John Law Comes a Knocking - Your Action (2 Viewers)

The useful truth is that you’re both right.
You might be 100% legally correct to say to a cop, “you can’t search there, you don’t have my consent or a warrant.” But if the cop searches there anyway and finds your contraband, you’re getting arrested. And you might get held pending trial. Even if you don’t get held, you might still lose your job, if you make the news. You’ll be free and clear a few months later, when your lawyer suppresses the illegal search and your case is dismissed.

But after you’ve been arrested, possibly held in jail, possibly lost your job, and gone through the stress of multiple court dates and the expense of paying a lawyer, tell me again who was right?
Well lots of assumptions in there, but if you read the whole thread, I said the best thing to do is not talk to them and not to let them in.
If it's too obvious a situation to just ignore the cops, I'll verbally answer the door, but remain inside and keep it closed and locked.

The only information they'll get from me is that I have some friends over. We're happy to be quieter if there's been a noise complaint, but beyond that, no police are entering my home and I have no other information to furnish.

All as politely as I can muster in the face of this ridiculous fishing expedition.
Correct….they didn’t find anything so we won’t know. But I’d argue if they did, they would have said it was in plain sight and get a warrant then. It would be up to you to argue it wasn’t.

Same reason police use the old “crossed the yellow line” or “didn’t use a turn signal” to pull you over to check you out.

And I love the police and a majority of my friends are some type of LE. I also know reality.
I don’t disagree. Of course they are going to argue it’s in plain sight or you gave consent. To do otherwise is to admit it’s a bad search.

I have tons of friends and family who are LE as well.
Y'all have cops show up at your poker games?

I've had a car stolen and it took 3 days for the cops to show up.

It took a week for them to show up when I crackhead jumped my fence and stole some shit.

Nah, I'm not worried about them showing up at poker night, but maybe a month later......
Y'all have cops show up at your poker games?

I've had a car stolen and it took 3 days for the cops to show up.
We thought we had a car stolen at my game once. Player went out to grab something out of their car and it wasn’t there.

They were drunk off their ass and had parked somewhere else (and obviously stayed over that night).
It took a week for them to show up when I crackhead jumped my fence and stole some shit.
Wait, wat? You’re a crackhead and you jumped over your own fence to steal your own stuff?
Nah, I'm not worried about them showing up at poker night, but maybe a month later......
If it falls on poker night a month later, that’s a bad beat….

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