I Quit My Job To Play Poker AMA (2 Viewers)

What’s his gaming username/tag? My son is big into this so maybe he’s run across him.
I’m not sure @ekricket. I will try and find out and get back with you.
He used to be one hell of an online poker player as well. Played 12 tables at once.
I could never do that, always been a live player.
Actually ran a $50 deposit up to over 30k before everything shut down.
We have a cast of weak regs and whales, plus we get non regulars all the time too

Last sunday they had three 2/5/10 games, a 5/10/25 and a 25/25 running (of course I was home sick)

I really need to play in this game to see how fishy it is compared to the games I play in regularly.
Good luck bud. Been wanting to take the dive myself, but practicality (for me that is; everyone’s situation is different) stops me. Unknowns about my roll, 2 kids and not quite the same level of enthusiasm from the spouse. But it’s fun to dream. I’ll be living vicariously through you.
Well, Saturday was a bust. Lost 1900 in the PLO game (AAxx vs KKxx and he flops the King on a non draw heavy board except I have nut flush draw) and then same player got it in with a wrap on the turn (30%) against my top set, and I had a straight blocker but he got there

Dropped 1k in the mix game and called it a night

Sunday was up $900 in PLO, then hit a few hands to knock me down

First one I had AKJ2 suited against a pot raise from a solid player in a multiway pot (I closed the action).

Flop was K42 and original raiser made a half pot c-bet, one other caller, I called. Turn a 6, we check it through

River was a King, which I felt was my bingo card. I bet $150 trying to target raiser if he has AK to squeeze some out of him, he repops to $400

I'm finding it hard to put him on a hand that raised with K6 or K4 in it, although I don't think he's bluffing either. I put in the call and he had AKQ4 suited

Another hand I flop top two (AK) against a short stack who winds up making a straight when I held a blocker and gutshot to broadway

And another hand I call a raise from the solid player, closing the action multiway with:


Flop is :ad::8d::4s:

So I flop top 2, gutshot straight and backdoor flush

It's checked to me by other limpers and I bet $150 and villain repots. I wind up letting it go, because if he has AAxx I'm in deep doo-doo. If he has the flush draw with overs plus paired an ace, he's actually an equity favorite as well (he tells me later he did have flush draw and one pair of aces, so I'm about 42% equity there I believe)

So my +$900 Sunday turned into a -$700 one. So not a good weekend, but still having a great month

Off today, will play the Monday game, then off for christmas eve and day, then back at it
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You should ask for your job back as soon as possible

Well, I'm still undefeated in the Monday game. Unfortunately the usual cast of characters didn't show and we barely got the game running

Wound up in a pot raised preflop on the button with

:kh::qc::js::th: and we saw a rainbow 982 flop

Guy who is in the blinds bets out, a bad LAG pots, next player repotted all-in for $515, I repotted, original bettor folds 7653 and bad LAG got in his $550, I cover


I turn the :jc: and I'm feeling good, river comes :tc: and I announce nut straight, missing that the flush came in and expecting to scoop, only to see the bad news and watch this big pot pushed to the bad LAG

My 1k buyin dwindles to $300 and it's looking like we may book our first loss in the Monday game

But we manage to catch a lucky spot where we check raise him on the turn with the 2nd nut straight plus nut spade draw, he has same straight and we flush the river

We give some back to a short stack when we repot with JTT8 one suit to isolate him, but he has AAQ5 and holds

In our biggest hand of the session we are on the button with 9865 against a raise and 4 of us see a flop of T53 rainbow

It's checked around, turn is a 9 giving us two pair, gutshot straight draw plus a flush draw, checked to us and we pot and wind up in a 3 way all-in

We're up against AKQJ and 5678 and fortunately the river pairs the Ten, allowing us to scoop

Managed to leave up $175 on two hour session. But the game was 5 handed most of the time, and two guys kept restraddling to $10 and $20 and it wasn't the setup I like (prefer full tables and multiway pots) so I booked the win and took it home

Well yeah, if we know 5-handed he's got AAxx there, but short-handed ranges widen significantly and my holding with access to a multitude of straights, plus a flush draw and a pair plays just fine in that spot

Change one of the 10's to a 9, do you fold the rundown?

