I thought I won the auction, but... (5 Viewers)

I am beginning to think you could be right...they may have bad joo joo... :eek:

P.S. but some of them are so puuurrrtttyyyyy ;)
Well I currently have 400 AS cash chips that have been in Miami since 5th Feb and have not appeared in Australia yet. The voodoo is real
Well I currently have 400 AS cash chips that have been in Miami since 5th Feb and have not appeared in Australia yet. The voodoo is real

Last time I checked, they were being diverted to NY...just sayin’ :p
It’s simple, honor the 2:28 bid. Anything else rewards a person that did not follow the rules.
Yes well... That would not reward the pocket book of the seller quite as much now though would it?

IMO the only "clean" way to remedy this situation is to make the auction null and start it over again with the correct rules applied. That's a win for everyone and I can't understand why it wouldn't be done.
Because you don't understand the @Mr.Cheese mentality.
I guess not. Never interacted with said individual.

Seems to me he has only $$ to gain by restarting the auction. It's likely the bidding war would have continued if allowed.
I guess not. Never interacted with said individual.

Seems to me he has only $$ to gain by restarting the auction. It's likely the bidding war would have continued if allowed.

I was obviously willing to pay more... there must be other behind then scene reasons that I am not aware of, as I even offered him more money than my 2:28 posted bid. I could easily match the 3PM bid.
The seller didn't follow the rules, and he's getting rewarded as it stands now. :confused:
I agree, but if more time is added to let them bid seller gains more

If sold to 2:30 bidder he gains a slight amount more

If cancelled and possibly relisted, seller has potential to make more or not sell at all. His obligation to sell the chips at the highest bid before close is now lifted. Crappy situation agreed but really only the 2:28 bid followed any type of format and should be punished the least in my opinion. I see the merits of all points but feel he who acted in best faith should be harmed the least.
I can see both sides of the argument on this, but tend to agree that if we have a specific set of auction rules, they should be followed. But that argument also could justify the other bidder’s actions: he was assuming we were following the standard auction rules that apply to all auctions when he made his bid at 3:30. I think the only fair result would be to re-run the auction.
So let's discuss "Site Rules" - why are some forced to be follow - like crapping a sales thread, but others are just.....well, ignored?

Honestly, I think Cheese’s omission of the auction boiler plate rules was an accidental oversight. In the end it cost him money as the final price would have no doubt been at least slightly higher, if not significantly higher. As much as I’d like to throw him under the bus, I don’t think there was any malice in his omission of the auction rules from his OP.

That said, of all the ways to resolve it, I think the option chosen was the least fair. By the OP rules the wrong guy won, by the pcf site rules it never finished properly.
Honestly, I think Cheese’s omission of the auction boiler plate rules was an accidental oversight. In the end it cost him money as the final price would have no doubt been at least slightly higher, if not significantly higher. As much as I’d like to threw him under the bus, I don’t think there was any malice in his omission of the auction rules from his OP.

That said, of all the ways to resolve it, I think the option chosen was the least fair. By the OP rules the wrong guy won, by the pcf site rules it never finished properly.

So why wasn't the post deleted? It's clear every post is monitored real time as fast as they disappear - selective? An auction not meeting the RULES should have been edited by those we are not allowed to speak of. I can't hate on anyone selling stuff. Can't force someone to not sell, relist, or even sell for that matter - but the post can be controlled.
So why wasn't the post deleted? It's clear every post is monitored real time as fast as they disappear - selective? An auction not meeting the RULES should have been edited by those we are not allowed to speak of. I can't hate on anyone selling stuff. Can't force someone to not sell, relist, or even sell for that matter - but the post can be controlled.

I can’t answer that question. I’m not a mod and I don’t work for PCF (my application keeps getting rejected for some reason).

FWIW, I don’t disagree with you.
i think running the auction again would be unfair to the two bidders as a new bidder could join.

giving it to either of the last two bidders would be unfair because bidding was stopped to discuss rules and no final price was met. everyone agrees it was all honest mistakes.

this should be settled by the last two bidders and the seller in a private auction/discussion. just my opinion.
An auction not meeting the RULES should have been edited by those we are not allowed to speak of.
I suspect that was as much of an oversight as was the original post omissions itself. No malice, just... sloppy on both parts. And the latter by a former mod, who should know the rules better than most.
Wow I've really missed the drama from PCF while I've been away for a month on vacation lol. Can't wait to log off again and not come back once these chips are gone if all the internet warriors will allow me to sell them :rolleyes:.

