If split, dibs. depending on price. I'm backup dibs" quoth the chipper. (2 Viewers)

I think it’s really simple. Only use the words dibs if you’re buying no matter what. Otherwise use the thousands of other words the English language has to clearly state your intentions. It isn’t rocket science. Now again I totally understand that emotions run wild in this hobby and it’s easy to get carried away so I honestly don’t hold it against folks, but I don’t blame sellers who do, because it can be an annoying thing to deal with.
Dibs means “I’ll take them, if they’re still available.”
Legally binding, no…but back out of a few dibs and you’ll find yourself on an asshat list.
That said, if a person says dibs and doesn’t follow up with a PM, and another person sends a PM at roughly the same time without posting dibs, I see no problem with the seller going with the PM buyer.

If I post dibs and follow up with a PM, and the seller says “sorry, someone PM’d me earlier and they’re sold”, I have no problem with this.

There’s no strict rules, dibs is a courtesy.
One that shouldn’t be abused.
I personally disagree with this. To me, a firm dibs in the thread is the first priority and is a commitment to buy. Yes, following up with a PM is also necessary, But I would never, ever sell to someone who PM'd me if there were already a dibs in the thread. I'm not putting that person on a stopwatch. They will get a reasonable amount of time to reach out to me and make payment and shipping arrangements. Which is why I said in the other thread that I consider dibs in the thread as a firm commitment to buy, and that backing out without a pretty darned good reason is worthy of considering leaving negative feedback.
First of all, I think we all understand that there are no hard and fast rules regarding any of this. Some sellers are very loose with their requirements and interpretations of dibs, as well as priorities of posting in the thread or sending a PM. So anything I post here is MY opinion alone, and not any sort of PCF guideline.

I will say that one thing that has frustrated me several times is when I have posted a firm dibs in the thread (first) but in PM, seller states that someone else PM'd him first so the item is sold. When I sell, dibs IN THE THREAD always takes priority to a PM without dibs in the thread. It's a simple matter of transparency.

Regarding the question above, I would never consider "I'm interested in X" to hold my spot regarding interest in a complete item with a stated price. If another post comes later and says dibs, or I'll take it, that would supercede "I'm interested," in my opinion.

I will sometimes use "I'm interested in X if there is a split." In this case, the split price would be unknown, so it's not a commitment to buy, since you don't know what seller's asking price is going to be. But if that split does take place later, then yes, I would think it might be a placeholder. Does that make sense? But also, when there is a split, seller will always have the final say, and he might pass over my interest in one rack and give that item to a later "interest" post from someone else wanting more of the lot than I do. Seller should do what's best for him in order to get his entire lot sold.
Another thoughtful post! Great point about priority given to someone taking larger portion of the lot. I prefer your interpretation with dibs in the thread taking priority since it is public info what order comments are posted
Dibs isn’t for calling, then doing your homework.
Dibs is a courtesy that gives everyone following the message that you’re planning to buy, and they should move along.
If you’re not quite sure if the chips for sale are the one you want, that’s on you to confirm before pulling the dibs trigger.
Absolutely 100%.

@minedelta if you don’t know what you are buying you shouldn’t be buying it to begin with much less trying to preserve the right to buy while you try to decide if you are going to actually buy or not. There is a learning curve, but your education should not be coming at the expense and aggravation of someone trying to sell chips.
We're all prone to making mistakes, messing things up, and so forth.

I've always gone on the assumption that a "dibs" indicates a 90%-100% commitment. To me - a "dibs" is a step below "I'll take them, sending PM". I don't know that there's a benefit to a whole bunch of "dibs" qualifiers - such as "dibs based on split price", "dibs depending on what you're gonna charge for shipping", "dibs dependent on some additional pictures of the chips so I can see the condition", "dibs subject to this happening in the next 24 hours", and so forth.

To me, dibs means "Hey! I'm very highly interested, based on what I've seen/read so far".

