I talked to Eric Siedel about poker chips!!! (Very briefly) (1 Viewer)


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Nov 23, 2020
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Fun day yesterday. I dealt day two of the collosus late into the day. Dealt to Greg raymer who had a pretty big stack. My table broke around 930 and I was thinking about just leaving early. But then I remembered there was a 10k bounty tourney, so I thought I can try and jump in that and hopefully deal to some pros. I got a spot int the 10k. But it was soooo boring compared to the collosus. Instead of counting down one million plus stacks and seeing coin flips for huge payouts unfold at my finger tips, I would be pitching out cards and staring into space while players tank/fold preflop after one raise. Lol

Anyways, third table in had Eric Siedel and Ike haxton. I've been trying to look for Mayfair club chips since I started collecting and can't really find any info on them. So luckily I was dealing to him while day one came to an end. While the players were bagging I asked him if he remembered the chips like what they even looked like. or had any. He said no and said they weren't anything special and told me to ask Stevie Z.

That was the highlight of my series so far. Haha.
Also I should be his favorite dealer because of a hand I dealt him to keep him in the tourney. I'm starting my shift now, but If anyone wants to hear how the legend of poker doubled up with a jack/duece... I give a quick hand history. Lol
As long as you didn't kill him with a 1 outer I'm sure you were just fine in his book. Lol
He has just lost a pot. On the next deal it was his bb. He threw out the bb/ante and kind of splashed the rest of his chips in his stack. Not a lot and it felt like he didn’t want to bag up what little he had left. Raise on the button. He calls. Flop is jack rag, rag. He checks. Raiser bets half pot. He jams. Raiser snap calls and turns over aces. he turns Over jack deuce. I’m thinking, shit I won’t be able to ask him about Mayfair chips. Turn pairs the board……… jack on the river! He doubles. Then wins a few more to bag what seemed like a average stack.
Oh yeah, Ike played like he took a 2x prescription of addy. Super focused and spazzy. Very interesting to watch his play. It’s funny how during small buy in events you kind of get a feel for what a player is going to do. Like fold vs call or beg vs check. In these bigger events, idk what the f$&’k is going on. Such unorthodox play. It’s pretty cool to have a front row seat at these stakes.
Mayfair Club chips were RT plastics and not all that special. I know examples have been posted here and definitely on Chiptalk. There was a member here from New York who had one as his avatar.
@RudysNYC is one person who used to play there. Here is a $500 from his avatar.

Hey, do you have anymore or know where I can dig one up? Are they pricey?
Mayfair Club chips were RT plastics and not all that special. I know examples have been posted here and definitely on Chiptalk. There was a member here from New York who had one as his avatar.
Thanks for the info!
These are said to be used there, old TriClub chips with the hot stamp on one side and denom on the other side.

View attachment 1352586

Interestingly, the script on this Triclub is not quite the same as on the Mogh $10.

Presumably they ordered several batches at different times.

Triclubs were sold by Langworthy and made by Burt Co./ASM as far as I can tell, but maybe the dies varied.
Fun day yesterday. I dealt day two of the collosus late into the day. Dealt to Greg raymer who had a pretty big stack. My table broke around 930 and I was thinking about just leaving early. But then I remembered there was a 10k bounty tourney, so I thought I can try and jump in that and hopefully deal to some pros. I got a spot int the 10k. But it was soooo boring compared to the collosus. Instead of counting down one million plus stacks and seeing coin flips for huge payouts unfold at my finger tips, I would be pitching out cards and staring into space while players tank/fold preflop after one raise. Lol

Anyways, third table in had Eric Siedel and Ike haxton. I've been trying to look for Mayfair club chips since I started collecting and can't really find any info on them. So luckily I was dealing to him while day one came to an end. While the players were bagging I asked him if he remembered the chips like what they even looked like. or had any. He said no and said they weren't anything special and told me to ask Stevie Z.

That was the highlight of my series so far. Haha.
Now let's hear some hand stories from the Raymer tourney
Now let's hear some hand stories from the Raymer tourney
Kind of a blur. I do remember a few bad beats but I couldn't tell you the hands. Worst beat I dealt was in the first week. I think a 3k event. They get it in on the flop. Middle set vs top top. Running aces. Lol

I really don't pay much attention to the cards/ hands. I don't even really look at the board cards until it's showdown. Atleast dealing holdem.
Kind of a blur. I do remember a few bad beats but I couldn't tell you the hands. Worst beat I dealt was in the first week. I think a 3k event. They get it in on the flop. Middle set vs top top. Running aces. Lol

I really don't pay much attention to the cards/ hands. I don't even really look at the board cards until it's showdown. Atleast dealing holdem.
But then HOW do you rig it against me every time?!

Tried to explain this to a friend, I used to deal at a small club; its not like when you're playing and focusing and analyzing hands and tells, I'm just part of the table, I don't care that the Kc makes 4 to a flush! I remember who's nice to me and who gets too drunk, otherwise its a blur. No, I don't remember that bad beat I dealt you, but I'll pretend to in hopes you'll tip better.

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