It's not hard.... but when you get 2-3 calls like this every night it's a PITA to answer the phone. We handled the problem by disconnecting our land line at homeHow hard is it to say "no thanks we're not interested" and hang up the phone?
It's not hard.... but when you get 2-3 calls like this every night it's a PITA to answer the phone. We handled the problem by disconnecting our land line at homeHow hard is it to say "no thanks we're not interested" and hang up the phone?
Lol. I probably added some fun to their day with my ridiculousness. You Nancy's are acting like i cussed her out. Perhaps you guys are overly sensitive
I used to be a telemarketer, back when I was a student and it was the best job I could find in a tough job market. I hated the job. I hated bothering people, but I was never an asshole to the people I called, and always was respectful to those who clearly wanted me to go away. It's a tough spot to be in, show some compassion next time.
Yup, had the same job one summer after freshman year in college and ditto. As far as it not being a "real job", the fact that gnu does this at work and his boss thinks its funny only validates that his job isn't real either.
Yup, had the same job one summer after freshman year in college and ditto. As far as it not being a "real job", the fact that gnu does this at work and his boss thinks its funny only validates that his job isn't real either.
I think this post put me over the top with you.... time to look for the ignore function
It's not hard.... but when you get 2-3 calls like this every night it's a PITA to answer the phone. We handled the problem by disconnecting our land line at home
Found it...
At that hour, its most likely the Penn State Boosters![]()
Isn't there a no call list? I can't remember if business lines can be on it? the silly people who cold call in my industry have to check a number against the no call list before they can cold call.
I'm the Gatekeeper, they gotta get past me to get to the boss.
There is a national no-call list but I've found that it's virtually useless. We were getting 5-10 calls per night. I had to forward my phone to a service that automatically screens the calls for telemarketers. Sometimes the phone rings once now and then that's it because it's been caught by the external service. It's great - I'll dig it up if I can find the link.
This is an actual honest question - why would you want to represent your business unprofessionally? Sure it's telemarketers, but what happens the one time you make a mistake and have some "fun" with someone with a legitimate and pre-existing need to contact your business? It's one thing to do what you're doing at home and entirely another (at least in my mind) to do it at your place of employment.
Gnu, you're enough of an asshole online that I have no interest in ever coming to one of your home games.
In fact, I almost didn't come to Mark's home game just because you were going to be there.
I'm an asshole when someone is an asshole to me. You give me the asshole, you get the asshole. I tipped a waitress $2 for poor service when the majority of people in the thread said I should've given her nothing and reported it to the manager, Butler chimes in he would've tipped her 20% and I'm an asshole.
I'm an asshole when someone is an asshole to me. You give me the asshole, you get the asshole..
Gnu, I feel like this has been explained to you a bunch of times in the past, but It doesn't seem to sink in. Where opinions may differ - These Telemarketers are not calling you up to be an asshole to you, they are only doing their job (you made it clear after the fact that someone of your lofty stature does not recognize what they do as a job). And although they may not be good at their job, they are still not trying to do anything malicious other than reading from a script and offering a product that you don't need (even though you have admitted that you and your boss have bought from them before). Instead of politely declining, You decide to "give them the asshole" (though you just think you are being funny and brightening their day). You then post it to the forum, probably thinking that people are going to commend you for your comedic genius, but when there is a different reaction you get defensive.
For someone who claims to have Thick skin and relishes in NON-PC humor (which just sounds like a PC term for Racist), you are very quick to cry that the Mean Girls have it out for you.
Instead of politely declining, You decide to "give them the asshole" (though you just think you are being funny and brightening their day). You then post it to the forum, probably thinking that people are going to commend you for your comedic genius, but when there is a different reaction you get defensive.
I'm an asshole when someone is an asshole to me. You give me the asshole, you get the asshole. I tipped a waitress $2 for poor service when the majority of people in the thread said I should've given her nothing and reported it to the manager, Butler chimes in he would've tipped her 20% and I'm an asshole.
Then I grief a telemarketer reading from a script with a silly voice, don't cuss her out or call her names, and I'm a sociopath with no empathy. Yeah, people act the asshole to me, I'll give it right back.
I knew you and I had butted heads on these forums a few times in the past, but figured I'd give it a shot anyway. Hell, you wound up sitting right next to me. Was I an asshole to you or anyone there? Edit: You also shared some of your scotch with me and seemed like an alright fellow, despite our disagreements online. At the end of the day, you're welcome to choose however you want. I bear ya no ill will and wouldn't have any qualms about playing poker or sharing a drink with ya.
No horse in this race, but here are a few interesting fun facts:
Roughly one in 25 Americans is a sociopath. Not all sociopaths are dangerous criminals, but they certainly can make life difficult for others, given that the defining characteristic of sociopathy is antisocial behavior.
Sociopaths consider themselves charming, intelligent, and rational.
Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous.
Sociopaths have oversized egos and an inflated sense of self. They are narcissists to the extreme, with a huge sense of entitlement. They tend to blame others for their own failures.
Sociopaths are incapable of feeling sympathy, empathy, guilt, shame, or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions.
Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight.
Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love.
Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths and expert storytellers.
Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Sociopaths create strife, argument, hatred, and incite emotional chaos among entire communities. yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning.
Sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy to help clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding.
Sociopaths never answer facts; they always attack the messenger when dealing with attacks on their own integrity. They will ignore the evidence and instead attack the messenger as plotting to get them.
Sociopaths feel no remorse about hurting others, lying, publicly humiliating or manipulating people, or just generally acting in an unacceptable way.
In related news, internet trolls often exhibit sociopathic behaviors.
Fascinating stuff.
Here's a test. Most sociopaths will fail because they are unable to answer honestly:
Well I had to read a lot of posts to get the jist. And in doing so I realized that I, was inadvertently an asshole at Paulo's poker game for being a Canadian and asking the locals (Detroitites) about thoughts on gun controlan argument that lasted well over an hour. Lol
And don't even get Paulo started about Libertarianism....
Funny, just got one of those calls I mentioned in post 58. Came from a local number and has a regular name attached to it. it was from marriot hotels. I called it and it rang and went to a voicemail. It's like someone is rerouting a scam through someone's local number without them knowing. Weird
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