I also agree as previously posted that dibs should NOT mean, "yeah, these look pretty cool, so maybe I'll think about it, but I gotta ask my wife, and so I wanna get listed as having an interest just because, but maybe I'll change my mind after dinner, who knows"...

I've withdrawn (2) dibs.
First one - the seller posted their ad, made a subsequent post or two, then went MIA, and after a couple days of no response by them in their post of their items for sale, it left me feeling 'not good' about my dibs and the potential transaction. They didn't post they were out of town or anything. Not sure why they listed the items for sale if they weren't gonna respond. And they are a long time member here.
Second one - based on a potential split. I *erroneously assumed* that the split price would be what the chips typically sell for. When the seller announced split pricing, with the prices - it was borderline ridiculous - and I wasn't the only one that withdrew dibs.

I think it's OK to express interest in a potential split, and also for it to be OK to withdraw your interest once the pricing is finally announced, if it's not what you were thinking.

Again - my opinion and thoughts. Don't know that there's a right answer without something in writing somewhere
First of all, I think we all understand that there are no hard and fast rules regarding any of this. Some sellers are very loose with their requirements and interpretations of dibs, as well as priorities of posting in the thread or sending a PM. So anything I post here is MY opinion alone, and not any sort of PCF guideline.

I will say that one thing that has frustrated me several times is when I have posted a firm dibs in the thread (first) but in PM, seller states that someone else PM'd him first so the item is sold. When I sell, dibs IN THE THREAD always takes priority to a PM without dibs in the thread. It's a simple matter of transparency.

Regarding the question above, I would never consider "I'm interested in X" to hold my spot regarding interest in a complete item with a stated price. If another post comes later and says dibs, or I'll take it, that would supercede "I'm interested," in my opinion.

I will sometimes use "I'm interested in X if there is a split." In this case, the split price would be unknown, so it's not a commitment to buy, since you don't know what seller's asking price is going to be. But if that split does take place later, then yes, I would think it might be a placeholder. Does that make sense? But also, when there is a split, seller will always have the final say, and he might pass over my interest in one rack and give that item to a later "interest" post from someone else wanting more of the lot than I do. Seller should do what's best for him in order to get his entire lot sold.
I try to look at the timestamp first. If the "PM/no dibser" requested first over the "dibs/PMer", I feel they should get it, but maybe that's just me.

I've always felt that dibs is more for the people coming later looking to buy, and less for the seller to track interest.
imo, PM's are where the real queue for the seller is.
Have you ever been on the other side of this coin where your dibs and commitment to buy the largest portion of the split items was ignored by the seller? It’s connected to making errant dibs I think; something we don’t realize before taking the RED pill.

It was a hard lesson to learn because you were left feeling like you were invisible, like you didn’t matter, and it was junior high in 1980-something (vanity :LOL: :laugh:) all over again. I got some great advice from my friends on here and I even contacted the seller to ask what happened. He was gracious enough to respond and explain all the work that goes into making a split work. It’s some stuff we don’t think much about or consider, and it's sometimes a lot of decision making and judgement calls by the seller.

But ultimately, we don’t have a perfect system here, there will probably never be one, and we probably don’t even need one. A seller has the right to sell to whomever they choose. If you make multiple dibs-retractions, then maybe your dibs don’t count as much. So if there’s a way to clean things up as a buyer, we should be trying to do that.

Good conversation here everyone. Thanks.
I've always gone on the assumption that a "dibs" indicates a 90%-100% commitment. To me - a "dibs" is a step below "I'll take them, sending PM". I don't know that there's a benefit to a whole bunch of "dibs" qualifiers - such as "dibs based on split price", "dibs depending on what you're gonna charge for shipping", "dibs dependent on some additional pictures of the chips so I can see the condition", "dibs subject to this happening in the next 24 hours", and so forth.

