My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (80 Viewers)

Game is looking good, got a guy limping UTG with 9744 and another betting a straight on a flushed board, another limping TT83

Just gotta run pure and I should do well
Limped :as::ah::qs::qd: in EP, fish in LP makes it 70. I just call since I'm fairly deep and don't want to give away my hand

Flop is :qc::6c::5s:

Original raiser bets $200, EP is all-in for $125. I repot to $1,185. Everyone folds and we go twice. I boat on first board and hold on 2nd board, he shows :9s::9c::7d::4c: and we scoop a nice pot

Earlier I made queens full and ran into quad 5's which cost me $300 so this helped

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Phew, thought I was going to have to return these Logitech G Pro X headphones. Received them yesterday, got them setup today, but......and this is a BIG but..........the fucking microphone wouldn't pickup any sound. The headphones sound great, the mic was detected and showing up in windows, etc.

But no sound whether I tried recording in streamlabs, sound recorder in windows or using the Logitech Ghub software to test the mic. Their software kept showing a red triangle near the microphone saying "no input detected". If I clicked the mute and then unmute button on the cord it would go away for a few seconds, then return.

I started reading all the horror stories online. People trying to uninstall and reinstall everything, removing the headphones from device manager, switching USB ports, checking to make sure the mic was pushed all the way in on the headsets, restarting windows, doing complete fresh installs of windows, etc. and lots of people were complaining they couldn't get the mic to work and had to send them back.

Now it comes with a few different cords. One is labeled for your mobile phone and then the headset WITHOUT the microphone. There's another for your PC WITH the microphone on the sticker.

I had been so focused on the microphone that plugs into the headset that I neglected checking the cord that goes from the headset to the PC. This is because:

1. I had fucking sound from my PC going to the headset no problem
2. My PC was showing the mic from the headsets connected

But all that shit was fucking misleading as, well, FUCK! I pushed the cord from the headset to the PC in a little further and heard a CLICK and then my microphone started working!

Nice try, but not today Tech Satan! So glad I don't have to send these things back.
Phew, thought I was going to have to return these Logitech G Pro X headphones. Received them yesterday, got them setup today, but......and this is a BIG but..........the fucking microphone wouldn't pickup any sound. The headphones sound great, the mic was detected and showing up in windows, etc.

But no sound whether I tried recording in streamlabs, sound recorder in windows or using the Logitech Ghub software to test the mic. Their software kept showing a red triangle near the microphone saying "no input detected". If I clicked the mute and then unmute button on the cord it would go away for a few seconds, then return.

I started reading all the horror stories online. People trying to uninstall and reinstall everything, removing the headphones from device manager, switching USB ports, checking to make sure the mic was pushed all the way in on the headsets, restarting windows, doing complete fresh installs of windows, etc. and lots of people were complaining they couldn't get the mic to work and had to send them back.

Now it comes with a few different cords. One is labeled for your mobile phone and then the headset WITHOUT the microphone. There's another for your PC WITH the microphone on the sticker.

I had been so focused on the microphone that plugs into the headset that I neglected checking the cord that goes from the headset to the PC. This is because:

1. I had fucking sound from my PC going to the headset no problem
2. My PC was showing the mic from the headsets connected

But all that shit was fucking misleading as, well, FUCK! I pushed the cord from the headset to the PC in a little further and heard a CLICK and then my microphone started working!

Nice try, but not today Tech Satan! So glad I don't have to send these things back.
If that didn't work I was going to suggest rebooting the cable.
I ran moded Q2/Q3 and Unreal Tournaments servers back in the day. Then I replaced gaming with poker but during the pandemic I built some decent Ryzen7/RTX 2070 Super rigs for my boys (10 and 13) who both game a lot. They got me into Valorant during the closed beta and that is what I have been doing since April instead of poker. I'm not good but I'm not terrible either. If anyone is looking for A Reyna main hit me up. Would be nice to actually talk to people my age during the game, I never talk because just weird when they are random kids and you are 40+.
Some late night PLO. Tampa Hard Rock only has 2 cashier windows open and didn't see any brush selling chips

Luckily a buddy of mine was on his way out or we'd both have been stuck in line for 30 minutes

View attachment 497429

Every casino pro/reg I know keeps a bunch of chips in their backpack to avoid the cage lines (and possible tax issues). Standing in lines for chips is a lot of time wasted when you will have to do it again the next trip.
Every casino pro/reg I know keeps a bunch of chips in their backpack to avoid the cage lines (and possible tax issues). Standing in lines for chips is a lot of time wasted when you will have to do it again the next trip.

