I $hit you not.... (6 Viewers)

Would not be bad for bounties. Convince your friend to design a pirate themed Tina set and still use these as the bounties.
I so badly want to play with these chips. But you gotta go all out. I need a salty tavern and everyone in cosplay. It's the gray resin table and plastic hoyles that's tilting me. Also probably needs to be 5 card draw or ancient variant.

I mean once a year on pirate day with everyone dressed as a pirate would be sick with that setup. Any other time though I feel like your fingers would be raw by the end.
Buddy of mine who is trying to start up his own game asked me what I thought of these "chips"...and he was completely serious about buying a set. Luckily I talked him out of that one. However, he later bought an epoxy poker table for $10K without asking for any advice, sooooo.......

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We have all seen this table before right? Isn't it in the 'Fugly Poker Tables' thread???
I absolutely cannot believe someone paid $10k for that thing.:wow: That might be worse than paying almost $600 for metal pirate disc's.

I need to be making some awful poker products! Think how much fun that could be.
Buddy of mine who is trying to start up his own game asked me what I thought of these "chips"...and he was completely serious about buying a set. Luckily I talked him out of that one. However, he later bought an epoxy poker table for $10K without asking for any advice, sooooo.......

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$10k?!? Rail material isn't even smoothly pulled/fitted.
I'm wondering if a refund or a return is possible.
Buddy of mine who is trying to start up his own game asked me what I thought of these "chips"...and he was completely serious about buying a set. Luckily I talked him out of that one. However, he later bought an epoxy poker table for $10K without asking for any advice, sooooo.......

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When I hear someone spent 10,000$ for a table that NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would pay 1000$ for used it just makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, what kind of money do you have to have/make to spend 10k on a table in your basement, let alone one that appeals to NO ONE else. I can see spending 10k on a snooker table that is QUALITY built to PRECISE tolerances for skilled play, but this is an item literally DESIGNED to have beer spilled on it etc. Which guy owns the table? Royal blue shirt?
When I hear someone spent 10,000$ for a table that NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would pay 1000$ for used it just makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, what kind of money do you have to have/make to spend 10k on a table in your basement, let alone one that appeals to NO ONE else. I can see spending 10k on a snooker table that is QUALITY built to PRECISE tolerances for skilled play, but this is an item literally DESIGNED to have beer spilled on it etc. Which guy owns the table? Royal blue shirt?

Yup, I posted pics in the Fugly Poker Table thread right after I saw this monstrosity. I did not know at that time how much he had paid.

The owner isn't in that pic. He's in the gray shirt seated by the dealer cut-out here:


He commissioned the table sight-unseen from a "buddy" of his that has done a bunch of epoxy coffee and dining tables...who has (obviously) never built a poker table, nor reportedly ever played poker. :rolleyes:
Yup, I posted pics in the Fugly Poker Table thread right after I saw this monstrosity. I did not know at that time how much he had paid.

The owner isn't in that pic. He's in the gray shirt seated by the dealer cut-out here:

View attachment 1394133

He commissioned the table sight-unseen from a "buddy" of his that has done a bunch of epoxy coffee and dining tables...who has (obviously) never built a poker table, nor reportedly ever played poker. :rolleyes:

Oh, and as you can see, the builder couldn't even supply friggin LEGS for $10K! :wow:
Yup, I posted pics in the Fugly Poker Table thread right after I saw this monstrosity. I did not know at that time how much he had paid.

The owner isn't in that pic. He's in the gray shirt seated by the dealer cut-out here:

View attachment 1394133

He commissioned the table sight-unseen from a "buddy" of his that has done a bunch of epoxy coffee and dining tables...who has (obviously) never built a poker table, nor reportedly ever played poker. :rolleyes:
They have to have napkins to place their cards on so they can pick up the edges, lol

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