To me, dibs means "Hey! I'm very highly interested, based on what I've seen/read so far".
I don't see dibs as a step below "I'll take them".
I see it as 100% "I'll take them".
It's that discrepancy that drives sellers nuts. You're either calling it that you want them with the conditions listed, or you shouldn't be calling.

I will agree with you that "dibs, based on split price" is bullshit. It means nothing.
I guess you could say "If you decide to split these, I'd like to have first crack at it when I know how much you want." :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I still think dibs/then reverse dibs should be a thing

So like making a promise with your fingers crossed, got it. Triple-stamp a double-stamp.

Even as a chipping newbie, how can you not see the very real damage you are doing by calling dibs with the plan of retracting it.
So like making a promise with your fingers crossed, got it. Triple-stamp a double-stamp.

Even as a chipping newbie, how can you not see the very real damage you are doing by calling dibs with the plan of retracting it.
I never sold anything here and I'm still trying to understand the dibs fully. After witnessing what unfolded in that thread. I made the comment hoping to get a clearer answer while expressing my opinion about release dibs and my experience doing it once. While I have dibbed and purchase 10-15 other times since then and not backing out. That release dibs was the first time I ever attempted to purchase something then finding out I made a mistake.

Release dibs happen all the time for what ever reason with people here. So for a new person seeing this happen then to me it is not binding. Just a placeholder.

You can't be upset for me not understanding fully when it's litterly what people do here. It's what resparked this whole conversation. it started because of a few release dibs on that thread.

But I really disagree with "damage" if one releases a dib. If there is another person in the queue then it's theirs. If no one is queued then it's still up for grabs. The sale will go on. No money is lost. A post can be relisted, bumped, or priced dropped.

I am here to have a discussion and I do see some of the points that some of you guys are making
The comments seem to be bit flame the new guy. Bring out the pitch forks etc.
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I never sold anything here and I'm still trying to understand the dibs fully. After witnessing what unfolded in that thread. I made the comment hoping to get a clearer answer while expressing my opinion about release dibs and my experience doing it once. While I have dibbed and purchase 10-15 other times since then and not backing out. That release dibs was the first time I ever attempted to purchase something.

Release dibs happen all the time for what ever reason with people here. So for a new person seeing this happen then to me it is not binding. Just a placeholder.

You can't be upset for me not understanding fully when it's litterly what people do here. It's what resparked this whole conversation. it started because of a few release dibs on that thread.

I am here to have a discussion and I do see some of the points that some of you guys are making.

The comments seem to be bit flame the new guy. Bring out the pitch forks etc.
I think Glynn's point is, Dibs stands for something on here. It's a phrase used to state the solid intent of purchase if the chips are available. I understand that you have an opinion on what the phrase could mean, but it just doesn't work the way you're voicing. The precedent has been set for how it is supposed to function, don't follow the example of the folks who pulled their dibs back habitually, it isn't well received. If you want to half state interest in chips just called it "Fibs", since it's basically a lie :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:.

In all seriousness, new members are needed to keep this place running and the hobby going strong. You'll learn as you go and don't feel attacked people just have strong opinions on this topic. I honestly pretty much never use the word just because it causes confusion sometimes, when it shouldn't, because of situations like this. I tend to just state that I'll be PM'ing the seller and go from there. There are circumstances where releasing dibs is fair game, it's just a grey area that is tough to define. The blatant 20 minute later "my mind has changed" is what is annoying folks though.
I try to look at the timestamp first. If the "PM/no dibser" requested first over the "dibs/PMer", I feel they should get it, but maybe that's just me.
We'll just have to agree to disagree then. As I stated, I prefer the transparency of dibs in the thread. I will will typically state that in my sale OP.

