Sorry this is old, I don't read every page and I don't keep up...
I don't admit to knowing the law but I can provide a scenario that happened to me in college (over twenty years ago)...
I was splitting time between playing 7-stud and pai-gow (being the bank every other hand) at Foxwoods for most of the weekend. I don't recall what stakes I was playing but I do recall I had a few thousand in chips in front of me. There were these two guys (around my age) that were in and out of the card room and attached pit area over the weekend. On the second day (maybe third, who knows, it's a casino) I was leaving the casino floor, I think to get something to eat. As I left the floor, these two come up to me and long and short wanted me to give them money to put one of them into action. I laughed in their face, told them to f' off, turned and walked away. At this point one of them (big fat slob) sucker punches me in the side of my head and tells me to give him my chips. I turn around ready to beat this guys ass (fat boy hit like a bitch) and the two clowns scurry away.
I go find casino security to report the incident, they catch the two of them before they get off the property (for those who don't know, Foxwoods is pretty big, lots of entertainment and food in addition to gaming). They take statements from both sides (we were separated with different interviewers) and the long and short of it was everyone was banned from Foxwoods. I asked my interviewer how was it that I was assaulted and almost robbed but I'm getting banned and why was there no legal consequences for Abbot and Costello (other guy was skinny). He flat told me your on an Indian reservation, we make the laws here and I don't know that three of you aren't working together to run some liability scam.
Oh, and they kept all my comp points - The casino ain't your friend.