KK405 stated he was fine with whatever decision was made but once I didn't rule in his favor he had a problem with it. I even PM'd him to explain my reasoning right away and offered to re-open up bidding with Frank if they both wanted.

Ken also offered to pay me 50 dollars more in a PM which I declined and you'll notice I only accepted the 2:30 bid for $1610. If I was only out for more money I would have taken the final bid at 2:39 which was higher at $1630 or I could have taken Ken's $50 higher behind the scene bid which right there gives me a sour taste in my mouth that he would even offer that. My intent whether or not it was made clear was that all bids would be accepted until the clock no longer showed 2:30. Hence why I accepted the final bid at 2:30 and not the 2:35 bid from KK405 or the 2:39 bid from Frank even though that would like I said give me more money. Moderators and many of you all saw this thread when I started it and said nothing about the rules being missing or had issue with the rules I had posted. I had no idea about the auction rule as I don't normally do auctions so that was an honest mistake.

That being said if we default to the sites rules for this auction then we have the 5 minute rule. So following the 5 minute rule KK405 made a bid at 2:28 which would have extended the bidding until 2:33. So when Frank made his bid at 2:30 it would have extended it out until 2:35. At which point KK405 made another bid (although if we are arguing about the previous point of 2:30 not being valid then I guess 5 minutes was up at 2:34:99 not 2:35)... Or we could say the 2:35 bid from Ken was valid (which I would say it was if we're using the 5 minute rule) in which case the bidding was then extended another 5 minutes in which case yet again the final bidder would be Frank at 2:39 with his $1630 bid.

So whether we go by what I intended or we default to the forum rules Frank is the winner. I think the auction ended with the last bid at 2:30 and as such I am selling them to frank at his 2:30 bid not his 2:39 bid amount.

TL:DR My chips to do with as I please. I'm doing what I believe is fair and even if I default to forum rules. Frank still wins.
Wow I've really missed the drama from PCF while I've been away for a month on vacation lol. Can't wait to log off again and not come back once these chips are gone if all the internet warriors will allow me to sell them :rolleyes:.

KK405 stated he was fine with whatever decision was made but once I didn't rule in his favor he had a problem with it. I even PM'd him to explain my reasoning right away and offered to re-open up bidding with Frank if they both wanted.

Ken also offered to pay me 50 dollars more in a PM which I declined and you'll notice I only accepted the 2:30 bid for $1610. If I was only out for more money I would have taken the final bid at 2:39 which was higher at $1630 or I could have taken Ken's $50 higher behind the scene bid which right there gives me a sour taste in my mouth that he would even offer that. My intent whether or not it was made clear was that all bids would be accepted until the clock no longer showed 2:30. Hence why I accepted the final bid at 2:30 and not the 2:35 bid from KK405 or the 2:39 bid from Frank even though that would like I said give me more money. Moderators and many of you all saw this thread when I started it and said nothing about the rules being missing or had issue with the rules I had posted. I had no idea about the auction rule as I don't normally do auctions so that was an honest mistake.

That being said if we default to the sites rules for this auction then we have the 5 minute rule. So following the 5 minute rule KK405 made a bid at 2:28 which would have extended the bidding until 2:33. So when Frank made his bid at 2:30 it would have extended it out until 2:35. At which point KK405 made another bid (although if we are arguing about the previous point of 2:30 not being valid then I guess 5 minutes was up at 2:34:99 not 2:35)... Or we could say the 2:35 bid from Ken was valid (which I would say it was if we're using the 5 minute rule) in which case the bidding was then extended another 5 minutes in which case yet again the final bidder would be Frank at 2:39 with his $1630 bid.

So whether we go by what I intended or we default to the forum rules Frank is the winner. I think the auction ended with the last bid at 2:30 and as such I am selling them to frank at his 2:30 bid not his 2:39 bid amount.

TL:DR My chips to do with as I please. I'm doing what I believe is fair and even if I default to forum rules. Frank still wins.

Let's not tell half-truths here. This is what you PM'd me:

Hey KK405,

Sorry for the confusion with this auction. I hadn't been on in awhile and didn't realize that Tommy had posted rules regarding what rules needed to be included for an auction. If you really want I can check with Frank and extend the bidding for say another 10 minutes for you two? I want to be fair and I wish I had done the 5 minute rule because it would have gotten me more money but I realized too late that I didn't have it in my rules so I figured I was stuck going by my first posts rule of ending the bidding at 2:30 exactly.

