In This Together (4 Viewers)

I think he's being sarcastic. Unless I misread it and he really wants to give a cash prize to the most well endowed member on pcf.
ha, okay. That makes sense. I guess I am the one who’s going over the edge.
I'm a pretty slow reader. And not much time to go through all this. But whatever you guys come up with, just let me know. I got $30 so far and plan on a couple more sales/auctions. If this doesn't pan out I'll just ship it to my families go-to non profits.

Thank you. Very much appreciate it.
@Windwalker what does a good investigator run?

Maybe we can put the proceeds towards an investigation?

I had a couple of the affected people reach out to me via PM with some of the specifics, some of which are outlined in the thread (gambling addiction, fraudulent sale of the same items to multiple people, etc.), and one of them specifically asked for help.

I reached out to a friend of mine who is a C-level executive at Rabobank (a Dutch finserv multinational), and he in turn reached out to his contact at the Netherlands Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Division, who investigate, among other things, mail and financial fraud by Dutch citizens, and have jurisdiction on crimes committed by them in other countries or markets.

Unfortunately, the amount of the alleged fraud is too small and unreported within the Netherlands to open an official inquiry, but I was told that if I were to pass on @poppin92’s name, contact and all known mailing addresses (as he seems to have many,) he would do a search to see if he’s in the Dutch criminal databases, for similar issues.

Who can send me that info?
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I used to work for the police in the UK in witness care and dealt with a large fraud case that had victims across multiple European countries and America that all went to court here. Some money was recovered but a lot had already dissapeared but the guy caught in the UK did get a prison sentence. This definitely needs reporting and the Dutch authorities can deal with it. If one person can report it then give the dealing officers contact details to the others to contact then action should happen. If Poppins has a gambling addiction then it is unlikely that any money will be recovered plus it would be down to the courts to award this anyway but if he doesn't have the funds to seize then it is not going to happen. At least in the hands of the police justice should be served and with the money @horseshoez is collecting those out of pocket will hopefully be less so. But definitely get it reported and get a contact for the Dutch police who will co ordinate it all. Just my two pence worth.
You can tell about about a man based on what he wishes to happen to the poster that commented on the poster that quoted the poster that wished something to happen to someone based on what they wished to happen to someone else’s third step cousin, twice removed.
So I know this is in jest, at not aimed at me, but my point with @Windwalker's post was he didn't say, "think of how you would feel if someone says something similar on a picture of your wife or daughter." He said, "I hope someone says something similar on a picture of your wife or daughter."

He chastises someone for gawking at his niece (which begs the question of why are you posting a picture of your niece in a bikini on a forum made up of largely self-admitted degenerate males) and then wishes that someone would do the same thing to that person's wife/daughter.

The hypocrisy drips off his post. I've heard lots of good things about Krish and seen generousity first hand too, but he's too "look at me" and too condescending at times, and that's why I keep him on ignore.
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He chastises someone for gawking at his niece (which begs the question of why are you posting a picture of your niece in a bikini on a forum made up of largely self-admitted degenerate males)

Last I’ll say about this: I totally agree — my response about “hoping” was out of line. Your own hypocricy however, is on display, given how you let the original commenter off the hook: Gawking at a vacation photo is one thing. (There are hundreds of them on the forum.) Saying said niece in vacation picture is a prostitute, is another.

Plus, if this picture is what constitutes sexual content or gives off those kinds of vibes — then there’s another issue totally.

Either way, your point is a good one. I was angry when I wrote that.

Just so you understand — I’ve literally only publicly posted 4 pictures of “women” since I’ve been on the forum. A partial picture of my ex-girlfriend on a flight, a vacation photo of her hiking in helmets and gear, the picture of my niece and her friend above, and this recent photo of my girlfriend in our home. I challenge anyone to find another photo I’ve publicly posted that fits the description @Señor Tony provides in his explanation above.

If photos like the 4 above draw comments like the one above from @Señor Tony without provocation, I think I’m entitled to some anger. But, I probably should have kept it in PMs.

I’m not saying anything more about this, and apologies Zaki, for the derail.
Last I’ll say about this: I totally agree — my response about “hoping” was out of line. Your own hypocricy however, is on display, given how you let the original commenter off the hook: Gawking at a vacation photo is one thing. (There are hundreds of them on the forum.) Saying said niece in vacation picture is a prostitute, is another.

Plus, if this picture is what constitutes sexual content or gives off those kinds of vibes — then there’s another issue totally.

Either way, your point is a good one. I was angry when I wrote that.

