SOLD Horseshoe Southern Indiana Sale Thread (19 Viewers)

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Last night, I cleaned a bunch using a natural bristle nail brush. The bristles are extremely thin, and get into even the hook of the cane very easily. A drop of dish soap and light scrub in the palm of my hand...goes very quickly.
if done right at right temps per color and time in bath US shouldn't fade it
Even at 30s in cool to luke warm water with the least amount of TSP, there's always fading. I've never been able to avoid it. But that's fine. Oiling them gives me extra skin-on-chip contact so they know who their daddy is.

What's your oiling technique? water/oil?
"Compression"; or a variation of it where I lovingly caress every chip with the smallest amount of oil possible.
"Compression"; or a variation of it where I lovingly caress every chip with the smallest amount of oil possible.

I picture mood music and dimmed lighting..

re: the Ultrasonic fading the color, IMO chips out of the US look almost identical to a brand new chalky Paulson in that all of the oils (hand, food, hooker juice, etc.) are not on the chip.

Oiling the chips after doing the ultrasonic properly (right temp, proper amount of cleaner, proper amount of time) brings them to the same color as a brand new oiled chip.

I was VERY cautious when using the US and think my chips came out great.
Even at 30s in cool to luke warm water with the least amount of TSP, there's always fading. I've never been able to avoid it. But that's fine. Oiling them gives me extra skin-on-chip contact so they know who their daddy is.

I was under this impression as well from my own past testing but I never had both mint and used chips of same denom before this sale. The US did not fade any denoms we cleaned in fact the used chips that were cleaned were still a shade darker than the mint ones when completed. We did very mild solution for 2min at 40C which is like 104 degrees so a little more than body temp. I'm still not 100% sold either way so I always just test a chip or 2 and see if I like the results first before US the lot.

I wonder if when done properly it is not fading but actually restoring closer to orig color which may very well look like fading. More tests needed I guess but I am done for now. Easy answer just buy new chips :tup:

Edit @seyff45 and I did this together so we are sharing same results in different words ...
I’ve been cleaning the used $25s with dish soap and the brush, and have found no need for oil when they’re done. They aren’t faded at all...I even oiled one to see if it did anything, and couldn’t tell it from the non-oiled chips. Might be different with another color chip, dunno.
Is anyone cleaning the new and/or secondary chalky chips with water (or soap/water)? Just curious.
also you will notice you will get a musky yellow color on rag after doing blaze orange chips ( 25s 500p ) so always rinse the rag in-between each rack you do, I'm more ocd so it may not bother you
Yeah, at 3:00 I was surprised to still get a rack of the secondary fracs. Got the primary with my first bunch.

you might have stole mine. Lol
I put it in then had to prove I wasn’t a bot! Of all the times.
then I put in for mint snappers and had another snag.
I need a new computer now since I punched it in the face lol
Just kidding.
The thrill of the chase!
Lol sorry, I had to do the bot thing too, but I had it all loaded up and ready to do and just clicked send at 3 and 0 seconds (then the bot thing)
How did you load up your cart before the sale links were available?
The links went live at 2:00 p.m. at 3:00 p.m. all of the restrictions were gone so I guess you just loaded them up and waited for 3:00 p.m. to hit.
Oh! Right, yeah, I was thinking the sale started at 3 in some relevant time zone.
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