Let me know what you want to do. Thanks



And I am not going to print everything you said after that, which basically was, I don't care, I will sell it to whomever I want because the are my chips. But if you do want to, go ahead and post ALL the conversations.

P.S. and I didn't offer you %40 more...what I said, and this is direct quote, was " I know if I offered you $50 more you would still go with Frank’s bid. So it’s not even about fairness, auctions, or money."
It's aight I won an auction too and never got awarded for it. I think it's a matter of preference around here lately?
Let's not tell half-truths here. This is what you PM'd me:

Hey KK405,

Sorry for the confusion with this auction. I hadn't been on in awhile and didn't realize that Tommy had posted rules regarding what rules needed to be included for an auction. If you really want I can check with Frank and extend the bidding for say another 10 minutes for you two? I want to be fair and I wish I had done the 5 minute rule because it would have gotten me more money but I realized too late that I didn't have it in my rules so I figured I was stuck going by my first posts rule of ending the bidding at 2:30 exactly.

Let me know what you want to do. Thanks


View attachment 154628

And I am not going to print everything you said after that, which basically was, I don't care, I will sell it to whomever I want because the are my chips. But if you do want to, go ahead and post ALL the conversations.

P.S. and I didn't offer you %40 more...what I said, and this is direct quote, was " I know if I offered you $50 more you would still go with Frank’s bid. So it’s not even about fairness, auctions, or money."

I've got nothing to hide. I tried to do what I thought was fair. I went out of my way to explain it to you via pm even though you didn't message me first.

Here's the rest of the messages.

  1. Hey Ken,

    My original intent was that any bid that showed a time stamp of 2:30 or earlier would be valid not what Joe E said. Just like if I punch in at work at 8:30 and 45 seconds it still counts as being in at 8:30. I marked the thread as sold per Tommy's request which locked it I guess. Even though it would get me more money to reopen it up to both of you to bid between yourselves I've been thinking about it more and I'm just going to go with what I originally intended which was the 2:30 with no extension so I'm going to sell to Frank with his $1610 bid not his 1630 bid.

    Take care


    Mr. Cheese, Today at 4:20 PM Report

  2. kk405 Flush

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I just looked at the post again. Your post clearly says that the auctions ends AT 2:30. His bid was after 2:30. I believe this is truly unfair, especially after I had a chance to look at the exact language used.

    kk405, Today at 4:23 PM Report

  3. Mr. Cheese Full House

    Aug 8, 2013
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    If we go with that logic its possible that his bid came in exactly at 2:30 and zero seconds meaning his bid would still be valid by your reasoning. Our time stamps don't show seconds only the minute so we have no way of knowing for sure. My intent was any timestamp that came in as 2:30 or earlier would be valid otherwise I would have said 2:29 or earlier. I'm sorry you don't feel its fair but I'm going to stick with what my original intent was. I also did state that I reserved the right to end the auction meaning I could end the auction when I wanted to.

    Take care


    Mr. Cheese, Today at 4:30 PM Report

  4. kk405 Flush

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I can’t force you to do what you don’t want to do. You wanted to reopen it to bidding, and now decided no to. And I have a very logical, and one could argue accurate, assessment of who should have been the winner, and you are deciding to go with another party for whatever reason. I know if I offered you $50 more you would still go with Frank’s bid. So it’s not even about fairness, auctions, or money.

    By the way you have the right to end the auction at anytime before the auction ends...but if there is a winner, it would be cancelling the win and not ending the auction.
you must not have read the entire OP of that auction. he reserved the right to refuse bids from any member at his discretion.
Gotcha. Wouldn't hurt to inform the community that you've made back more than any cent you've ever contibrurted though?
Gotcha. Wouldn't hurt to inform the community that you've made back more than any cent you've ever contibrurted though?

Do you really want to get into what I've contributed? I hope you have a calculator with a lot of zeros on it. I've ponied up thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for donations for raffles throughout the past 4 years, given away hundreds of dollars of chips (singles AND sets), and more.

Wouldn't hurt to be informed before you start slinging my name through the mud, asshole.
Do you really want to get into what I've contributed? I hope you have a calculator with a lot of zeros on it. I've ponied up thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for donations for raffles throughout the past 4 years, given away hundreds of dollars of chips (singles AND sets), and more.

Wouldn't hurt to be informed before you start slinging my name through the mud, asshole.
If you're so confident let's add up my time here and your time here and subtract your $$ made recently on the star chips and see who's actually contributed more per minute in this community. I bet I would be embarrassing close and you probably don't even want to look

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