Interest MSK MEGA Group-Buy Round 2 - Discussion and Questions Thread (3 Viewers)

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some photos I've found

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About when will the order thread be up, and how long will we have to place orders?

I only ask so I can get a sense of how screwed my wallet is.
I'm interested in (10) all-in buttons, generic red center, 51mm.

Are there any photos of what they actually look like?
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I had hoped to have it up soon. I may have to put this off a few more days. It would be awesome if someone was willing to pick up this football and run with it. Between a covid outbreak at my kids school, a never ending estate circus and minor hockey my time is limited. PM me if anybody can help or has questions. MSK pretty much already has the artwork so its just numbers collecting.
Interested in either (40) 51mm bounty chips or (40) seating/bounty chips but I only see 3 colors. Is a 4th color available for seating so it can cover 4 tables??
I know I posted earlier but here are some more exact estimates of what I would get depending on the pricing etc
  • 4 x 5k Plaques
  • 1 x dragon tokens
  • 1 x 45mm generic small bling big blind
  • 1 x generic 50mm missed blind
  • 1 x generic 51 mm all in red center
  • 1 x generic 51 mm missed blind white center
  • 3 x generic 60mm all in/call black center
  • 1 x generic 60 mm all in ver 2
I would also do a high hand or bomb pot jet/plaque - let me know if you need some bomb pot art work as well. I do have some art for one that I had printed on ceramics a bit ago.
I expect to order, if possible:
10 x Rabbit Hunting 40mm (v1?)
10 x Show 'Em 45mm
10 x All In 51mm
10 x Hi Lo 51mm
1 x Missed Blind 51mm (white center)
1 x Kill/No Kill 51mm (plain)

I'm somewhat flexible on diameters
Very nice!! I'd be in for

Seating/Bounty 51mm
Imperial Plaza Dealer Buttons 60mm
Generic 40mm bounties

Sorry, I was not specific in quantities. Plus updating to drop the 40mm generic bounties for the 51mm bounties.

Seating/Bounty 51mm: full set, 1 of each color.

Imperial Plaza Dealer Buttons 60mm: 2 of each color (4 total)

Generic 51mm bounties: 30

Thank you!!
Okay. Wow!

Some updates.

There is zero or very limited interest in the following and will be dropped from the thread:
40mm - Bounty, Rebuy/Reload
45mm - Big Blind/Small Blind
60mm - Kill/No Kill V1

The rest
40mm -
Bounty - 10
rabbits - 20
show em - 15

45mm -
Rebuy/Reload - 60
Show em - 10

51mm -
Missed Blind - 11
All In - 33
Hi/Lo - 40
Kill/No Kill - 8
Missed Blind - 12
Show Em - 5
Bounty - 80
Timinater Seating /Bounty - 2 (20)
Dragon Seating / Bounty - 15 (150)

60mm -
Imperial Plaza DB - 15 of each
All In /Call - 30
All In #1 - 10
All In #2 - 6
Hi/Lo - 25

Casino de Isthmus Plaques -
5K - 76
10K - 28
25K - 24
100K - 202
500K - 62
1 Mil - 22

If people want to change their orders for more popular items the outcome would be cheaper for everybody. If you’re sure you want a small quantity that’s fine too. Just bare in mind the costs may be as much as double. I’ll send these numbers to MSK and see what we get for prices. Thanks for all your interest to get us to this point.

Noticed this thread tonight.

In for:

2 x Generic 51mm Kill/No Kill – White Center

10 x Generic 60mm All-in/Call - Black Center
I may also decide to gift 10 depending on price

4 x Generic 50mm missed blind

10 x CDI 25K plaques

May be interested in 10 45mm re-buy jetsons
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If you need our interest in this thread, here is my for sure interest:

1 of each plaque
1 set of Timinator's seating buttons
1 set of each of Quicksilvers Seating/Bounty buttons
2 of each IP Dealer button

I may also be interested in some of the Kill/No Kill jetons, and maybe a few others from those, haven't decided yet

I'll wait until the quotes are obtained from MSK, but I'm in for at least the following (maybe more if the prices are better than I think)

51mm Bounty x 10
All in 60mm x 6 (colors TBD and maybe more DOP)
Call 60mm x 6 (maybe more DOP)
Hi 60 mm x 2
Lo 60 mm x 2
Depending on cost, I'd be interested in two (2) of these: $5000 - 82x57mm plaques
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interested in a couple things Pending approximate costs.

Dealer buttons.
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