I've always felt that dibs is more for the people coming later looking to buy, and less for the seller to track interest.
imo, PM's are where the real queue for the seller is.
This makes no sense. How can people coming in later know that someone already sent you a PM, and the item is no longer available? You're basically saying that as the seller, you will sell to whomever you want to sell to. Which is perfectly okay, since it's your stuff. But at least have the courtesy to state that in your ad up front. I've seen ads where the seller stated just that. But when the seller doesn't say it up front, that is exactly the policy that I was describing that frustrates me. A buyer has no idea that another PM came in before they posted dibs in the thread. And it's only the seller's word that it did come in first. So don't say it's for the people coming in later. Your policy only benefits the seller.
We're all prone to making mistakes, messing things up, and so forth.
Of course. Mistakes can happen and most of us on here are understanding of that.
I've always gone on the assumption that a "dibs" indicates a 90%-100% commitment. To me - a "dibs" is a step below "I'll take them, sending PM". I don't know that there's a benefit to a whole bunch of "dibs" qualifiers - such as "dibs based on split price", "dibs depending on what you're gonna charge for shipping", "dibs dependent on some additional pictures of the chips so I can see the condition", "dibs subject to this happening in the next 24 hours", and so forth.
Nope. Dibs and I'll take them, sending PM, both mean exactly the same thing.

And all those other dibs, with qualifiers, are not really dibs at all. They are more "I'm interested and have questions." But it's certainly the seller's choice if they want to consider them dibs, and deal with them first, even if a later person says dibs with no qualifiers.
To me, dibs means "Hey! I'm very highly interested, based on what I've seen/read so far".
I think you should change that perception, as I don't think too many sellers will agree with you.
I also agree as previously posted that dibs should NOT mean, "yeah, these look pretty cool, so maybe I'll think about it, but I gotta ask my wife, and so I wanna get listed as having an interest just because, but maybe I'll change my mind after dinner, who knows"...

I've withdrawn (2) dibs.
First one - the seller posted their ad, made a subsequent post or two, then went MIA, and after a couple days of no response by them in their post of their items for sale, it left me feeling 'not good' about my dibs and the potential transaction. They didn't post they were out of town or anything. Not sure why they listed the items for sale if they weren't gonna respond. And they are a long time member here.
Second one - based on a potential split. I *erroneously assumed* that the split price would be what the chips typically sell for. When the seller announced split pricing, with the prices - it was borderline ridiculous - and I wasn't the only one that withdrew dibs.

I think it's OK to express interest in a potential split, and also for it to be OK to withdraw your interest once the pricing is finally announced, if it's not what you were thinking.

Again - my opinion and thoughts. Don't know that there's a right answer without something in writing somewhere
Neither of those situations where you withdrew your dibs are unreasonable. I don't blame you a bit for either of those, and I doubt anyone else here would. Those are not the typical type of situations we are talking about here where there is a ready seller and multiple ready buyers.
This makes no sense. How can people coming in later know that someone already sent you a PM, and the item is no longer available? You're basically saying that as the seller, you will sell to whomever you want to sell to. Which is perfectly okay, since it's your stuff. But at least have the courtesy to state that in your ad up front. I've seen ads where the seller stated just that. But when the seller doesn't say it up front, that is exactly the policy that I was describing that frustrates me. A buyer has no idea that another PM came in before they posted dibs in the thread. And it's only the seller's word that it did come in first. So don't say it's for the people coming in later. Your policy only benefits the seller.
You're making the assumption that when you post dibs, it's yours? I dont make that assumption.
When I see dibs, I see a person making a statement to everyone that they would like to buy it...and will, if available. But there is always the possibility that a deal has already been made behind the scenes, and I have no problem with that.
If I dibs something, I am hopefully considering myself first in line if the item is still available. I'm hoping that when the seller logs on and looks through his PMs and posts, that my dibs is before any other deal. If not, so be it.

And I will continue to say dibs is for everyone that follows. It is a courtesy to the people that see the ad after me that I'm are going to buy it, and they shouldn't expect to be in line. Go ahead and post "backup" if you want, but I posted dibs and unless something MAJOR changes to my circumstance or the item for sale, I'm planning on making the deal with the seller.