Just so you understand — I’ve literally only publicly posted 4 pictures of “women” since I’ve been on the forum. A partial picture of my ex-girlfriend on a flight, a vacation photo of her hiking in helmets and gear, the picture of my niece and her friend above, and this recent photo of my girlfriend in our home. I challenge anyone to find another photo I’ve publicly posted that fits the description @Señor Tony provides in his explanation above.

If photos like the 4 above draw comments like the one above from @Señor Tony without provocation, I think I’m entitled to some anger. But, I probably should have kept it in PMs.

I’m not saying anything more about this, and apologies Zaki, for the derail.
Serious talk....

Can I have these?
2FEC01BF-EA3D-46FE-8D1F-4011B0DA3C84 (1).jpeg

I have no use for them but they are beautiful. I'd even settle for a single.
So who's organising the Poppins tribute set group buy?
Either way, your point is a good one. I was angry when I wrote that.
And maybe the commenter was not thinking clearly either when he made an offhand comment.

I think we've all learned a lesson here.

I will say, after calling you out for your words, I'll commend you for admitting fault. That takes a big man. :hat tip:
Quick update:
I just spoke with Poppin92 on the phone, and he gave me his side of the story.
Apparently his gambling addiction has taken a heavy toll. He is broke, lost his job, and is currently receiving help with his addiction.

He has one set of chips that still needs to be shipped to @horseshoez, but he can't afford the shipping cost at the moment.
He still follows what is being said on this forum, and it weighs heavy on him. He's in a severe depression and the hate he sees here for him is pulling him further down.

He says all other packages are in transit, but PostNL can't give any more info than what the Track-n-Trace is showing. As mentioned before, there are severe delays in international shipping, and I have experienced the same with shipments from the US through USPS (PostNL is the Dutch equivalent of USPS). Only couriers like UPS, FedEx and the like seem to be relatively immune because they use their own planes. Other mail is usually carried by regular cargo or passenger traffic, and that has slowed down significantly over the past year, creating a backlog.

I understand that many people here are anxious, and it is his every intention to make everyone whole again, but it may take some time.

It is an unfortunate state of affairs, and an accumulation of multiple problems, but right now I have every confidence this will eventually be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

I would like to ask those who don't have any stake in this, to please refrain from stoking the fire. It would also help if Poppin92 could be unbanned so he can communicate with those still waiting for packages through this forum. Hopefully this will break the echochamber that we are currently in.

I have personally also experienced how toxic some people on this forum can be, accusing me of lying about my motorcycle being stolen, or holding out for an alleged higher offer. Some people love to jump to conclusions and in discussions where they have no business being, and nothing can convince them they were wrong, even when the other party refuted their assumptions. I urge everyone to remain patient while this issue is worked out.
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My package was "allegedly" shipped 50 days ago, not one update on tracking since that date. If my package was actually shipped it wouldn't be sitting at the PostNL location for 50 days with even getting an outbound scan. Also in regards to poppin being able to communicate with us.........several of us have emailed him about opening up inquiry's to our shipments since only he as the sender can do, and he is refusing to do that and he also is refusing to respond to us via email, so unbanning him would do nothing as he wont respond to those of us that have contacted him through email.
Quick update:
I just spoke with Poppin92 on the phone, and he gave me his side of the story.

I’m confused. He sold things he didn’t have, committed international mail fraud, stole money, and that’s supposed to be overlooked because he recognizes he has a gambling problem?

Would you be willing to PM me his phone number, or since you seem to think he’s on the mend, would you be personally willing to speak to my friend’s contact at the FIOD-ECD about his whereabouts? (See my previous post.)

EDIT: Your post also seems to indicate you believe he has actually shipped everything he’s supposed to have shipped. Is that what you believe? That there’s only one package left to ship? Everything else is in transit?
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My package was "allegedly" shipped 50 days ago, not one update on tracking since that date. If my package was actually shipped it wouldn't be sitting at the PostNL location for 50 days with even getting an outbound scan. Also in regards to poppin being able to communicate with us.........several of us have emailed him about opening up inquiry's to our shipments since only he as the sender can do, and he is refusing to do that and he also is refusing to respond to us via email, so unbanning him would do nothing as he wont respond to those of us that have contacted him through email.
He said he received death threats from some members here, which by the way is totally unacceptable if true.
I’m confused. He sold things he didn’t have, committed international mail fraud, stole money, and that’s supposed to be overlooked because he recognizes he has a gambling problem?