I'm usually playing at 2am so lines haven't been bad. But couldn't sleep tonight so got here much earlier
We got the full double

Limp :jh::js::th::7h: on the button, hyper aggro with rock in the SB makes it 50, limper in EP calls. I call

Flop :6d::8d::9h:

SB bets pot, I just call wanting a non-diamond turn. Turn :qh:

He pots again, I repot all-in and he snaps with :kd::qd::qs::5h:

We run it twice, he needs to pair the board or hit a diamond, it runs out


And we hold!

I can't take pics fast enough. Limp :ad::ah::kd::8c:

Aggro on my left makes it 50, EVERYBODY calling, I repot to $350 and two shorter stacks call

Flop :3c::3s::7c:

They check to me. I POT, ONE FOLDS, ONE PUTS HIS LAST $75 in (sorry about caps) and despite flush hitting on first runout I scoop


Then next hand I have :kh::js::th::7c: and the flop is :qc::jh::3h:

I lead out, two callers. Check the :8s: turn and guy shoves for $175. Other guy folds, I call

We go twice and I run pure again


He gets excited announcing a straight and has T8 which is 2nd nuts to my nut nut

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In for $1,500 and out for $4,476

What's funny is my first table sucked, too many good players. A girl showed up and she was terrible, but she was all distracted and flustered, constantly slowing down our time rake game. So I got a table transfer and it was a fucking gold mine
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2/5/10 PLO was down $1,100 but rallied to only lose $315

Table fish started getting replaced with good players so shifted over to 1/2 PLO
Lol, bunch of limpers. I limp :as::ad::qd::js: on the button

SB makes it 5, they all call, I repot to 30, five of us to the flop of


SB bets 30 leaving 35 behind. Folds to me. I shove, he has

:ks::qc::9s::4h: and holds
Dangnabit, missed my pot. Right fold, wrong time

I have on button AKKJ on a KQ9 flop, guy bets, I call. EP calls

Turn Ace. He bets big again, I fold. Shorty calls off, river pairs the 9. Big stavk had JTxx and shorty had QQxx and I would've won

But made the right laydown, so making good decisions
Lots of ups and downs throughout the session. One short stack we just couldn't put away.

We have A744 on an A74 flop against his KKQ2 with nfd, he calls it off on the flop qnd rivers the flush

Then I'm on the button and call a raise to 35 after other players with AQJ3 ds. He is in the blinds and shoves for $245 total. Everyone folds, I pick him off with slightly the better of it, but he makes a bigger two pair than me


So put in a 9 hr session, left around 6am cause I didn't get much sleep and took a loss on the day of $250

Gotta take Jenn to the dentist Monday so no Luckys game, and off tues-thurs so that is a wrap on my July, which squeeked past June to be my #2 month since I started this journey
Moar rungood !

Unfortunately ran QQJT on a rainbow AQ4 board into limped AAK2 from an unknown player and lost a good sized pot early.

Was down $700 at one point, got it all-in 3 times but chopped when running twice, fought back to even and eventually had to settle for a loss of $150 on the day

One guy in the game won a massive 3-way all-in with top set against two players with wraps on a J93 flop. They went twice, first board he makes quads, 2nd board he pairs the 3 with no waiting. Pot was around 4k I think.

Sent one of the players home, the other went on tilt and rebought and started raising to $20 preflop on a regular basis

We actually played rotating rounds of 4 card PLO and 5 card PLO high only

I tried to get the game 5 card the whole time but we had one guy who wouldn't agree
Unfortunately ran QQJT on a rainbow AQ4 board into limped AAK2 from an unknown player and lost a good sized pot early.

Was down $700 at one point, got it all-in 3 times but chopped when running twice, fought back to even and eventually had to settle for a loss of $150 on the day

One guy in the game won a massive 3-way all-in with top set against two players with wraps on a J93 flop. They went twice, first board he makes quads, 2nd board he pairs the 3 with no waiting. Pot was around 4k I think.

Sent one of the players home, the other went on tilt and rebought and started raising to $20 preflop on a regular basis

We actually played rotating rounds of 4 card PLO and 5 card PLO high only

I tried to get the game 5 card the whole time but we had one guy who wouldn't agree

Damn cooler hand :(
Still crawled back back to -$150 so that is ok (i lose more in my quarters game)
And you tilted someone...bonus :)

5 PLO high your strong suit ?
Damn cooler hand :(
Still crawled back back to -$150 so that is ok (i lose more in my quarters game)
And you tilted someone...bonus :)

5 PLO high your strong suit ?
I think he thinks they will just play even worse in that game.

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