VERY old concept. “We reserve the right to refuse to do business with anyone.”
I’m befuddled as to why this would even be debated. If someone’s an Asshole (to you), you can choose not to interact with, sell to, buy from, or engage with them. Plain and simple. “Community” has nothing to do with this concept. Especially if you’ve never met that person in person before.
I have discovered that things are different when you meet a person in real life, though. When I went to MinnieMania and realized how much fun meetups were, I was excited to try and attend another one. I noticed several of my PCF friends were attending another one a couple of flying hours away from me. So I PM’ed the host letting him know of my interest to attend.
He was incredibly polite in declining, providing the simple explanation that it was his first meetup and already stressed about it, and having someone whose online personality rubbed him the wrong way just wasn’t worth the additional stress. He added that if we ever did meet, he couldn’t see why we couldn’t have a perfectly cordial conversation and relationship. And he predicted correctly, as we sat next to each other at dinner in Vegas, and in fact, had a perfectly lovely chat, unmarred by any online persona issues.