I am pretty computer stupid. I will be using the 7/8" inlay for these, which was part of the reason for a two sided inlay.

I have reservations on the $1 and $5 chips in this set as well, that was one of the reasons for the early mockup thread. The $5 I like but just not sure if it goes with the set, if I keep it I will change the quarter, which as you can tell is a direct ripoff of The MINT quarter in my avatar. This was the chip that started me in quest for a retro themed set, that said I don't necessarily have to use it.....I can always say the set was inspired by it, but most people will be WTF none of the chips look like it.

The $1 has been mocked up as light blue 414A with maroon spots, 414 arc yellow with light blue spots (think Sands $1 chip), 414A maroon with bright white spots, and I really like the 312 bright white with retro blue spots, trying to justify the 50c per chip premium on that as I weill be getting at least 200-300 made (I know what everyone is thinking). I felt butterscotch should be in here somewhere, and the $1 made the most sense at the time. The maroon base chip was also dark next to the $5, more than likely whichever chip doesn't make this set will probably appear in the touney set (was thinking 3V12 spot pattern or 614)

The hundo is a take on the Nevada Club Reno TRK twenty, yes it is a level 9 pattern but WTH. I will be hard pressed to change it, but I anything is possible.

Other mocks i had off the top of my head:

1/4 pie mandarin/black NCV/25c/$5 (direct ripoff) of Albino Dragon's California Club chip
314/414 charcaol/ DG peach NCV/25c ( similar to another quarter produced on CSQ recently, krony's i believe)

My only advice is to get the spots you want, save your money and get the level 4, 5 6 etc spots you want. Dont rush to put together your set based on dollar amount.
Some quick thoughts on the inlay which sounds like it's still a WIP:

- For my taste, the head is a little large and the denoms are too small. I think some experimentation with resizing/placement could yield some better looking setups. Also, Adobe illustrator has 1 month free trials if you're looking for a good program to use.
- This set is screaming to me for a color coordination between the inlay and chip color. I think most recent examples of that I've seen do this have all been winners. Doesn't have to be major, but some little connection between the inlay and chip goes a long way

Other thoughts:
- love the hundo. It's wild.
- the spot progression is just a little too all over the place for me. You touch on three spot sizes 12, 14, 16, and three orientations 3xx 2xx 4xx. I think you can do all that but as long as it's a a little more cohesive or logical progression.

Love the concept overall. These will be sweet.
Yes this set is still a WIP, I really won't have time to do anything with it till after the turn of the year. I will hire a designer when the time comes for sure as I have zero artistic talent. I have revisited the lower denoms, may still do a spot progression as well, and may move to the Hundo to the twenty, as I want to see them on the table as much as possible, and get plaques made for the hundo's. as far as color matching I would love to but with the dark inlay and my more muted colors I'm not sure if it would work very well.

alternate 5c/NCV

Herford Club 5c,25c,1,5a.png

Again I welcome any additional comments

one more since I had a little time to play around
Herford 1:4 c.png

alternate 5c/NCV
alt $5

If I start at a 214 spot the five will be a 614 and I would probably go with a maroon/bright white 414a $1 and move the 614 purple/yellow to the $5
Great idea Rowdy :-). At first I was thinking - Wow, cool, a Special Air Service (SAS) themed set - "The boys from Hereford", but the cow thing is good too ;-).
OK so a little update:

I talked to my dad who doesn't have much interest in poker chips, but loves nostalgia, and he said he had a pretty good idea where some old stationary was and wanted to know if I wanted to maybe use the images. Of course! so I waited and waited for him to find it, so while I was home I offered some assistance in looking. and Viola! We found some old certification books from the breeder that my grand father originally bought bulls from in the 50's, 60's, and 70's. My parents actually bought said breeder's farmhouse after he passed away in the 80's, and dad found them stashed in a crawl space. Here are the certificates and some Auction booklets from way back:

Sylvan Hereford Auction 1947.jpg
Sylvan Hereford Auction 1948.jpg
Scan 160190014.jpg
Thorp Auction 1965 a.jpg
Thorp Auction d.jpg
Hereford Certificate 1.jpg
Hereford Certificate 2.jpg

He said he thought there might be some more stuff at my grandpa and grandma's house but it would take some time to sift thorough a lot of stuff to find them. I am thinking I will use the less "cartoony" of the head images off of the certificates when the time comes, the image I took off of the internet is actually pretty close.