I guess we see dibs differently.
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If PayPal didn't charge fees it would be sweet to have a system set up a check out like the TheChiproom does so the first person to check out takes the chips. "Backing out, or refund" will then fall on the seller to decide.

For splits, there could be a system that temporarily hold your funds for a few days giving time for other to claim and hold other portions until split is complete and if not all splits are claimed then the ad expires after so many days and money goes back to every one.

Aside from PCF creating their own financial system I guess there wouldn't be a free way of doing this. Not even crypto would be free..
I think anybody that writes "dibs, depending on split price" or some such near-nonsense should at least immediately follow up with a public or private dollar offer. No seller should be expected to honor any "dibs" for something that s/he is not explicitly selling and at a price that has not been defined. Further negotiation can and will happen, but have some place to start.
Release dibs happen all the time for what ever reason with people here. So for a new person seeing this happen then to me it is not binding. Just a placeholder.
Yet there are members who exist here who have called dibs, wanted to back out, and DIDN’T! They purchased the item anyway.

Why??? Because they claimed it publicly and told the seller and everyone watching that thread they want to buy this precious item of such high value. Some call this having integrity and respect for the hobby and the people that keep it going.

There ARE ways of correcting mistakes when you buy chips and realize you really don’t want them. You can sell them in the classifieds. :wow:

And if you don't think these goods are precious items, then what the f*** are you doing here in this forum’s classifieds in the first place? Go to Amazon or eBay and buy the cheapest set of chips you can get.

Maybe it’s a generational thing.

You can't be upset for me not understanding fully when it's litterly what people do here.
This right here explains it all!!!!! If you don’t understand fully what the hell you are doing in an online classifieds section of a forum, THEN YOU SHOULDN’T BE CLAIMING ITEMS TO BUY!

Serenity Now!!!!!
And save us from the GOTTA-HAVE-IT-RIGHT-NOW generation.
Yet there are members who exist here who have called dibs, wanted to back out, and DIDN’T! They purchased the item anyway.

Why??? Because they claimed it publicly and told the seller and everyone watching that thread they want to buy this precious item of such high value. Some call this having integrity and respect for the hobby and the people that keep it going.

There ARE ways of correcting mistakes when you buy chips and realize you really don’t want them. You can sell them in the classifieds. :wow:

And if you don't think these goods are precious items, then what the f*** are you doing here in this forum’s classifieds in the first place? Go to Amazon or eBay and buy the cheapest set of chips you can get.

Maybe it’s a generational thing.

This right here explains it all!!!!! If you don’t understand fully what the hell you are doing in an online classifieds section of a forum, THEN YOU SHOULDN’T BE CLAIMING ITEMS TO BUY!

Serenity Now!!!!!
And save us from the GOTTA-HAVE-IT-RIGHT-NOW generation.
Yet there are members who exist here who have called dibs, wanted to back out, and DIDN’T! They purchased the item anyway.
If this happened everytime then this conversation wouldn't be had.
And if you don't think these goods are precious items, then what the f*** are you doing here in this forum’s classifieds in the first place? Go to Amazon or eBay and buy the cheapest set of chips you can get.

Maybe it’s a generational thing.
I've been a member since August and became a supporting member because I enjoyed my time here so far. Not sure how diverting me to shop elsewhere because I expressed and questioned an opinion you disagree with.

Or evening bringing generational thing as an excuse for my opinion.

Are we going to start naming calling next?

I'm discussing this because hey I'm here to learn but if we are just here to berate me then maybe this isn't the community for me. I got my first set on Black Friday and stuck around to continue to venturing ideas for my next. Not really interested in having a pissing contest.
Leaving now would be probably best anyways.
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If this happened everytime then this conversation wouldn't be had.

