Incident at recent online home game. (17 Viewers)

I would have sent him a split pot because he didn't back out after flopping top pair, only after he got rivered.

And then only after a public apology and him sending me a case of whatever he was drinking. But I'm a drunk so your mileage may vary on that last part .....
That conversation is very telling. Goes to show his true personality, drinking or not. If I were you, I would hash it out with him if you want to keep his friendship. As far as playing poker with him though? That's over.
HELL NO! As others have pointed out, dude's a potential ATM. Have the conversations you need to regarding your friendship and his drinking, and make it crystal clear that a bet is a bet unless he screams out PAUSE before it's too late. But then take every possible advantage to separate this dude from his bankroll. At least until you get your $200 back X2 or more.
If he wanted to keep betting that much that is fine, but I'll just go to bed as it's late anyway, and they can play heads up if they want.
Maybe this guy and his attitude is why there’s only three people in your game, and one of them hates to be there
Ok, so let’s say he wins the hand... let’s say his top pair holds, and he doubles up...? Will he afterwards give YOU your share back? Eff him.
When you return his money, you have just reinforced his bad, dishonest behavior, and you have guaranteed that he will do it again - not only to you....but others.
Either of whether to return him the money or not, i will never play with this guy anymore.

He clearly acting like a son of a b1tch and either way you will lost out since he will be barking too loud.
I don't know anybody who didn't miss click at least once over the last year of online play. Not a single one was changed because that's the perils of playing online.
Since he continued vs your $40 follow-up, I agree that his misclick excuse kind of goes out the window at that point.

Yeah, I understand that once he got the $174 in, he may have been just figuring, well, now it’s $40 to win $348, so I have to call.

But if he wanted to take this line, the moment to say it was when you put in the extra $40 on the flop.
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And yeah, I agree that if someone behaves this childishly, and still talks to an old friend abusively*after* he has had a chance to calm down, it is worth considering why the age of the friendship matters. I get it, when you have extensive history with someone it is hard to let go of that shared experience. If it were an aberration, I could see shrugging it off. But you indicate that this type of behavior is typical of him. I have ended longtime friendships over less, and not regretted it.
Betting $173 is not easy to do on Mavens. I don’t believe for a second it was a “mis-click” there is no single button to bet that much.

it has to be entered as an amount then click the BET button.

Yeah, considering that the 1, 3 and 7 keys are not adjoining on any keyboard that I can think of, and that there is a big difference between entering 1 digit vs 3 digits (then hitting enter), I doubt it was really a misclick. (Is he choosing his bet sizes by running his finger randomly across the keyboard?)


Short of that I would make it very clear that if he ever makes an “accident” bet again there will be no refunds coming. And that if he gets verbally abusive towards you or anyone else he will be kicked out, no further warning given.

I might have said: You can have your crummy $200 and sit out the next 10 games; or you can be a big boy, own your mistake, and try not drinking so much during the next game.

Make it his choice what kind of asshole he prefers to be.
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Yeah, villain is wrong in many ways.

That money he lost was gone before the hand. It was gone when he put it on the table, and he only gets it back by either not playing or winning pots. Clicking the right buttons is part of the game. It's a game he decided to play. If he's not emotionally stable enough to play the game and lose with grace he shouldn't have a seat.
He should have asked you for a chop before calling and playing it out
Agree or Disagree…
This is what I would do in a friendly online game:
If anyone mis-clicks/mis-bets by accident pre-flop (especially as big an accident as that!), you immediately call a halt and the hand is dead.
All players fold to the mis-clicker so they get their money back. Mis-clicker gives all players their money back.
It‘s fair to all friendly parties.

Maybe have everyone take screenshots of their hands and give some extra to the person who had the best hand pre-flop. I know I would be pissed if I was forced to fold a good hand because of a mis-deal (or a mis-bet here), and giving something to that person may pacify their anger.

Sounds like the guy was being an ass prior to this “accidental” raise. I wouldn’t have given him a dime back.
Dang man. I had a guy who was sent three buy ins to the wrong Venmo account and I was the bank. I told him to ask the account for them back. Followed up the next day and when he hadn’t gotten his money back I sent him his buy ins back. He is a younger reckless player at my home game who doesn’t have any concept of bankroll management so he is typically playing with money he can’t lose. Which sucks and I don’t invite him much but he still hears about the games and shows up. He typically hands out three buy ins and then leaves so that’s great. Ha.

you probably did the right thing in the end sending it back. But totally agree that he was in the wrong when he continued after the flop.
Dang man. I had a guy who was sent three buy ins to the wrong Venmo account and I was the bank. I told him to ask the account for them back. Followed up the next day and when he hadn’t gotten his money back I sent him his buy ins back. He is a younger reckless player at my home game who doesn’t have any concept of bankroll management so he is typically playing with money he can’t lose. Which sucks and I don’t invite him much but he still hears about the games and shows up. He typically hands out three buy ins and then leaves so that’s great. Ha.

you probably did the right thing in the end sending it back. But totally agree that he was in the wrong when he continued after the flop.
So after he sent the first one to the wrong account shouldn’t you have noticed you didn’t get his buy in? If you’re the bank it’s your responsibility to make sure you collect the money.

Did he show you his Venmo so you could actually see he sent it to someone?

