First car, driving a little too fast around a bend in the road and almost hit a car that was 70% in my lane. I shoot off the road to avoid the head on collision and manage to pull it back on the road. Unfortunately, the car is now spinning and then the right front tire blows. This makes the wheel dig into the road and flip the car in the air where it flipped 2-3 times and crashed upside down crushing the passenger side of the car. I vividly remember my death grip on the steering wheel and slamming on the brake while I was flying thru the air to the sounds of the Beach Boys ... "and she'll have fun, fun, fun till her daddy takes her T-Bird away" ... I was not driving a T-Bird. I was also not wearing a seat belt. I don't really remember the impact, but I do remember laying face up on the roof of the car surrounded by broken glass. I could still hear the wheels spinning over the sounds of the Beach Boys, so I reached up and ejected the cassette tape and it landed next to my head. Then I smelled and felt gasoline so I crawled out the broken window and hobbled to the side of the road. I came out with only minor cuts and bruises.
Landscaping job in high school. All of a sudden I start itching like crazy. Apparently, I had stepped in fire ants. I did not realize I was allergic to them. I started swelling up and having difficulty breathing. My supervisor rushed me to the hospital where the ER docs said I was lucky to get there when I did. Found a new job in a pizza place instead.
Out camping with high school friends, when someone got the bright idea to go toss eggs at other campers. So we jump in my friends Jeep and hit the first few campsites uneventfully. However, the next camp site started shooting at our Jeep as we sped away. I heard bullets hit the Jeep and later found a bullet hole in the leg of my bell bottom jeans.
Drunk escapade in college. My room mate had a fire extinguisher that we would fill with water and pressurize it to use in water fights in the dorm. One night we were driving around when he hoses down some guys in a pickup truck. They spun around and chased our car over curbs, thru yards, and thru traffic for at least 10 minutes until we finally lost them. I was sure they were going to kill us. The next day, my friends car had all four tires slashed and a window broken.
Also in college with my girlfriend (now wife) in the car. We were the first car stopped at a railroad crossing with the lights flashing but no crossing gate down. We waited for a minute or two and did not see any trains. I thought I looked both ways but I apparently did not see the train. I started across the tracks when all of a sudden there is a huge bright light and a blaring horn speeding directly at us. I had no time to react and barely made it across the tracks. I pulled to the side of the road and shook and cried for several minutes.
In veterinary school on equine rotation. The professor asked us our learning goals for the rotation and I said, "pass without serious injury." He didn't like my attitude, but I had no intention of ever treating horses. Late one night on an emergency call, I am working on an allegedly sedated horse lying on its side when I get kicked at the very top of the sternum. Just a little higher and my throat would have been crushed.
A few years ago, I apparently blacked out getting out of bed and fell and hit my head. I remember a feeling of nausea that made me think I was going to vomit so I jumped out of bed to rush to the bathroom - that's the last thing I remember. I don't remember falling or hitting my head. I awoke sometime later in a puddle of blood. Apparently I got up too fast and had a syncopal episode. The puddle of blood was a good 18 inches wide. I felt the back of my head and could feel a big knot and a gash. Unfortunately, my wife was out of town and only my 10 year old son was home. I got dressed and drove myself to the hospital. The ER nurse thought I had been shot because there was so much blood. The ER docs thought I was drunk or high until I explained what I thought had happened. They did blood tests, X-rays, and a CT scan and found no serious injuries other than the gash in my head. They sutured the wound and said I should stay in the hospital for a few days. I signed myself out against medical advice and went to work instead. I still have some residual effects and sometimes repeat myself. I still have some residual effects and sometimes repeat myself.