I want to join the clique that's running the next NAGB.View attachment 449597 Looking for a Clique to join!
I want to join the clique that's running the next NAGB.View attachment 449597 Looking for a Clique to join!
I want to join the clique that's running the next NAGB.
ya which prevented you from selling me your lakeshores for pennies.... dickI disagree. I've told several sellers that their stuff is worth a lot more than they thought it was, and then offered fair prices. In fact, I've done this on the majority of my finds.
Yup. I got Tomatoes on mine....the fruit-avatar-nagb clique is growing daily
you got your NAGB-GB chips already right Lee? Should have come in this weekend. The all 4v418 tournament set's my favorite !!!the fruit-avatar-nagb clique is growing daily
We dance knife fight off Jefferson near the flagpole on Thursdays...Wait..... there are cliques??
I don't either! Would someone post the Cliff Notes for the clueless?I dont really know whats going on here
Sorry, but that's horseshit. It doesn't say ANYTHING about the community. If you want to construe somehow that it does, that's on you.The fact that the original post gets thumbs up says more about the community than anything.
Exactly right. Please take your own advice.Jfc not everything is about you. Move. The. Fuck. On.
Oh well. We all know that's a health riskPeople are internetting.
Come on, if I have to read this downer of a thread, can’t I at least enjoy something?!?
within 48 hours this forum will be some sort of tinder like dating app.I'm starting an Iron Mike clique ... looking for friends to join
That phrase is my spirit animal.Come on, if I have to read this downer of a thread, can’t I at least enjoy something?!?
Come on, if I have to read this downer of a thread, can’t I at least enjoy something?!?
I said enjoy, not get aroused
I said enjoy, not get aroused
I think you gotta go center first based on package prominence and enthusiasm. Then back left, he just looks like he would try hard. Back right looks like he was on a field trip and got lost, but figures all the cool kids are doing it, so he better.
Excellent analysis.I think you gotta go center first based on package prominence and enthusiasm. Then back left, he just looks like he would try hard. Back right looks like he was on a field trip and got lost, but figures all the cool kids are doing it, so he better.
Doing his job!This thread has been officially derailed. Congrats @Josh Kifer .
Sorry the popcorn just wasnt cutting it. I tried to resistThis thread has been officially derailed. Congrats @Josh Kifer .
Looks delicious.Is this more your flavor?
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