Canceled Mark Twain Cash Set OR Wanted: A Rack of $5s (1 Viewer)

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I don't think the Mark Twains get enough respect. I could be wrong, but I think this was the first mint set of chips Jim ever offered. The 5 dollar chip was always difficult with an orange spot on royal red, but the other chips are beautiful.
I don't think the Mark Twains get enough respect. I could be wrong, but I think this was the first mint set of chips Jim ever offered. The 5 dollar chip was always difficult with an orange spot on royal red, but the other chips are beautiful.
The best RHC set Jim has released imho.
I don't think the Mark Twains get enough respect. I could be wrong, but I think this was the first mint set of chips Jim ever offered. The 5 dollar chip was always difficult with an orange spot on royal red, but the other chips are beautiful.

No way. The orange spot is the coolest thing because you pretty much can't see it in photos. You have to play with them in person to appreciate them.
i am so jealous... I have never seen the mark twain set. I'm sure that is a custom label. Or was there a mark twain casino? i really like the edge markings for those chips. my favorite is the hundo
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