I wanted to get some feedback from those who have the LED lighting on your tables. I am considering getting a 2nd table and am on the fence about lighting (and don't even know if I can find a table with lighting w/ the configuration I want). Those who have the table lights, what are your thoughts on them? Sure, they look cool, but in actual play do they take away from the chip colors, make it difficult to read cards, become annoying, or are they the best thing since sliced bread and you cannot believe you ever played without them? What light color do you usually play with (white or other). Do you find yourself not using them in play even though you have them? Were they great at first but after the novelty wore off you find them to be meh? All comments and experience using them in play are welcome. Thanks.
As an aside, if I went with a lighted table, my ideal table would be a 60" round table w/ a raised rail and no racetrack at all with the cupholder either in the padded rail or flip out from underneath. I cannnot seem to find any tables in the market with that specific configuration. There are plenty with a racetrack but none that I have seen with lights/raised rail and an all felt playing surface all the way to the rail. I don't know if that is because it cannot be done with lighting in place, or whether no one else on earth wants this specific configuration except for me. If you have seen a table like this out in the wild, let me know.