How do you guys feel about people copying your custom themes/chip names/designs/etc? (3 Viewers)


May 13, 2024
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I've been thinking about this for a while now.

First, how would you feel if someone "grabbed a little too much inspiration" from your chip design? There are so many factors that make something your own, from edge spot colors to the inlay design and the overall art/theme.

Secondly, what would you even do? How would you handle it if someone was intentionally stealing your designs for their private home game?

Lastly, do you think posting your designs online protects you from people copying them in any way, or do you not care and just want to show them off?


I'll give an example: A while back, I was brainstorming ideas for card room/casino names and landed on "The Summit" (pretty generic, mountain-themed). I designed the complete chip set—primary, secondary, and tournament set. Was ready to finalize, then boom. Someone on here posted mock-ups for a Summit Casino set. I just scrapped the project and moved on to the next idea for a couple of reasons.
  1. The title was literally the same, and I had no knowledge of the other person’s project. It was a complete coincidence.
  2. Originality. It's the whole point of custom chips. I want the pure feeling of having a 1-of-1 design.
  3. Possible drama if I ever posted a picture of them anywhere—people spend good money on custom chips.
That said, I’ve gone through a slew of new name ideas/designs for ceramics in the past and never pulled the trigger. I need to be super confident in the final results. Getting design advice/getting roasted would definitely help, but I’d be pretty pissed if someone stole my design exactly.

TLDR: Nobody stole anyone's design, and nobody is planning on stealing any designs. My "The Summit" theme was completely original and different from @AK Chip 's "Summit Casino" theme. The name could've been changed, and it would've never been an issue. (and was never because nobody saw them) But this question has been in my head since. The simple question, what that title implies. Since then, the files have been lost and I've moved on to learn new tricks within InkScape and apply those to new projects/ideas.
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How similar were the actual designs? Could you post images of both?

Summit is a fairly common branding idea in lots of arenas (restaurants, gyms, etc.).

Not saying you weren’t ripped off, but it could in theory just be coincidence.
I've not experienced this here but everyone I've engaged with on PCF has been largely supportive and if, in this example, you were worried about someone being upset about your chip design then you could reach out to 'clear' it with them. Frankly, I think anyone could take inspiration or carbon copy chips from other members here, not post about it, and as long as they're not trying to use them to make money it'd be fine. Just my opinion though... Maybe it'd feel a little lame knowing someone took a design I spent hours on without asking.
As for your core question, a direct ripoff would piss me off. And posting images of a design doesn’t authorize copying.

But just having a similar (common) name isn’t in itself proof of copying. If you had some really unique and obscure concept, that would be more demonstrable.
How similar were the actual designs?

Summit is a fairly common branding idea in lots of arenas (restaurants, gyms, etc.).

Not saying you weren’t ripped off, but it might be coincidence.
I never posted them anywhere. But the designs were not at all similar.

If I remember correctly, mine was all drawn out mountains in full color, with a New Hampshire-esque environment. Stream running through it, etc.
I'm not much worried about it. If someone copies my art it's somewhat flattering knowing they liked my designs that much. A little lame on their part imo, but no skin off my back. Now, if they started selling them to other people without talking to me I'd have an issue.

For names on the chips, I think it's not very important. Most are one or two words and then 'poker' or 'card room' attached. Very easy for different people to come up with the same names. Something like CPC spot patterns, while part of your chip design, are also totally fair game, you can order whatever you want from a manufacturer within their specifications.
I had the summit set made but it was awhile ago, I’ve since sold the sets.
Why'd you sell?

And I'm way past the idea of ever making a set named "The Summit". But in this case, after I saw your work, it was a major deterrent to finish the project for sure. I know a lot of people don't think this way at all though.
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I never posted them anywhere. But the designs were not at all similar.

I can’t find a prior post from you about Summit chips. Maybe the search engine isn’t working for me.

Simultaneous ideas do occur. There are examples of very similar inventions or scientific discoveries which were made by people with no knowledge of each other, with the person who was quicker or better at publicity getting credit.
Not going to say much beyond this essentially happened to me way back on ChipTalk. It seems to be getting worse as time goes on. People just want a turnkey thing they like and don't want to bother to do anything but click "buy it now".

If you like a design that much, clear it with the person who made it first and ask their permission to reuse. If they say no, don't be insulted and just move along.
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It’s tough, because I realize that there are artist out there who make their money off of their art.

However, my initial knee-jerk reaction, as I would be incredibly flattered, as imitation is the ultimate form of flattery.

With this, how do you feel about people who designs are direct copies of art or pop-culture in general. I know a guy on here who runs the Godfather club, and naturally the artwork is direct copies from the Godfather movie.

I have seen people do different sports teams, bands, movies, paintings, even, and obviously, hundreds of chips and rooms themed after famous clubs, bars, casinos, and more.
But that’s Bobb’s post. If you didn’t post the idea here before that, he couldn’t have known you were planning it… except by telepathy. IDGI
Yeah, I can't find it either, but there was definitely a post where @AK Chip announced he either ordered them, or was asking for thoughts - something. He's the guy to ask about where the post went - I saw it with my own eyes. Like a year or two ago
I know a guy on here who runs the Godfather club, and naturally the artwork is direct copies from the Godfather movie.

If the owners of the Godfsther movie copyright cared, they could potentially force him to destroy the chips or pay them.

In the town I used to live in, a guy opened a pizza parlor called Sopranos after the show became popular. It was a pretty rinky-dink operation, but HBO somehow heard about it and came down hard on him with lawyers.

He might have been able to fight them, but he decided it wasn’t worth the grief and changed the name.
Yeah, I can't find it either, but there was definitely a post where @AK Chip announced he either ordered them, or was asking for thoughts - something. He's the guy to ask about where the post went - I saw it with my own eyes. Like a year or two ago

Again, I’m asking how and where you announced your plans to make Summit chips, not Bobb or AKChip.

If you didn’t, then no allegation of copying should be made. Maybe I am misunderstanding your original post, but it seemed to imply that you thought your idea was copied.
Again, this seems backward. I’m asking how and where you announced your plan to make Summit chips, not Bobb or AKChip.

If you didn’t, then no allegation of copying should be made.
I never posted them anywhere - it's fairy dust at this point, and was an example.

The reason I'm asking is that I want to post my designs, but don't want people stealing them. (In the future)
Driver Parking GIF
It’s different if someone is trying to run a business based off of your artwork, like calling a pizza parlor, the Sopranos. Court systems have held up that artwork can be duplicated and replicated for personal use. It’s why I’m allowed to paint Bart Simpson, and hang him up in my den. If someone was copying your casino brand in an effort to make money through their own raked operation, then sure demand some thing.

But if I am sitting in the garage on a hot summer night playing $.25 blinds losing 50 bucks every Saturday, and I chose to spend the money copying your artwork then you should feel flattered in my opinion
To answer the concerns in your original post, I think that for the most part, people here are generally respectful of designs and especially designs that are hashed out and developed in an public "design feedback" thread. I've watched numerous designs go from quite literal drawings on napkins to beautiful custom chips.

The less general a custom design is, the less likely it's going to get swiped by someone else. The tricky part is always finding that line that doesn't make a custom design so specialized that is runs the risk of becoming cheesy and an inside joke to two people.

To address the comments about tribute designs, considering the limited number of references back to the thing that is being paid tribute to makes the possibility your tribute could look like another is high.

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