Key West Resort & Casino Discussion Thread (8 Viewers)

With the Nor'Easter headed toward the East Coast, shipping items may be delayed by about two days starting tomorrow (Wednesday, 12/16/20.

Depending on to whom you listen, the area between Philly and New York will see anywhere from 3 inches (according to the National Weather Service) to "the end of the world, storm of the century, ice age" (according to our local news).
In a very odd week, I've gotten three large orders from international customers.

All claim to be living in different countries, none are members here, and all want to use a credit card to pay. None requested samples.

Based on the poor grammar, odd behavior, repeated changes to add chips to the order, and misspellings, all three appear to be the same person using different names and shipping addresses. One was for 1,000 chips. Another for 500. The latest today was for 350, but the guy has changed the order twice.

All have been cancelled.
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In another thread, Belgrade asked:

"Sorry for the off topic, but imo a $ 10 chip is missing.
I wanted to buy a set of KW several times but there is no $ 10 :(
Why ? I need a $ 10 because I'm playing $ 2- $ 2 pot limit.
So I need even numbers and the $ 20 doesn't suit me... Ideally only $ 2, $ 10 and $ 100.

Maybe one day a KW $10 chip ?"

I wasn't involved in the original design of the Key West, which included only nine denominations: NCV, $0.25, $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000.

So the original idea of Key West was an old-school design on the H mold with muted, traditional Vegas colors and a clear early 60s vibe. The denominations included in the lineup were very traditional, very old school.

The initial run of Key Wests, with only those nine denominations, came out in late 2004. I bought the design from Apache Poker Chips in 2011. I've added eight new chips -- bounty, 5-cent, $1 blue, $2, $2.50, $20 charcoal, $20 canary and $25,000.

There are no plans for a $10 chip right now, due to the time and expense and other concerns required to add a denomination. There are many, many reasons for this, making it impractical.

I will send a PM detailing some of those reasons, so you understand.

-- Dennis
In another thread, Belgrade asked:

"Sorry for the off topic, but imo a $ 10 chip is missing.
I wanted to buy a set of KW several times but there is no $ 10 :(
Why ? I need a $ 10 because I'm playing $ 2- $ 2 pot limit.
So I need even numbers and the $ 20 doesn't suit me... Ideally only $ 2, $ 10 and $ 100.

Maybe one day a KW $10 chip ?"

I wasn't involved in the original design of the Key West, which included only nine denominations: NCV, $0.25, $1, $5, $25, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000.

So the original idea of Key West was an old-school design on the H mold with muted, traditional Vegas colors and a clear early 60s vibe. The denominations included in the lineup were very traditional, very old school.

The initial run of Key Wests, with only those nine denominations, came out in late 2004. I bought the design from Apache Poker Chips in 2011. I've added eight new chips -- bounty, 5-cent, $1 blue, $2, $2.50, $20 charcoal, $20 canary and $25,000.

There are no plans for a $10 chip right now, due to the time and expense and other concerns required to add a denomination. There are many, many reasons for this, making it impractical.

I will send a PM detailing some of those reasons, so you understand.

-- Dennis

Thank's Dennis for all the explanations.
I appreciate :tup:
Our friends at Jetacer finished the remake of the Key West blackjack game in FTP, and have posted it on the site, along with a new version of the slot machine game. They're still tweaking the slot machine, and the "win" sound effects are on their way soon. They wanted to get both games up on the site by today, 12/31, the "end of life" for the earlier versions written in Flash.
Sales of Key West chips may be paused for a bit longer than expected.

As expected, we obtained proper business licenses on Jan. 4, 2021 as Continental Games, LLC, but our state is dragging its feet getting us a key piece of paperwork we need to set up the bank account and link to PayPal. It normally takes 48 hours, but the business service folks say it could take "two to three weeks."

That would bring us to the end of January, 2021. Not good news.

If things happen faster, I will announce here.
Crossing fingers... was really looking forward to sending you a message now on Friday.
Yes. Setting a $10 minimum would keep it simple. Bets = $10, payouts = $10 / $15.

We do a version of this at our Tuesday blackjack events.
Do I need to give the players 100 points to start in 5-point chips only? Or can I use 25-point chips to the mix (maximum 2x 25-point chips)?
Do I need to give the players 100 points to start in 5-point chips only? Or can I use 25-point chips to the mix (maximum 2x 25-point chips)?
You could certainly use $25 chips on the table, too. The starting stacks do not have to be $100, or 20 x $5 chips. That's just what we start with for each person because we have enough $5 chips to give each player 20 when both tables are full.

