History of Big Top Poker Chips (1 Viewer)

So you're saying, if the feds searched your emails, texts, and bank records, they would find:

1) No evidence of any communication between the scammers and the casino owner before the chips were purchased from Paulson;

2) No evidence from the graphic designer that the scammers were involved in the design;

3) No evidence from any bank records that the scammers paid for any chips? You're saying thousands of chips were "gifted" because the scammers drove a few hours to New Hampshire?
You must be fun at parties...
He’s got hours, not days, here anyway.

Michael Biehn Wtf GIF by GritTV
This thread is so confusing LMAO.

Maybe i'm dense, but someone please help me understand:
1. If I am Paulson, and I don't sell chips to individuals, only casinos, and..
2. Somehow an individual (not a casino, as @BarbaraBooey143 is claiming) were to get Paulson to agree to sell their chips to them...

Where is the crime? Seriously, if the sale happened, wouldn't it be safe to believe that Paulson either 1)didn't care or 2)did some due diligence as to whether the chips were being sold to a legitimate business?

And just for fun 3)DIDN'T WE JUST SEE one of the greatest chipsets of all time get produced and sold here without having been affiliated with an actual casino? I really don't get it. If Paulson wants to say they don't sell to individuals, and then deliberate sell to individuals, GOOD FOR THEM! What the heck is the argument here lol.

Bottom line, if the scammers lied to Paulson, then they are liable. If they told the truth, they're fine.
Are they still scammers if they told the truth?

Like I said, if there was no communication between the scammers and the casino owner before the purchase, no communication between the scammers and graphic designer, and no bank records showing that the scammers supplied the original funds for the purchase... They have nothing to worry about!
This thread is so confusing LMAO.

Maybe i'm dense, but someone please help me understand:
1. If I am Paulson, and I don't sell chips to individuals, only casinos, and..
2. Somehow an individual (not a casino, as @BarbaraBooey143 is claiming) were to get Paulson to agree to sell their chips to them...

Where is the crime? Seriously, if the sale happened, wouldn't it be safe to believe that Paulson either 1)didn't care or 2)did some due diligence as to whether the chips were being sold to a legitimate business?

And just for fun 3)DIDN'T WE JUST SEE one of the greatest chipsets of all time get produced and sold here without having been affiliated with an actual casino? I really don't get it. If Paulson wants to say they don't sell to individuals, and then deliberate sell to individuals, GOOD FOR THEM! What the heck is the argument here lol.
It’s a Paulson policy. Not a law. And true, they don’t sell to individuals.

But they do sell to companies. If you have a company and a decent reason, call one of their reps and put an order in.

Just remember the semantics - they don’t sell to individuals.
The notion that Paulson/GPI doesn’t fully realize that such orders are placed by and for chippers strikes me as just silly.

I’d bet they’re making the chips knowing full well where they're headed.

Are we supposed to believe that no one from the company has ever stumbled upon (let alone participated in) this site? Or seen chips from these sets on eBay? Please.

Cruises and cardrooms are just useful and necessary fictions for all parties to assert plausible deniability if anyone ever complained. Which they haven’t.

And anyone who in theory did ever complain (such as a casino) would have to demonstrate how the sale uniquely harmed them, which would be essentially impossible.
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@BarbaraBooey143 Why the F would you come to a site like this and start intentionally trying to antagonize the good members, many whom consider others on here friends? We visit each others homes, meet each others families, care for each other. Are you that pathetic that you have nothing better to do? Were you raised to be this way? If so, then your parents not only failed you, they failed the rest of society! Your in a public forum, act better than you currently are, or, see yourself out.
It’s a Paulson policy. Not a law. And true, they don’t sell to individuals.

But they do sell to companies. If you have a company and a decent reason, call one of their reps and put an order in.

Just remember the semantics - they don’t sell to individuals.
Ok, so I understood correctly.
The notion that Paulson/GPI doesn’t fully realize that such orders are placed by and for chippers strikes me as just silly.

I’d bet they’re making the chips knowing full well where they're headed.

Cruises and cardrooms are just useful and necessary fictions for all parties to assert plausible deniability if anyone ever complained. Which they haven’t.

And anyone who in theory did complain (such as a casino) would have to demonstrate how the sale uniquely harmed them, which would be essentially impossible.
And this is my point. There are no laws being broken. It's more likely intellectual property or security measures that creates the need for Paulson to institute the no individuals rule.

I don't understand why anyone would be so bent out of shape over something that only matters if a casino made a claim against Paulson.

@BarbaraBooey143 do you work for Paulson?
The notion that Paulson/GPI doesn’t fully realize that such orders are placed by and for chippers strikes me as just silly.

I’d bet they’re making the chips knowing full well where they're headed.

Cruises and cardrooms are just useful and necessary fictions for all parties to assert plausible deniability if anyone ever complained. Which they haven’t.

And anyone who in theory did complain (such as a casino) would have to demonstrate how the sale uniquely harmed them, which would be essentially impossible.
The WSOP would like to speak with you :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:


Aren’t WSOP chips retired after each year they are used?

And how many years has it been since the ES chips were commissioned? If someone had a problem with them, wouldn’t we have heard by now?

Plus there are countless “tribute” sets showcased or commissioned via this site, closely (but not completely) following others’ designs. Have any of them ever resulted in legal action? Sincere question.