Would you be willing to PM me his phone number, or since you seem to think he’s on the mend, would you be personally willing to speak to my friend’s contact at the FIOD-ECD? (See my previous post.)
I don't have any information regarding selling things he didn't have. I've seen mentions of multiple members receiving the same photo of chips he sold, but that doesn't necessarily mean he sold the same chips to multiple members.

If packages are still in transit, there was not international mail fraud, nor was money stolen. Unfortunately, I have no way to check since I don't have any tracking information.

I'm more than happy to talk to your contact at the FIOD. You can message me his contact information.
I’m confused. He sold things he didn’t have, committed international mail fraud, stole money, and that’s supposed to be overlooked because he recognizes he has a gambling problem?

Would you be willing to PM me his phone number, or since you seem to think he’s on the mend, would you be personally willing to speak to my friend’s contact at the FIOD-ECD about his whereabouts? (See my previous post.)

EDIT: Your post also seems to indicate you believe he has actually shipped everything he’s supposed to have shipped. Is that what you believe? That there’s only one package left to ship? Everything else is in transit?
I believe @RudysNYC was texting with Poppin and has his phone number.
@horseshoez, I commend you for wanting to help others and taking the initiative to do so. A lot of good points have been made in this thread by those for and against this effort. While your intentions are good, it does set a bad precedent.

We all feel bad about what happened, but collecting money in an attempt to make the people in Poppin's Ponzi scheme 100% is not something I'd be in favor of. It's a terrible situation that should have never happened, but we also need to be responsible for the risks of sending PayPal Friends and Family.

I believe multiple people were scammed, but the verification method of using screenshots for accounting is not without flaws. I could log into PayPal, go to my activity list, right-click and edit everything on that page, then take a screenshot of it. The same for PMs and Emails. I'm not doubting the honesty of the members who have come forward but the potential of making a very bad situation even worst is too great IMO.

I can only speak for US PayPal accounts, and I think it has been mentioned before, if you sent PayPal FF using a credit card, you usually could get your money back by opening up a dispute with your credit card company. PayPal will put a restriction on your account until you re-verify it.

I do still want to help though. I was thinking about putting a sample set of my Broken Bell cash set up for auction and donating the proceeds but I've decided to go another route.

I'm going to offer up to 20 Supporting Member upgrades to those who were affected. If you are already a Supporting Member, I will extend it for another year.
EDIT: Your post also seems to indicate you believe he has actually shipped everything he’s supposed to have shipped. Is that what you believe? That there’s only one package left to ship? Everything else is in transit?
At this moment, and without evidence to the contrary, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
A tracking number can be generated online, which will trigger the message "waiting for package". Once that status has changed to "Package received by PostNL" a package with that address and trackingnumber has been delivered by the sender. Generally speaking you'll see the weight and dimensions of the package the following day.
At this moment, and without evidence to the contrary, I have no reason to believe otherwise.
A tracking number can be generated online, which will trigger the message "waiting for package". Once that status has changed to "Package received by PostNL" a package with that address and trackingnumber has been delivered by the sender. Generally speaking you'll see the weight and dimensions of the package the following day.
You should discuss with @horseshoez.

Per previous posts, poppin admitted to ripping people off and confirming that he sold chips that weren't even in his possession.
I think unbanning @Poppin92 is a good idea. Let him speak for himself. At the least it will keep him too busy to to think about gambling. Open a thread so that in public all can be exposed and discussed, with anger and insults quelled. Only folks affected should be allowed to post in said thread and anyone disrespectful or not involved could catch a major ban for even commenting.

I realize that it would involve some extra work from Mods and Tommy but as the provider of the venue where the fraud took place it is the least they can do. Not responding to offenders but simply reporting the comments should suffice.

I also realize that forum and owners of said forum have in no way promoted nor sanctioned this behavior but should participate in its resolution and going forward should take steps to improve the feedback system and other aspects of the classifieds to provide a safer environment. I also agree that saving 3% paying PPFF is at anyone’s risk, I’m guilty of it myself at times and have held my breath buying something really desirable, and definitely fear a seller telling me things like “it will affect my taxes if you pay PPG&S”


MAKE HIM SPEAK FOR HIMSELF! If he’s truly got a problem the first course Is admission to victims and settling with them. (12 steps)

Side note: I understand that one PCF’er alone was ripped to the tune of $4,900. If that’s the leading victim they should certainly contact the Dutch authorities and get something going with the rest of us who are affected. . If I was ripped off for 4900 I would not just let it go.

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