So did he actually freeroll three buyins? And did you pay out all the players who would have been shorted because he never actually paid the three buy ins? Which means you lost 6 buy-ins covering for him?
So after he sent the first one to the wrong account shouldn’t you have noticed you didn’t get his buy in? If you’re the bank it’s your responsibility to make sure you collect the money.

Did he show you his Venmo so you could actually see he sent it to someone?

So did he actually freeroll three buyins? And did you pay out all the players who would have been shorted because he never actually paid the three buy ins? Which means you lost 6 buy-ins covering for him?
Yes. Definitely my mistake on not verifying that it came into my account. And yup I made sure everyone was right on their end.
Mad props for making sure everyone got paid. I just wouldn’t have returned his buy ins out of my pocket.
Yeah totally could have gone that route. That night I made him pay me his buy ins and then the next day I asked if the other account sent his money and when they didn’t I felt bad and I was up 6 or 7 buy ins on the night so giving him back his 3 felt like the right thing. I’ve only been hosting for a year now so there are new learning experiences each night. This time - buy in management. Ha!

Yeah totally could have gone that route. That night I made him pay me his buy ins and then the next day I asked if the other account sent his money and when they didn’t I felt bad and I was up 6 or 7 buy ins on the night so giving him back his 3 felt like the right thing. I’ve only been hosting for a year now so there are new learning experiences each night. This time - buy in management. Ha!
Also, I just understood one of your questions. I didn’t lose 6 - he still had to cover the three he lost outright. But I covered his mistake on sending three to the wrong account.
Yeah totally could have gone that route. That night I made him pay me his buy ins and then the next day I asked if the other account sent his money and when they didn’t I felt bad and I was up 6 or 7 buy ins on the night so giving him back his 3 felt like the right thing. I’ve only been hosting for a year now so there are new learning experiences each night. This time - buy in management. Ha!

Also, I just understood one of your questions. I didn’t lose 6 - he still had to cover the three he lost outright. But I covered his mistake on sending three to the wrong account.
Gotcha. That makes it a little better. But always a good learning experience when it costs us money. At least it is for me.
Yeah totally could have gone that route. That night I made him pay me his buy ins and then the next day I asked if the other account sent his money and when they didn’t I felt bad and I was up 6 or 7 buy ins on the night so giving him back his 3 felt like the right thing. I’ve only been hosting for a year now so there are new learning experiences each night. This time - buy in management. Ha!

Also, I just understood one of your questions. I didn’t lose 6 - he still had to cover the three he lost outright. But I covered his mistake on sending three to the wrong account.

So you paid his 3 buy-ins basically, but he still "lost" his 3 buy-ins because he sent them to the wrong account?

Gotta say, that's mighty generous of you. Is he going to get you back for those?

The most I've had to do so far was cover someone who didn't have cash or Venmo (yet) and didn't want to mess with PayPal at the moment - I paid his buy-in in cash. He got me back the following week via Venmo. I also covered another buddy, same situation, forgot the cash but didn't want to mess with Venmo/PayPal, but he ended up winning the tournament, so I paid myself back out of his winnings. I should have taken a cut considering I bankrolled him, LOL.
So you paid his 3 buy-ins basically, but he still "lost" his 3 buy-ins because he sent them to the wrong account?

Gotta say, that's mighty generous of you. Is he going to get you back for those?

The most I've had to do so far was cover someone who didn't have cash or Venmo (yet) and didn't want to mess with PayPal at the moment - I paid his buy-in in cash. He got me back the following week via Venmo. I also covered another buddy, same situation, forgot the cash but didn't want to mess with Venmo/PayPal, but he ended up winning the tournament, so I paid myself back out of his winnings. I should have taken a cut considering I bankrolled him, LOL.
He had to pay the three he lost playing. I paid the three he sent to the wrong account. I was bummed but he has lost a lot of money at my game and I was up 6-7 buy ins that night so I just split my winnings with him basically. And my bankroll management is much better than his. At the end of the day it was my mistake not verifying that I got the payments. Bummer learning experience.
He had to pay the three he lost playing. I paid the three he sent to the wrong account. I was bummed but he has lost a lot of money at my game and I was up 6-7 buy ins that night so I just split my winnings with him basically. And my bankroll management is much better than his. At the end of the day it was my mistake not verifying that I got the payments. Bummer learning experience.
You are a very good and generous host! As with most hosting duties, I don't think many people recognize that often. Hopefully the guy you covered did!
No incomprehensible electronic crap ever in my games, as a host.
Just voluptuous paper cash. The ATM is never more than a 10-minute walk away (so, a 20-minute round trip). :)
You are a very good and generous host! As with most hosting duties, I don't think many people recognize that often. Hopefully the guy you covered did!
Thanks, that means a lot. Yeah I’ve been hosting for about 9 months and have learned a lot along the way. It’s been fun and at the end of the night if everyone leaves smiling I feel pretty fulfilled. Turn most of my winnings around to improve my set up which is fun.

No incomprehensible electronic crap ever in my games, as a host.
Just voluptuous paper cash. The ATM is never more than a 10-minute walk away (so, a 20-minute round trip). :)
Ha. There are benefits to both. Obviously this is an example of it biting me in the butt. Otherwise it’s been useful.

For my multi table tournament I DEFINITELY only did cash. Way easier. But for 6-8 guys venmo is fine. And... guys tend to buy in more times after I bust them haha

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