Also, had a chance to run the numbers on the hand I won three ways


And there was also a hand where I caught the bad LAG speeding and was able to check-raise him where he had bet $225 and had $150 behind and he folded because he had nothing on the flop

And another hand where I flopped a flush on a KT3 board, but with just the 64 in my hand. And check-called him all the way down letting him bluff and seeing I was good
Change one of the 10's to a 9, do you fold the rundown?

I don't know the specifics of the hand and wasn't suggesting a fold (calling is pulling), but a mistake many people make against short stacks is overplaying JJxx/TTxx pre.
I don't know the specifics of the hand and wasn't suggesting a fold (calling is pulling), but a mistake many people make against short stacks is overplaying JJxx/TTxx pre.

The thing is we're 5-handed, so hand ranges widen and it turns into more of a push rather than a pull game. I don't have the pulling luxury in this particular 5-handed game because of 2 aggressive players that were straddling to $10 and $20 preflop quite often. If we were a full table I likely just call.

In this specific instance, the guy who potted already got two folds and I had one player with position on me that covered my stack left to act after I did. I don't want to just call the raise and have him push me out, or just call the raise and allow him his equity and position on me postflop, and felt my hand played well enough heads-up to get it that way (and felt the player behind me would have a hard time calling my repot without a monster himself)

Here are some potential matchups against the short-stack

:js::ts::td::8h: (55%)
:ad::7h::6d::5h: (45%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (55%)
:ac::kc::qh::5h: (45%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (44%)
:ac::kc::qs::9s: (56%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (35%)
:ad::kd::kc::qc: (65%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (51%)
:kd::qc::9d::8c: (49%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (40%)
:ah::as::5h::3c: (60%)

:js::ts::td::8h: (38%)
:ah::as::qh::7h: (62%)

So as it happened, he unfortunately was at the top of his range and his sidecards blocked my straights so it was a bad spot for me. But given his range of hands and the short-handed nature of the game I still feel ok with my play.
Versus a top 33% range your hand is breakeven when getting it in pre. So in order for that play to actually make money, villain needs to open very wide (assuming he's never folding).
Just catching up with this now. Rooting for you and hope you make it work.

On a completely different note do you have any samples of your voiceover work? We’ve just made our first TV advert but I’ll keep you in mind for the next one.

Voiceover work is something many people have told me I'd be good at, but I would need to take some classes to perfect my craft, purchase home studio equipment and develop demos

I was Communications Manager for a ski area in the past and did their automated system, snow phone recordings, etc

I believe I would do well in narration (audio books, documentaries), commercials, cartoon voiceovers and telephony systems

Below near the beginning of the clip is a short snippet of an announcer style voice I did for the charity PC auction I held.

Although my understanding is that most commercial work these days looks for more natural, cheery tones over the "in a world" style of Don LaFontaine from the past. And I'm capable of doing that lighter voice style as well

If you are really serious about doing voice work, you should start smoking crack and go homeless in Columbus... It worked for Ted Williams.

Seriously, tho, my brother started doing a segment on a podcast and it helped him develop his style.

Lol, the man with the golden voice, I remember him. He started with his voice work, then fell into drugs, then was discovered again I believe
Voiceover work is something many people have told me I'd be good at, but I would need to take some classes to perfect my craft, purchase home studio equipment and develop demos

I was Communications Manager for a ski area in the past and did their automated system, snow phone recordings, etc

I believe I would do well in narration (audio books, documentaries), commercials, cartoon voiceovers and telephony systems

Below near the beginning of the clip is a short snippet of an announcer style voice I did for the charity PC auction I held.

Although my understanding is that most commercial work these days looks for more natural, cheery tones over the "in a world" style of Don LaFontaine from the past. And I'm capable of doing that lighter voice style as well

It’s like the start of the A-Team :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Played 2/5/10 today, lost 300'ish. Game broke because a 5/10/25 started up with most of the players in the 2/5 game. Went over there, short-stacked it for 500, got down to 400'ish and got it in three ways and tripled up. Gave some back but took a $480 win in that game. One of the better players in the game managed to flop top set against the bottom set of a fish who had no flush redraw, just a gutshot as backup for her hand and won a $13,000 pot!

It was playing tighter and the lineup wasn't that great (except for the one whale) so I got back on the 2/5/10 and the 1/2 PLO lists and got into the 2/5/10 when it was called again.

Lineup was much more favorable, lots of limping and multi-way pots, not really any tough spots. Managed to book a $900 win in that session so was a good day today.

Also received my vanity plate in the mail, I'll get it onto the car tomorrow and get a pic so everyone can see!

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