SOLD Isle Casino Cape Girardeau Sale Thread (7 Viewers)

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Btw, I have no idea why so many people are piling on @SteveHNo96 about his opinion on Gulfports. Let him say what he wants. Opinions are never wrong. Ill-considered, perhaps, but not wrong. If you thing of poker chip design as *art*, then you'll need to be prepared to hear (and, yes, accept) other people's appreciations and interpretations. If he doesn't like the Gulfports, and you do, then sit back with a smile knowing that there's one less competitor out there to gather them when they come up for acquisition.
Was going to comment again, but this thread has been derailed enough.

What were we talking about? Oh yeah, the chips Jim has for sale!
Btw, I have no idea why so many people are piling on @SteveHNo96 about his opinion on Gulfports. Let him say what he wants. Opinions are never wrong. Ill-considered, perhaps, but not wrong. If you thing of poker chip design as *art*, then you'll need to be prepared to hear (and, yes, accept) other people's appreciations and interpretations. If he doesn't like the Gulfports, and you do, then sit back with a smile knowing that there's one less competitor out there to gather them when they come up for acquisition.
and you don't know slang. Got it.

The point I was making is that the edgespots are not similarly aligned. In fact, only one set of lines in post 73 has the line sizes close to each other in size, that is the top three lines. The other three have extra long blue lines in exchange for extra short orange-red lines.

Apparently the person who designed it has practiced social distancing since the Carter Administration. It is WAY too '70s for me. Very plain Jane, very boring except for the blue and orange-red lines and with the sizes being very uneven, that detracts big time. The GC's are a boring chip for boring people, like some couple in their 50s who live in a white bread neighborhood and watch Grey's anatomy while telling their two kids not to listen to that "gangster rap" for fear of what it will do to them.

Could they have possibly picked a less exciting font? Like I said, it looks like something out of a newspaper from the 1890s.

Yes I know. Chippers are so worried about their chips that they end up replacing the flooring so their chips don't get damaged. All Paulsons have that risk, THC, IHC, and RHC. But people love them because OMG IT'S AN ACTUAL CASINO CHIP.

One point for Wicked Spades and DDLM: they are ceramic chips and much more durable and since they won't be used nearly as much as most casinos and poker rooms used Chipcos, the design and colors won't wear down like the Chipcos did. They'll still be looking sharp in 20 years.

You really didn't think that one out, did you? Oh right, you're talking about a very boring design for a chip that looks 50 years out of date.

Be thankful for the Trump stimulus. You can finally get paid for what you're good at: nothing.

I’m Canadian, I don’t get the stimulus from trump. I also don’t need it as I’m still working, getting paid paid for something I’m actually really good at.

You must be related to bRainman, making this personal when all said is you’re wrong and explained why.

No one says you have to like the chip, but you’re gonna get a little push back when you bash an all time favourite. Just calm down and enjoy your chips.
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Sorry not sorry. The inlay on the Isle chip and the 1 in WS isn't written in the most drab shade of green I've ever seen on a chip and the font doesn't look like something out of an 1890s newspaper. Your image is slightly better than the disgusting mustard color center stripe I saw on post 70, but whomever did quality control on that chip in post 73 should be shot. The blue stripe is like 30 to 50% longer than the red one. Who painted that? Stevie Wonder? I find it hard to believe Paulson would let that go to the market.

I could keep going but if you paid good money for that chip than you probably deserve a full refund from whatever college or university you studied at.
Well, your ignorance of most matters chipping-related is shining through brightly. It's fine to have an opposing opinion, but to base it on a blatent lack of knowledge and understanding is not a very defensible position.

Mostly you're just running your mouth with no real clue regarding the things of which you speak.
Well, your ignorance of most matters chipping-related is shining through brightly. It's fine to have an opposing opinion, but to base it on a blatent lack of knowledge and understanding is not a very defensible position.

Mostly you're just running your mouth with no real clue regarding the things of which you speak.
Couldn't have said it better myself. It seems to me that he's just here trying to rile people up and get reactions.
Btw, I have no idea why so many people are piling on @SteveHNo96 about his opinion on Gulfports. Let him say what he wants. Opinions are never wrong. Ill-considered, perhaps, but not wrong. If you thing of poker chip design as *art*, then you'll need to be prepared to hear (and, yes, accept) other people's appreciations and interpretations. If he doesn't like the Gulfports, and you do, then sit back with a smile knowing that there's one less competitor out there to gather them when they come up for acquisition.

Thanks man. I really do want to get back to the Isle chips after this if we can.

I just want to say the price would be way out of my ballpark and that's true even if they were God-tier. I love a good THC mold but when I saw this for $4k to start, all I thought was "EEEE!". Same thing happened on eBay with the La Paulson Noir. Damn good set but about 4 times what I wanted to pay.
Another awesome Chip Room Sale. Jim, I cant believe you’re able to constantly produce amazing chips at awesome prices.

Thanks for yet another awesome sale. Looking forward to all the anxious chippers in here on 4/5 counting down to purchase time.
Thanks man. I really do want to get back to the Isle chips after this if we can.

I just want to say the price would be way out of my ballpark and that's true even if they were God-tier. I love a good THC mold but when I saw this for $4k to start, all I thought was "EEEE!". Same thing happened on eBay with the La Paulson Noir. Damn good set but about 4 times what I wanted to pay.
Not being mean, and not trying to derail the thread, but it just feels like this is probably gonna happen again and again throughout multiple threads. I mean I was literally just waiting for this from a week ago.

