SOLD Isle Casino Cape Girardeau Sale Thread (4 Viewers)

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Reading is hard. Thought limits removed after 1 hour.... sigh :(

The high denoms and striped roulettes were sold out instantly almost... there were like 400 1s left right at the 30 min mark and sold at one click of the 30 min mark, tried to get one rack and was to slow, so you really didnt miss much by the misstep, think 5s 25s and 100s were available at the 1 hour mark still
The Chip Room actually made good on the "no multiple orders" rule for once. At least with my order anyhow. Will be interesting to find out if he's cherry picking which split orders to honor and which to refund though. That's the only way to get the rare chips in past auctions. Maybe things will be different in the future, but I doubt it. Probably just have to be on the good ol boys club secret list.
The Chip Room actually made good on the "no multiple orders" rule for once. At least with my order anyhow. That's the only way to get the rare chips in past auctions.
"for once"? What were your orders this time, and have you gotten something through in the past?
"for once"? What were your orders this time, and have you gotten something through in the past?

I ordered the breakdown below but it was made in 2 transactions. So it got refunded because it was supposed to be all one transaction per the rules. This is how everyone gets the good chips normally though. At least in the past, even when that rule was still stated.

300 $1s
300 $5s
100 $25s
200 $100s
100 $500s
This is how everyone gets the good chips normally though. At least in the past, even when that rule was still stated.

I didn't realize people were still doing this. Seems pretty low this was STILL happening. Jim works to get these chips to the community and people do everything possible to try to cheat the system, didnt we learn from last time where chips started to go to eBay first?
I didn't realize people were still doing this. Seems pretty low this was STILL happening. Jim works to get these chips to the community and people do everything possible to try to cheat the system, didnt we learn from last time where chips started to go to eBay first?
If orders got through in the past, it was definitely by mistake. I try to go through all of the orders to make sure no one violates the rules.
I didn't realize people were still doing this. Seems pretty low this was STILL happening. Jim works to get these chips to the community and people do everything possible to try to cheat the system, didnt we learn from last time where chips started to go to eBay first?

The problem is the system itself doesn't work. You can't set it up in PayPal to follow the breakdown requirements. And since there were only 400 of the $500s to begin with, it's inevitable that all of them will go to someone who either isn't aware of the rules or just tries to combine orders despite the rules because that's what they've always done in the past. It only takes 4 people trying to buy a rack this way for them to sell out in seconds. And anyone trying to fill a full order with breakdowns of every chip won't be able to. There's nothing that can be done about it. Not unless he changes the way they are offered. He will always have to cancel orders if he keeps it set up this way. And people trying to buy according to rule #3 requirements will always get shut out. Those are both certainties under the current system. There's just no scenario whatsoever that the entire forum and all of his buyers are going to correctly place their orders.

I think the best way to make it fair for eveyrone to get a chance at the rare chips would be for him to offer specific sets of these. If he only has 400 of the $500 chips, then he can offer up 4 nice full sets. First come, first served. Fair game that way. Or he can do one barrel per set or whatever. But people will complain that they don't like the breakdown of the sets. But it's either get a less than optimal breakdown and trade later, or watch them go to someone else.
I was able to order close to 1000 roulettes. Which ones you looking for? Im still looking for some Salmon colored roulettes from the last sale.
I didnt get any, so I don't have anything to trade. :(
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