My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (99 Viewers)

Playing some 2/5/10 now, wild table. Either going to get Busto or Robusto with this crowd

Playing some 2/5/10 now, wild table. Either going to get Busto or Robusto with this crowd

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Arabica is much better than robusto. Also don't forget my cut - remember I staked you ten bucks at Tom's place in Atlanta one time, so I'm pretty sure you owe me a couple grand by now.
Had KQT8 on a K97 rainbow flop, got called by AQT7

Turn Jack, we get it in and go twice

He hits one of the 2 remaining 10's on one board to make broadway and I get 3-quartered for my stack

Then I limp repot AAK9 ds on the button, two callers

Flop A92, I shove and K654 calls, we go twice, he gutshots immediately on the first board, spiking the 3 do we chop instead of me doubling

At least they're TRYING to give me their $$$ lol, good grief
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Lol, he called $280 preflop and check-called my $460 shove on the flop with 18% equity

I should be a poker billionaire by now


What's even funnier is all night he's been chiding other players for their terrible calls

After we chopped I was jovial and congratulated him, he said he "knew" he was going to hit it
Was down $1,500 but almost unstuck after flopping top 2 and getting it in 3 ways

Turn gutshot straights a guy but river psirs snd I have the nuts. Only down $300 now lol

played for TWELVE hours, a marathon session for me by any means.

The 1/2 PLO I made a couple hundred bucks. The first 2/5/10 table was just ok.

But by god that 2nd table I transferred to was full of absolute droolers. Unfortunately I didn't run well enough to post a profit, but by god they tried to throw me money when I had hands

Got a little unluck with KQTT on a J96 rainbow flop, raised a bettor who just called. Turn a 4, we both check. River J and we check it down, he has J663 le sigh
Second boat checks?

I was shocked too. It was the same guy who called my limp repot with K654 earlier

He said he was worried on the flop I had a set of 9's since I raised him and he had a blocker to top ser. So maybe he expected me to bet the river when it paired with 9's full
I was shocked too. It was the same guy who called my limp repot with K654 earlier

He said he was worried on the flop I had a set of 9's since I raised him and he had a blocker to top ser. So maybe he expected me to bet the river when it paired with 9's full
Fucking what? He flopped a set and didn't bet that brick of a turn? For me to say thats nitty you know that he's playing tight. I'd continue to actively seek out that player. You'll make money off of him. Next time :tup:
Fucking what? He flopped a set and didn't bet that brick of a turn? For me to say thats nitty you know that he's playing tight. I'd continue to actively seek out that player. You'll make money off of him. Next time :tup:

He bet the flop, I raised him. He has bottom set and a blocker to top set, so feared I had flopped middle set

Bottom set in this game can be a real money burner
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He bet the flop, I raised him. He has bottom set snd a blocker to top set, so feared I had flopped middle set

Bottom set in this game can be a real money burner
Oh ok I misunderstood. I thought you were first to act here.
He bet the flop, I raised him. He has bottom set snd a blocker to top set, so feared I had flopped middle set

Bottom set in this game can be a real money burner
But he made Jacks full of 6s, right? So he checks the river in fear of what? Doesn’t he have the nuts?

Or was he trying to trap you in the river?
But he made Jacks full of 6s, right? So he checks the river in fear of what? Doesn’t he have the nuts?

Or was he trying to trap you in the river?
Maybe he was hoping to check raise if Anthony bet the river?
You may have answered this already somewhere, and if so apologies for re-hashing, but I'd be curious to know what your "work week" looks like? (How many days a week do you play, what kind of hours do you put in and when (daytime, late night, night shift)).

It's been fluctuating with covid, as some of my old hours aren't as profitable

Right now it looks like this

Mon: 10am - 4pm

Tues: off

Wed: off (but trying to get a regular 7pm - 2am game running at a rooom closest to me)

Thurs: 9pm - fri a.m.

Fri: bed at 7pm. Wake up 1am sat morning to head in

Sat: bed at 7pm, wake up 1am sun morning to head in

Sun: off

I will play anywhere from 2 hrs to 8 hrs usually, sometimes 10-12 hrs but those are more rare

30-40 hrs/ week generally
lol, one of the droolers check called my flop pot bet OOP as a loser, then led into me on the turn and stacked off as an even bigger loser, then went 1 time and binked his river miracle Ace

I should really be a billionaire by now

What makes those Monday hours attractive?

The 1/2 PLO at TGT with mandatory $5 button straddle and unlimited restraddles

These guys are massive degenerate gamblers so pots will get restraddled up to $80 preflop sometimes, just gotta be comfortable riding the variance train

I could play later, but usually leave to have supper with Jenn
lol, one of the droolers check called my flop pot bet OOP as a loser, then led into me on the turn and stacked off as an even bigger loser, then went 1 time and binked his river miracle Ace

I should really be a billionaire by now


To be fair, a 9 would've got him there too.

And maybe he also though he had a diamond draw?

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