(Note: I’ve never been involved with commissioning or funding a set made by GPI. I’m just an incredulous observer of this thread.)
Dude shows up to a forum where he's been a lurker for a year and a half and announces that he has spent that time intentionally downloading evidence of what he thinks is fraud by other users, just in case an opportunity arises to cash in. When called out on this scummy behavior, he replies:
So you're saying, if the feds searched your emails, texts, and bank records, they would find:

1) No evidence of any communication between the scammers and the casino owner before the chips were purchased from Paulson;

2) No evidence from the graphic designer that the scammers were involved in the design;

3) No evidence from any bank records that the scammers paid for any chips? You're saying thousands of chips were "gifted" because the scammers drove a few hours to New Hampshire?

Bottom line, if the scammers lied to Paulson, then they are liable. If they told the truth, they're fine.

Nobody cares enough about you to send you to jail. But I'd happily testify for free.

Like I said, if there was no communication between the scammers and the casino owner before the purchase, no communication between the scammers and graphic designer, and no bank records showing that the scammers supplied the original funds for the purchase... They have nothing to worry about!
And somehow he expects any of this scumbaggery to persuade anyone to his side.
@BarbaraBooey143 Why the F would you come to a site like this and start intentionally trying to antagonize the good members, many whom consider others on here friends? We visit each others homes, meet each others families, care for each other. Are you that pathetic that you have nothing better to do? Were you raised to be this way? If so, then your parents not only failed you, they failed the rest of society! Your in a public forum, act better than you currently are, or, see yourself out.

My parents taught me to not brag about my crimes on the internet.
Aren’t WSOP chips retired after each year they are used?

Plus there are countless “tribute” sets showcased or commissioned via this site, essentially (but not completely) following others’ designs. Have any of them ever resulted in legal action? Sincere question.

The government doesn't have to prove Paulson was damaged to convict the scammers for fraud.
And somehow he expects any of this scumbaggery to persuade anyone to his side.
Prediction of next reply: "I don't care if it persuades anyone," followed by another tone-deaf diatribe that amounts to "If you don't want trouble, don't break the law."

And he still won't get it, because apparently he's incapable of getting it.
Aren’t WSOP chips retired after each year they are used?

Plus there are countless “tribute” sets showcased or commissioned via this site, essentially (but not completely) following others’ designs. Have any of them ever resulted in legal action? Sincere question.

As for legal action, I've no idea, but if I recall correctly, the WSOP swapped out the above chips more or less as a direct result of the ESST sets. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Aren’t WSOP chips retired after each year they are used?

Plus there are countless “tribute” sets showcased or commissioned via this site, essentially (but not completely) following others’ designs. Have any of them ever resulted in legal action? Sincere question.

The issue isn't that the scammers copied someone's design. They lied.
If you obtain property under false or fraudulent pretenses, you have committed wire and/or mail fraud and are subject to 20 years in federal prison and/or a fine not to exceed $250,000.
Ok. What are the false and fraudulent pretenses here?

The issue isn't that the scammers copied someone's design. They lied.

If I go to a hardware store and buy a hammer, saying I need to hammer some nails at my home in Texas, and then I go across state lines and use my hammer for a doorstop instead, and never ever hammer any nails with it, did I just obtain property under false pretenses?

As for legal action, I've no idea, but if I recall correctly, the WSOP swapped out the above chips more or less as a direct result of the ESST sets. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

If so, why would GPI have made these? Clearly their designers and other production staff would instantly recognize any similarity, understand any alleged consequences of making them, and stop the presses if it were problematic.
My parents taught me to not brag about my crimes on the internet.

Is someone trying to make it to the top of Tommy’s most ignored list or is this just ChatGPT? Some new Trollbot soon to be hawking Trollcoins? Someone looking for the Politics subforum? Oh well. I’m not sticking around to find out :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Ok. What are the false and fraudulent pretenses here?

If I go to a hardware store and buy a hammer, saying I need to hammer some nails at my home in Texas, and then I go across state lines and use my hammer for a doorstop instead, and never ever hammer any nails with it, did I just obtain property under false pretenses?
Death penalty ldo.
The issue isn't that the scammers copied someone's design. They lied.

Did they lie? I don’t know that. If they incorporated a business or submitted an order via an existing business, and GPI did not require any enforceable legal affirmation of what kind of business it was, or other promise of how the chips would be used, and what penalties would result if violated, where was the lie? What contractual obligations were stated up front that you think were violated?
My parents taught me to not brag about my crimes on the internet.
You're assuming that crimes were committed, they may very well have not been. If, IF, a crime was committed would that give you the right to commit your serious breach of etiquette? I can't imagine any respectable parent being proud of you. Sad.
If you obtain property under false or fraudulent pretenses, you have committed wire and/or mail fraud and are subject to 20 years in federal prison and/or a fine not to exceed $250,000.
My parents taught me to not brag about my crimes on the internet.
Which leads me to believe that these others haven't committed any crimes. They've also confirmed they haven't soooooooo.... lmao
The issue isn't that the scammers copied someone's design. They lied.
It has already been proven that these scammers you are referring to don't exist. You keep saying "if this...." "if that..." But you weren't there. I don't care about your opinion. My only question to you is why you care so much? Seriously. Do you work for a casino? Paulson? Are you jealous of those who have these chips? No more accusations. What is your bias to continue to post messages?

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