Our blackjack games were not live cash games. They were "fun night-" type games for seniors, so we started with everyone getting the same amount. That way, the players could tell pretty easily who was winning and who was losing chips. Occasionally, when someone would be on a winning streak, we would pay their bets with $25s and even $100s.
Plaque on Table.jpg
Serial Number.png

Our newest item: Key West Resort & Casino ceramic $100,000 Tournament Plaques.

Link to the detailed announcement post:
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, Key West's order of 6,900 chips arrived at a UPS facility in Delaware. I picked them up that night, after dark.

I'm still sorting, counting and checking chips for flaws, and will be for a few days. I check every chip myself for any obvious marks, and I "test" each chip for spin on a glass plate to remove any spinners. Flaws are very rare. Certainly less than one percent of the chips will be pulled out for any problem at all. But I don't want those going out to anyone else.

Checking the chips takes time. Even checking 1,500 per day takes a few hours. I still need 3 or 4 days to get this done before I'll have a final count and final cost idea.

I won't be accepting new orders for chips until next week, when I'll have some idea what I have and can actually sell.

I appreciate everyone's patience.
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, Key West's order of 6,900 chips arrived at a UPS facility in Delaware. I picked them up that night, after dark.

I'm still sorting, counting and checking chips for flaws, and will be for a few days. I check every chip myself for any obvious marks, and I "test" each chip for spin on a glass plate to remove any spinners. Flaws are very rare. Certainly less than one percent of the chips will be pulled out for any problem at all. But I don't want those going out to anyone else.

Checking the chips takes time. Even checking 1,500 per day takes a few hours. I still need 3 or 4 days to get this done before I'll have a final count and final cost idea.

I won't be accepting new orders for chips until next week, when I'll have some idea what I have and can actually sell.

I appreciate everyone's patience.
That is some serious secondary QC. Nice work, Dennis :tup:
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, Key West's order of 6,900 chips arrived at a UPS facility in Delaware. I picked them up that night, after dark.

I'm still sorting, counting and checking chips for flaws, and will be for a few days. I check every chip myself for any obvious marks, and I "test" each chip for spin on a glass plate to remove any spinners. Flaws are very rare. Certainly less than one percent of the chips will be pulled out for any problem at all. But I don't want those going out to anyone else.

Checking the chips takes time. Even checking 1,500 per day takes a few hours. I still need 3 or 4 days to get this done before I'll have a final count and final cost idea.

I won't be accepting new orders for chips until next week, when I'll have some idea what I have and can actually sell.

I appreciate everyone's patience.
Another proof that Dennis goes above & beyond for his KW of the shelf clays out there.
Classic makes this re-check pretty easy and uneventful. it's really rare to run across a chip that needs to be set aside.

They do the lion's share of the QC by making excellent chips and checking them as part of their process.
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17, Key West's order of 6,900 chips arrived at a UPS facility in Delaware. I picked them up that night, after dark.

I'm still sorting, counting and checking chips for flaws, and will be for a few days. I check every chip myself for any obvious marks, and I "test" each chip for spin on a glass plate to remove any spinners. Flaws are very rare. Certainly less than one percent of the chips will be pulled out for any problem at all. But I don't want those going out to anyone else.

Checking the chips takes time. Even checking 1,500 per day takes a few hours. I still need 3 or 4 days to get this done before I'll have a final count and final cost idea.

I won't be accepting new orders for chips until next week, when I'll have some idea what I have and can actually sell.

I appreciate everyone's patience.
Hi Dennis just wanted to say this is great news. I look forward to my samples arriving in a couple of days, and who knows... might be time for a set of key wests subject to availability! :)
Since my post Friday night requesting that people hold off on orders until next week, I've gotten swamped with sample orders, giant orders from people who've never dealt with me before, and lots of questions about how many chips I have.

This, of course, slows up the works.

Right now, I'm working on checking the chips to find out what we have to offer. The reason? I need to know how many chips of each denomination I actually have so I can figure out what each chip cost to get before I sell it and ship it out.

I'm sure some of it is a reaction to Classic's recent price increase warning. It is also very disappointing. Classic posts notice of their 2022 price increase and suddenly I get swamped with calls for large sets of Key West from people I've never dealt with before.