I've been a member since August and became a supporting member because I enjoyed my time here so far. Not sure how diverting me to shop elsewhere because I expressed and questioned an opinion you disagree with.

Or evening bringing generational thing as an excuse for my opinion.

Are we going to start naming calling next?

I'm discussing this because hey I'm here to learn but if we are just here to berate me then maybe this isn't the community for me. I got my first set on Black Friday and stuck around to continue to venturing ideas for my next. Not really interested in having a pissing contest.
Leaving now would be probably best anyways.

This thing has been discussed over and over and over again and then some more. There are slight nuances on the opinions and definitions of ”dibs” and there are always special cases and exceptions, but in general backing out of or renegging deals is frowned upon. Do it once or twice with good reason and maybe that’s fine. But keep doing it and eventually people probably won’t wanna deal with that person.

Personally, I think it’s really simple. ”Dibs” or ”I’ll take them” is the same thing and shouldn’t be used unless there is a clear intention and commitment to buy. It’s not a placeholder while you ask questions and figure out whether you wanna buy or not. Do the homework in advance. We’ve all been new at some point and missed good deals or made deals that in hindsight maybe wasn’t all that good.
This thing has been discussed over and over and over again and then some more. There are slight nuances on the opinions and definitions of ”dibs” and there are always special cases and exceptions, but in general backing out of or renegging deals is frowned upon. Do it once or twice with good reason and maybe that’s fine. But keep doing it and eventually people probably won’t wanna deal with that person.

Personally, I think it’s really simple. ”Dibs” or ”I’ll take them” is the same thing and shouldn’t be used unless there is a clear intention and commitment to buy. It’s not a placeholder while you ask questions and figure out whether you wanna buy or not. Do the homework in advance. We’ve all been new at some point and missed good deals or made deals that in hindsight maybe wasn’t all that good.
What if its to ask the sell some questions or more pictures?
What if its to ask the sell some questions or more pictures?
If you wanna ask questions about a sale of mine, feel free to do so but don’t dibs it, that’s just dishonest. Yeah, maybe someone else will beat you to the sale, that’s the risk you’re taking. Again, do your homework
Dibs is a binding “I am buying these”

you can’t use it to hold your spot in line while you think about things.

I guess there can be exceptions. If the seller didn’t reveal all the information and it changes the parameters of the sale (picture shows three racks of something, but it’s really only one for sale and that wasn’t clear, the chips are from mixed batches and don’t actually match, the chips are in Botswana and have to be shipped via Tierra del Fuego, they only take payment in Krugerrand, etc) or something truly exceptional happens like you crash your own car into your own house and it burns down and you’re in a particularly bad way.
But I really disagree with "damage" if one releases a dib. If there is another person in the queue then it's theirs. If no one is queued then it's still up for grabs. The sale will go on. No money is lost. A post can be relisted, bumped, or priced dropped.
The latter is a direct damage to the seller. Also, as a potential buyer, if I see dibs I move on and don't necessarily read the thread later again. If you then retract dibs, you caused ME damage as well as to the seller.
I'm here to learn
You are being invited to learn.

But I really disagree with "damage" if one releases a dib. If there is another person in the queue then it's theirs. If no one is queued then it's still up for grabs. The sale will go on. No money is lost. A post can be relisted, bumped, or priced dropped.
This is the problem. The damages have been described repeatedly both in this and the linked thread. There is room for opinion and disagreement in the "dibs" conversation, but the damages caused by unilaterally releasing dibs are neither hypothetical nor arguable. You listed some in this very quote. We are not asking if you agree that they exist.
I'm new here, and I have watched the classifieds since the day I had access. I assumed Dibs was relatively binding. At times, I was frustrated that I couldn't read every thread at once so I wouldn't be beaten to the buzzer. Other times, when the bills come due, I'm grateful somebody else ended up with the prize.

Beginning today, I will be removing the D from my keyboard so I will only be able to type "ibs" unless I get the D out of my safe to make it binding.

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