SOLD Lady Luck Caruthersville Sale Thread (4 Viewers)

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Are the limits/percentages applied within PayPal during the first hour or does Jim check the orders manually?
Are the limits/percentages applied within PayPal during the first hour or does Jim check the orders manually?
there's no auto % calc available with PayPal so I'm assuming manually but i'm sure that won't happen until whatever you wanted is already sold out so if you want the chips, do the math the before the sale starts
good question @TheChipRoom

...also Jim, just think about it -- in a few days, you'll have to be taking donuts to the USPS ladies again!!

My best guess for tournament chips. Please let me know which I am wrong on.
The $500 spot is almost certainly arc yellow I'd say. I'd also guess mint green?

And you've mixed up the bases of the 1k and 5k. And the 5k spots look more like moss green and day?

I also doubt the 1k spot is black.
I think you are correct on all accounts. 500 - It looks arc and mint, the 1k seems like a dark blue, but, that could be black against the orange and I am colorblind. Hahahaha

5k looks more like a ocean or day blue.... It's like a dull peacock....
I think you are correct on all accounts. 500 - It looks arc and mint, the 1k seems like a dark blue, but, that could be black against the orange and I am colorblind. Hahahaha

5k looks more like a ocean or day blue.... It's like a dull peacock....
Yes, arc and mint works.

Could the 5k spot be grape?
How do you mean? Different base colours? The 1k could be carrot o guess.

Carrot would be my guess, but I mean you've mixed up the spots with the bases. The yellow 5k Is the chip with the blue and green spots.
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