And while I am working to try to keep Key West prices down as much as I can, it looks like Key West has turned into the "cheap" alternative to Classic chips.

For the new members seeking gigantic sets of chips who've never dealt with me and haven't requested samples, I offer the following.

  • I won't respond to your order if it appears you are profiteering, buying to resell after Classic's 2022 price increase.
  • If you don't have 100 posts on the Poker Chip Forum, I cannot grant the "PCF member discount" on your order.
  • New orders will have a reasonable maximum limit of 600 chips in three or more denominations.
  • I can't sell you a full order of a single denomination. The time to order that would have been prior to Dec. 1, 2020, when the order for the chips that arrived Wednesday actually went in to Classic. (They took almost a year to make.)
  • We no longer offer $1 blue chips for $1.
  • The public retail price of Key West chips will increase today to match Classic's price for a Level 1 inlaid chip. The PCF price will remain as is for right now. PCF orders will only be taken via PM here on PCF.

Finally, I have no plans to sell all the Key West chips in my inventory in a month, and I don't plan to send them all to people who think they can buy them and make a quick buck later. If I see either of those things happening, chip sales will be suspended until June, 2022.

If you have some Key Wests, or always loved Key Wests, you are welcome to build a set and I will assist in every way possible.
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Not needing any today, but have purchased from you before and of course still have them. I was worried I might not have the minimum number of posts for PCF price, but I think I'm good. Thank you for keeping this beautiful design alive.
In response to a recent contact from an anti-gambling / gambling addiction support group, I will be moving the free casino games (blackjack and slots) on the Key West website into a password-protected area called "the casino floor." Changes to the site structure have begun and should be completed this weekend.
This week will be about travel, being with family, and enjoying the holidays. I'll be pausing shipping operations of Continental Games this evening at 5 p.m., and will resume on Monday, Dec. 27, 2021.

I wish everyone here happy holidays, safe travels, peace and good health during the holiday season, and endless hope for a healthy, happy, 2022.

-- Dennis

Our friend, Jerry, the game software programmer at Jetacer Inc., tweaked the blackjack game on the Key West site to fix a problem with the sound.

He said he has started writing a new roulette program in HTML5 to replace the old Flash game. I can't wait to see the results.

I don't think many people play the games. Let me know if you'd like a password to get to them.

I've always tried to offer Key West chips here at the lowest possible price for people who like the design and would like to buy and use a set of Key West chips. This year, prices for Key West chips have increased. A number of factors influenced this.

First, Classic's prices increased for 2022, making it harder and more expensive to buy replacement chips. The cost of replacing chips I sell is the biggest factor in increasing the price for 2022.

Next, there was a major rush to buy Key Wests in the final days and even final hours of 2021, as they've become the best low-cost alternative to paying the manufacturer's full retail price. I've always tried to offer Key West at "group buy" prices, charging only the average cost that I've paid for each chip over time, with many chips bought two or three years ago. People buying lots of Key Wests means fewer chips in stock, so more chips to replace at full retail cost in the future. This drives up my cost-per-chip.

There are other factors influencing price -- increases in shipping costs and PayPal fees on everything, including shipping, create a vicious cycle that has taken all profit out of the other products and taken away the revenue from racks, cards, and other things that would keep chip prices down. USPS and UPS have also instituted new fees and charges for things that use to be free, even charging the new fees to your bill a couple of days after shipping has taken place.

For the first time ever, I have to say that prices are subject to change if shipping, PayPal or other costs involved continue to rise this year.

I never wanted Key West to be viewed as a "cheap" alternative to custom chips, or watch as people took advantage of the lower-than-manufacturer's-retail price to buy mold or color samples or buy racks to mill for their own customs. From my perspective, it looks like both of these things are happening.

The "win" here is that I can continue to offer Key West chips, and continue the PCF discount to (still) offer the best price for a quality Classic chip. They're still the best, and the Key West design continues to be a beautiful design on a nice chip.

Wishing everyone here the best, and a happy, healthy and safe 2022 full of good fortune at your home table, the casino and in life.
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My wife and I hosted a casino-themed birthday party for members of her family who are all celebrating birthdays within a few days. We found a dealer -- judgeandjury -- here on PCF, and broke out our two newest blackjack tables. Both have green layouts with gold print. I chose the color because of the true "old school" look.

Green Blackjack 1.jpg

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