There are 2 different forms. One is an “inquiry” into missing mail, “Find Missing Mail” which is basically just asking them to look around and see if they can find it. All you need is a tracking number and the recipient address. They may request sender address later on if needed.
The second is a legitimate missing mail form. Where you are pretty sure it’s lost and possibly not recoverable. They recommend you do the first option before you resort to the second. You’ll see why in my case. I’m sure a real missing mail report would’ve taken much longer.
That’s the vibe I got from skimming their website. I just had a USPS package that was rather large get held up for about 2 weeks with absolutely no update, like yours “Moving Through Network”. I filed the inquiry and within 2 days I got a call from Alvin @ USPS who said he will be at my door in 15 minutes with my package.
Hope is not lost yet
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