Well, I tried to negotiate with him and apparently I failed. He has Las Vegas Club (LVC) $1 chips I'm after in two different auctions. Here they both are:
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Generally these sell for around $5 each. So one of his auctions is high while the other is the total fuck you price ("You want these chips? Fuck You! Pay me"). There are two different $1 chips. The older blue/yellow/blue/ edge and the replacement blue/white/blue edge. I happen to be only gathering the blue/yellow/blue ones. Since he is selling mixed lots I messaged him and asked if he'd sell me just the ones I want along with any others he might have in one lot. He replied and asked me what I'm willing to pay for each. Here is that conversation:
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I actually liked and understood his directness. It got right to the heart of the matter. No bullshitting or wasting each other's time. He must get hassled to break up sets or sell just one particular chip in a lot constantly, and with the enormity of auctions he's running simultaneously his dm box must be insane. So I gave him a direct answer and he quickly replied with an even more direct one
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So after seeing this I'm kind of surprised he didn't make a counter offer and would leave potential money on the table. I mean, does this person not have any clue how insane his prices are? Are not hundreds of people messaging him on how ludicrous his pricing is? My offer of $5 was actually generous considering I can and have won auctions of the same chip for as low as $0.99. Unfortunately the shipping always bumps it back up into the $4 - $5 per chip range but still, the cost was a buck. Spinetti's, a brick & mortar business not some home based seller, sold them on
eBay for $80/barrel. Anyway, I decided to see where he was at on price and this is what he said
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I get it. He just doesn't want to be bothered. I guess my $5 was so laughable to him that I'm not worth the time. He knows that I know what we all know. His prices are ridiculous and he's not gonna get that big payday out of me. He'd rather his time be spent messaging back the gullible and uninformed. I did reply back but his silence was obviously his answer to me after his previous quick replies.
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Nothing. Not even the addition of other chips I'd purchase was enough to lure him into a negotiation. I really had the urge to blast off one hell of a nasty message (a select few of you have saw what I'm capable of

) but in the end it wouldn't be worth my time. I'd rather write this post so that others that follow can be informed. Who knows, maybe he is a member here. Lurking among us. Cherishing our hateful comments. Laughing at us as he cashes in that one big payday from some sucker. There's one born every minute....just not me.