Here are my latest mockups,

Hereford Club Revised w inlays.jpg

And some possible alternates

Hereford Club Revised alternates.png

Hoping these are ready to submit this summer depending on fundage

Comments welcome as usual
I think that American Hereford Association Seal at the bottom belongs on something. Might be cool to put that on the back? Or maybe just as a Dealer button?
Thanks for the comments guys. @PokerChipsDesign that inlay looks really good. I may just have to contact you in the near future.

I have been toying with idea of doing away with the arc yellow $20 and make the $100 the $20, then more if them can get on the table.
I think that American Hereford Association Seal at the bottom belongs on something. Might be cool to put that on the back? Or maybe just as a Dealer button?
Funny the "SEAL" looks like the lines in the S could be shifted just slightly to read "DEAL" then copy the e over again and not sure what to do about figuring out the r but someone with design skills could probably do it very easily.
With the death of several GB's and the recent brighter colors being offered from CPC. This set may finally start to take form (after 2 years since the first post ITT), it will also require me to sell a set that I have planned several custom plaques to go with, but will free up the funds to make this happen

I have moved to the HHR mold now, and think I will go for a brighter set than originally conceived. The $100 from post #1 will now be a $20 and I will probably go with a plaque foe the $100. also looking to make a limit set with 25c and $1's, I will probably order 1000-1200 of one of these denoms with the first order, and Hopefully order the other set later. Originally had Mapes $5 knockoff but it seems to be losing its appeal to me lately, not 100% sure why. I'm just starting to spitball again here so fire away.

Hereford Club D.png

as you can see I like blue, I don't really like green chips. If I drop the tiger $5 I may go back to the butterscotch/black or red/black quarter pie chip for nickel/NCV. I know the pink chip is a knockoff of the outpost quarter, the rest are spots and colors really like.

potentially the canary could be a 25c or $1 depending on which way I go.

Lemme know what you guys think
Love the pink chip. Is that for the 25c? What stakes at limit will you play, 50c/$1?

You could try blue for the spot as well, as I think it will provide an awesome contrast without being too dark. I had a similar (read exactly the same) idea for a limit set with the 'outpost' pink as the work horse :-). I think Dr Strange agreed that the blue might match better than retro blue.

The DG Peacock and maroon is also a winner (y) :thumbsup:

I don't like green either, so the canary yellow would go nicely with this set I reckon.

Very keen to see how these turn out mate.
Cool theme. Thought this was a Ronin reference when I first saw the thread title...

"What color is the boat house at Hereford?!?!?"

:eek::LOL: :laugh::D
Love the pink chip. Is that for the 25c? What stakes at limit will you play, 50c/$1?

You could try blue for the spot as well, as I think it will provide an awesome contrast without being too dark. I had a similar (read exactly the same) idea for a limit set with the 'outpost' pink as the work horse :). I think Dr Strange agreed that the blue might match better than retro blue.

The DG Peacock and maroon is also a winner (y) :thumbsup:

I don't like green either, so the canary yellow would go nicely with this set I reckon.

Very keen to see how these turn out mate.
Limit games will be .50/$1, $2/$4, and maybe $3/$6. We used to play dealers choice and NLHE, but now everyone is more financially spread out with families and other obligations. we haven't played for a couple of years and the general consensus is they want to keep buyins under $100 for the most part, so I brought up the idea of playing limit games with them and everyone wants to play again. My wifes family only plays nickel 7 card stud so I need several racks of nickels/NCV chips for that game...this will most likely be the pink chip.

Interesting thoughts on the blue, I'll have to get someone to confirm colors and see which is closest.

Cool theme. Thought this was a Ronin reference when I first saw the thread title...

"What color is the boat house at Hereford?!?!?"

:eek::LOL: :laugh::D
Haven't seen Ronin yet, so now you have my interest peaked
here are few more mocks have been looking at. I noticed that it appears @Ronoh has this 414 maroon base as his secondary $1 now....I don't like the idea of duplicating another custom chip...

NCV, 25c, $1, $5, $20
Hereford Club G.png
Hereford Club E.png
here are few more mocks have been looking at. I noticed that it appears @Ronoh has this 414 maroon base as his secondary $1 now....I don't like the idea of duplicating another custom chip...
That's kinda silly IMO. If you come up with something you like and want, go for it. If it's already been done you simply get additional information in being able to see what the final product will look like :)


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