Can you get a CNC shop to cut the wood? If you provide the curves and they have the right equipment, this would be really quick and therefore not too costly.So I’m thinking that maybe the best way to get a clean, smooth, accurate and repeatable cut is to get the CNC shop to cut two templates out of Lexan (one for the rail top, one for the rail bottom). As long as I can get that done for a reasonable cost.
Then I can use a router with a guide bushing to cut the pieces (CCW outside cut, CW inside cut). I’ll have to adjust a few 16ths of an inch to compensate for the thickness of the bushing sleeve.
It will also allow me to make an additional identical table shape in the future, or I can rent it out to anyone interested in making one the same size and shape.
Or I could learn how to use a jigsaw properly…
I've worked with pattern shops in the past that could do this no problem.
If you spec the wood you want, they also might be able to buy it cheaper than you.
Doing a little google fu - these guys could do it - https://www.adanacpattern.com/ . Although if you could find a smaller shop somewhere, they'd probably be cheaper.