I thought I won the auction, but... (1 Viewer)

Good thing I don't care what a few internet warriors think about me. Please keep posting though... this is really entertaining to see someone whine as much as you when they don't get their way. Honestly its gone so far I can't tell if your joking about all this or you really are that big of a baby. Seriously it's some clay chips. Put your big boy pants on and move on.

Eagerly awaiting your next crybaby attack at my "reputation" :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:.

It's not about chips, but about having ethics and a moral compass, which clearly you don't have any.

And I guess these are the internet warriors you're talking about?

@BGinGA - @Mr. Cheese -- show some class and do the right thing.
@bentax1978 - LOL; GLWT.
kk405 - not to sound harsh but you should have accepted the offer to continue the bidding. you are arguing on what could have been a fraction of a second. you stopped the bidding from what i can tell by reading the thread. its obvious Mr. Cheese is trying to do right when he could make more money with pretty much any other option but the one he chose.
It's not about chips, but about having ethics and a moral compass, which clearly you don't have any.

And I guess these are the internet warriors you're talking about?

@BGinGA - @Mr. Cheese -- show some class and do the right thing.
@bentax1978 - LOL; GLWT.

I’m fairness, should you probably quote the other posts Dave and I made where we said that Cheese’s omission of the pcf auctions rules was accidental and not done with any malice.
I’m fairness, should you probably quote the other posts Dave and I made where we said that Cheese’s omission of the pcf auctions rules was accidental and not done with any malice.

I even said that in the original thread that all of this was a bunch of misunderstandings and honest mistakes. And I had no issue with the fact that mistakes were made. The issue I had/have was how it was handled after the mistakes were discovered. and I believe you and others (and Dave whom I quoted) agreed that something other than 'I have decided to sell these chips to Frank' should have been done, including re-opening the auction.
kk405 - not to sound harsh but you should have accepted the offer to continue the bidding. you are arguing on what could have been a fraction of a second. you stopped the bidding from what i can tell by reading the thread. its obvious Mr. Cheese is trying to do right when he could make more money with pretty much any other option but the one he chose.

Before that issue was going to be hashed out, he said vis PM

"My original intent was that any bid that showed a time stamp of 2:30 or earlier would be valid not what Joe E said. Just like if I punch in at work at 8:30 and 45 seconds it still counts as being in at 8:30. I marked the thread as sold per Tommy's request which locked it I guess. Even though it would get me more money to reopen it up to both of you to bid between yourselves I've been thinking about it more and I'm just going to go with what I originally intended which was the 2:30 with no extension so I'm going to sell to Frank with his $1610 bid not his 1630 bid."

Telling me that regardless, no other actions will be taken and he is selling them to Frank. period.
I even said that in the original thread that all of this was a bunch of misunderstandings and honest mistakes. And I had no issue with the fact that mistakes were made. The issue I had/have was how it was handled after the mistakes were discovered. and I believe you and others (and Dave whom I quoted) agreed that something other than 'I have decided to sell these chips to Frank' should have been done, including re-opening the auction.

Absolutely. I said that if I were running the auction I would have handled it differently. I was only clarifying that I didn’t believe Cheese omitted the rules intentionally or with malice.

Ultimately, as Cheese said, they’re his chips and he can do whatever he wants with them. Doesn’t meant I agree with all of his choices. And frankly I doubt he cares what my opinion is on the matter.
Absolutely. I said that if I were running the auction I would have handled it differently. I was only clarifying that I didn’t believe Cheese omitted the rules intentionally or with malice.

Ultimately, as Cheese said, they’re his chips and he can do whatever he wants with them. Doesn’t meant I agree with all of his choices. And frankly I doubt he cares what my opinion is on the matter.

Yes, thanks, I get it now, and know what kind of a person he is. Should have been obvious from the PM he sent what an asshat he is. oh well...life goes on
Takes a man to admit his errors and make it right. I hope he steps up, because it's still not too late.

