Something like this? I only have a 2 racks of empress $5's to clean, very similar condition to the pres chips earlier in the thread so it wouldnt take long with a magic eraser, but I am sure I could find something else to clean with it as well.
I'd strongly recommend something better. Your link points to an inexpensive, small, presumably very low power (they don't even list the power, which is a clue), single transducer unit marketed for cleaning jewelry.
Even assuming that the unit is powerful enough to eventually get the job done, you'll clean far fewer chips at a time, and the chips will be in the ultrasonic TSP bath for a much longer time, which is not a good thing. Especially with red, purple, and some dark green chips, the long bath times will result in significant *permanent*
fading of the chip edges. Note that even with short bath times, the faces will appear faded, but that's just a result of the strong detergent/surfactant drying out the chip, and the deep color comes back completely after oiling the chips.
See my "Ultrasonic Chip Cleaning" post in this same forum for details, but I bought the Hornady dual transducer ultrasonic cleaner, which has worked exceptionally well. Also note that I need to update my post, as I've switched from using Oxi Clean to TSP (trisodium phosphate), which works SIGNIFICANTLY better and faster and Oxi in an ultrasonic unit. Here are the key differences:
- I'm using 2 tablespoons of TSP in 8 cups of distilled water.
- I'm now keeping the TSP/water temp down at only 100˚F.
- I modified the chip barrel cage with four "quick ties" that provide edges inside the cage to give much better chip turnover while rotating the barrel cage.
- I'm now cleaning 40 chips at a time.
- The ultrasonic bath time is now only 45 seconds for "easy" molds like Paulson
RHC (Aztars, Garden City, Par-A-Dice, etc.), and only 60 seconds for "hard" molds with deep recesses like Paulson
LCV, Paulson "ROULETTE" mold, and Bud Jones roulette chips.
If you REALLY think that you'll NEVER have any more chips to clean (ha ha!), you might just want to clean the 200 Empress $5 chips with a Magic Eraser. I'm concerned the small cheap ultrasonic unit would prove to be a waste of money, and leave your nice chips with faded edges.