If anyone is interested, I have stripped the ensuing argument out of the hand history: (warning, the language does get a bit spicy at times)
Hero: "because i had commented on your preflop sizing"
Villain: "thats shitty donny"
Hero: "how am i shitty?"
Hero: "you bet it"
Villain: "i fucking had q,4"
Hero: "i thought you were being cheeky"
Hero: "i didnt know that"
Hero: "i had AKs"
Villain: "i wanted to bet 43"
Hero: "i had to call"
Villain: "$"
Villain: "donny'"
Hero: "i didnt do anything wrong"
Villain: "we need to sort this out or we will have a problem"
Hero: "i never thought for a second you had misclicked"
Hero: "sort what out? you bet, i called"
Villain: "i had q,4"
Hero: "i did not know that"
Villain: "wanted to bet $3"
Hero: "how am i supposed to know that?"
Villain: "and i evenb said that right afrter"
Hero: "you did not say misclick"
Villain: "are you retarded? id bet what 300 on thats?"
Hero: "you said, oh sorry..as in i thought you were rubbing my nose in my earlier comments"
Hero: "never occurred to me you had misclicked"
Villain: "up to you"
Hero: "you didnt even say you made a mistake"
Villain: "we sort that hand out or im done for good"
Villain: "yes i fucking did"
Villain folds
Hero: "no you did not"
Hero: "you said..oh sorry"
Villain: "as fast as i could type"
Hero: "i thought you were being snarky about the previous conversation"
Villain: "think abot it"
Villain: "i typed as soon as i could gthat i made a mistake"
Hero: "i don't know what you think i should do"
Villain: "meant to bet 3"
Villain: "im done after this game"
Villain: "for good"
Hero: "i'm asking you, what do you think i should do here?"
Villain: "you do what you think is right"
Hero: "i dont think i did anything wrong, and i honestly did not get that you had misclicked..you didnt say that"
Villain: "om np"
Villain: "ok np"
Hero: "and then you called the other 40..so what if you had won then?"
Hero: "if you had won, what would you be doing?"
Villain: "i had no choice at that point"
Villain: "whatver"
Villain: "im good"
Hero: "not the question, what would you have done if you won?"
Villain: "stop talking"
Villain: "you honestly think Im going to bet like 200 or more on a $2 pot"
Villain: "shake your head"
Hero: "i thought yoiu probably had KK or something and were trying to bait me into a call"
Villain: "and ID BET $200????"
Hero: "what would you be saying right now if you had won?"
Villain: "q0 10 maybe"
Hero: "plus, i had just been sahying i dont like the large preflop raises, so i thought you were fuciking with me"
Villain: "np donnny"
Villain: "enjouy"
Hero: "i just happened to have AKs"
Villain: "all good"
Villain: "enjoy"
Hero: "if you had won, you would keep it"
Hero: "i;ve asked 3 times and you refuse to answer"
Villain: "asked me what|"
Villain: "?>"
Hero: "what if you had won"
Hero: "you kept not answering"
Villain: "i would have said fuck you because i tried to stop the hand and you didnt"
Villain: "totaly beside the point"
Hero: "and then you flop top pair, dont say anything more, call..and lose ...and then start taking again"
Hero: "so if you think you should have kept it if you won, then dont see how different should apply to me"
Villain: "im not arguing anymroe"
Villain: "fucking retarded that you think that was a bet"
Villain: "because you didnt stop the hand when i said it was a misclick, thats why"
Hero: "you didnt say misclick on the flop"
Hero: "you can scroll up"
Hero: "you said sorry...saw that you hit top pair and then called"
Villain: "i was typing like a mother fucker to try and beat you to acting"
Hero: "you didnt say misclick"
Hero: "but you should not have called then if you wanted to end the hand"
Hero: "you did not"
Villain: "regardless, does it make any sense at all?"
Hero: "you called to see if you would win"
Villain: "no worries donny"
Villain: "we;re done"
Villain: "dont talk to me anymore'"
Villain: "fuck you"
Villain: "we're done. if you want to take me out of the game, go ahead"
Hero: "why would i do that?"
Villain: "i mean remove my account"
Villain: "because youre being a cocksucker and we're done"
Villain: "you just ended our friendship over $200"
Villain: "enjoy it"
Villain: "buy yourself something nice"
Hero: "what do you think is fair?"
Villain: "stop talking to me"
LOL, it seems when I used notepad to switch my name to Hero, it also changed "donny" to Herony. I've cleaned up the chat a bit now to get rid Herone and stuff where done or don't was intended.