As it stands, it's just a big FU to the posted site rules regarding auctions. His choice.
I may consider auctioning a 600 chip AS tourney set with an ideal breakdown (160/160/80/140/50/10), but I’m disinclined to part with them, even at some of these valuations. Frankly, I think Cheese’s set went for a steal—at that price I’d want to keep them.
I may consider auctioning a 600 chip AS tourney set with an ideal breakdown (160/160/80/140/50/10), but I’m disinclined to part with them, even at some of these valuations. Frankly, I think Cheese’s set went for a steal—at that price I’d want to keep them.

At what profit margin would you consider selling?
:DSo y'all have a good Christmas? Lol

Lot of dick measuring and personal attacks happening the last couple weeks on here. Everybody need to get back to good juju on this site.

That being said...since the rules of the auction were left somewhat open to interpretation...somebody was gonna have to get the short end of the stick. Unfortunately. Hope it gets resolved and all parties can move on.
the rules of the auction were left somewhat open to interpretation
Actually, the rules were in direct violation of the PCF Classified Guidelines for auction listings, which have been in place since March of last year:

You must copy and paste the following guidelines into your ad thread if you want to do an 'Auction' style ad.


1. STARTING BID: [add amount here]
2. Bids must be placed in minimum increments of $ [add amount here]
3. The Starting Bid of the auction will be treated as the Reserve Price.
4. All bids are to be placed openly in this thread. No bids via PM/Conversation.
5. Auction will use the '5 minutes after last closing bid rule'. Highest bid at [Time, Time Zone, Date] will win unless there is a bid within 5 minutes of closing time - then the closing time will be 5 min. after the latest bid was posted.
6. Edited posts will be voided.
7. I reserve the right to: i) cancel the auction if no bids have been made; ii) edit the listing to correct errors or clarify rules as needed.
8. PCF (it's Owner, Admins, and Moderators) are in no way responsible for any actions in this auction.
9. Shipping Terms: [add terms here]
10. Payment Terms: [add terms here]


I don't know how much clearer it could be that the entire auction - from start to finish - should never have been allowed. Fixing it is easy. Ignoring the guideline requirements is easy. Only one of those is the right choice.
Maybe what could be done is have a raffle with the two buyers getting half the numbers of a raffle and raffle em off for thehighest bid
As long as auctions and sales of these chips are permitted on this site there are going to be problems and hard feelings. My suggestion would be to require all of these auctions and sales be moved to eBay so as not to continue to rub salt in the wound.
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As long as auctions and sales of these any chips are permitted on this site without following the published guidelines there are going to be problems and hard feelings.
^^ FYP. Point the finger at the real problem. The item being auctioned off could have been anything, and the same shit-show results. The guidelines are there for a reason.
^^ FYP. Point the finger at the real problem. The item being auctioned off could have been anything, and the same shit-show results. The guidelines are there for a reason.

True. But it’s fair to say that if the auction had been for one of those special SOHE card cappers, there would have been far less interest in the outcome. Especially if it was in casino-used condition.

(Now I’m almost literally shit posting :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:)
The auction was up for a while, relative term, I know. But it wasnt a 12 hour auction. You would think someone could have chimed in early that the auction rules were not being followed. The mods here do keep a hawkeye on most of the activity, you'd have thought someone had caught it.

My vote is to sell to KK for 10% less for his troubles
True. But it’s fair to say that if the auction had been for one of those special SOHE card cappers, there would have been far less interest in the outcome. Especially if it was in casino-used condition.

(Now I’m almost literally shit posting :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:)
The auction was up for a while, relative term, I know. But it wasnt a 12 hour auction. You would think someone could have chimed in early that the auction rules were not being followed. The mods here do keep a hawkeye on most of the activity, you'd have thought someone had caught it.

My vote is to sell to KK for 10% less for his troubles
Need a spoon? :LOL: :laugh:
I say atleast raffle the chips off, set a lottery to be used first 25% numbers go to chipperA next 25% numbers go to chipperB next 25% numbers to chipperA and the last 25% numbers go to chipperB I think it will be a good solution and no feelings hurt, anyone else agree? But then again it's not my chips and it's not my auction and the money could have been transferred by now so I'll tune my self out ,

So anyone else playing poker ?
Have both participants work with a third party arbitrator who is objective and submit your best bid.

I'll volunteer

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