A piece of advice? Not every thread or sale is asking for your personal opinion. Even to someone like me (a noob), you definitely appear to have an outlying view of chipes that isn’t based on the same factors that everyone else (general public) does. You also seem intimately more familiar with a lower cost of chip, which isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re going to speak personal opinion, your voice probably carries more authority in that area.

And congrats on the spades! If you can find a cheaper or more readily available chip that you love, more power to you! Subjectively, it’s seems unanimous that they look like an Ed Hardy t shirt. Not subjectively, I didn’t even know they had denoms the first time I saw them, and right off the bat, non standard colored chips with hard to make out denoms are useless. No problem with liking them, but don’t be offended if you bring those to a $1/2 or higher game and people literally walk right out the door.
Guys. We're getting stuck and killing Jim's Thread. He's a Vendor, let's please focus on THIS AS A LIMIT SET.
Btw, I have no idea why so many people are piling on @SteveHNo96 about his opinion on Gulfports. Let him say what he wants. Opinions are never wrong. Ill-considered, perhaps, but not wrong. If you thing of poker chip design as *art*, then you'll need to be prepared to hear (and, yes, accept) other people's appreciations and interpretations. If he doesn't like the Gulfports, and you do, then sit back with a smile knowing that there's one less competitor out there to gather them when they come up for acquisition.
For me, it's not about what he said but the thread he chose to say it in.
It definitely derailed, but derailment helped it get pushed to the top of my "New Posts". Since I missed out on the Lady Luck sale, this derailment gives me a new target.

Not all derailments are bad for the seller.
Not being mean, and not trying to derail the thread, but it just feels like this is probably gonna happen again and again throughout multiple threads. I mean I was literally just waiting for this from a week ago.

A piece of advice? Not every thread or sale is asking for your personal opinion. Even to someone like me (a noob), you definitely appear to have an outlying view of chipes that isn’t based on the same factors that everyone else (general public) does. You also seem intimately more familiar with a lower cost of chip, which isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re going to speak personal opinion, your voice probably carries more authority in that area.

And congrats on the spades! If you can find a cheaper or more readily available chip that you love, more power to you! Subjectively, it’s seems unanimous that they look like an Ed Hardy t shirt. Not subjectively, I didn’t even know they had denoms the first time I saw them, and right off the bat, non standard colored chips with hard to make out denoms are useless. No problem with liking them, but don’t be offended if you bring those to a $1/2 or higher game and people literally walk right out the door.

1. I bought the Spades 39's in 2017 and haven't had a complaint from anyone under 55 years old about the denominations.

My new ones are the Dia De Los Muertos 43mm which are clearly marked, and the LL Caruthersville. I also asked for the values on the edges of the Spades, even though most people I know can read them just fine. (Also regarding colors, blue 1, red 5, green 25 and black 100 is fairly standard last time I checked).

2. I honestly could never spend $4,000+ on one set of chips because until now, I have never HAD $4k or more to spare like that. That's also why you probably won't see me at a $1/$2 game or higher. I just don't toss money out like it's water. I'm not going to blow 10 grand on a set like someone did here at auction. That would be ridiculous.

I would be fucked if I tried to bring $150 to a game and lost it in a night.

3. I'm going to try to unwatch one more time hoping not to get sidetracked anymore.

Well, your ignorance of most matters chipping-related is shining through brightly. It's fine to have an opposing opinion, but to base it on a blatent lack of knowledge and understanding is not a very defensible position.

Mostly you're just running your mouth with no real clue regarding the things of which you speak.


The only thing you're right about is the word paint because everything else is subjective. Let's look at this in depth:

1. The green font. Like I said, it looks like something out of an old newspaper.

2. Another thing I'm finding out is that the levels of lead were flat out toxic. People who worked in casinos had problems with their offspring being stupid from being subject to so much lead, with the average Paulson chip prior to 1998 having 10% lead, which is much higher than the EPA limit of 0.06%. These old chips may have gotten to you. Seeing as the Gulfport opened in 1993, it's safe to surmise those chips were made during the "a little lead never hurt anyone" phase that Paulson did.

3. I mentioned the inside picture is hard to make out. The textured inlay makes those "gold chips" look like turds on a phone screen, so no, that's not objective.

4. I mentioned the chip looks very '70s. It does. It's a traditional chip and doesn't look like it's taking any risks except for the edgespots. I like a THC mold but it still has to speak to me, and that chip doesn't. Maybe if it didn't look like a bunch of old guys blew a cigarette on it (which makes sense since Mississippi didn't outlaw smoking until 2008, 3 years after that casino was destroyed.), it might be nicer looking, but I like chips that pop more and call to younger people (both at heart and physical age.) I have a feeling whomever designed that chip watched too many old Gary Cooper movies and wanted to get back to them.

5. Most of my friends are not consummate poker chip collectors, they are heavy metal fans. The Wicked Spades doesn't look like a bad tattoo, it actually looks like a good album cover. I'm sorry it will take you longer than 1.5 seconds to find the denomination and 3 seconds to remember the color scheme (which is actually almost standard except for the blue dollars) but white chips unless they're bright white lack texture and detail.
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