Had another funny hand, I see a flop holding
The flop is
Lady in MP bets out $20, I call with position on her. Just the two of us continue to the turn
We both check and the river is
We both check it down and she announces she only has a Ten! I roll my hand over and she starts turning her cards over one-at-a-time and reveals:
She's pushing her cards towards the dealer but I notice she has somehow made runner-runner full-house on me and point it out and she's awarded the small pot, cause I ain't no scumbag.
When I went for my dinner break I had JUST gotten my food and sat down and they call the 10/10/25 game. So I rush over to put my card down, then rush over to my 2/2/5 table to take my chips off and put them on the new table, then head back to finish eating. When I am done I head to the table and find that the game didn't go. The players who showed up were in other games and maybe they didn't like the lineup or liked the games they were already in and so it didn't run.
I managed to luck out and get a dealer to tell a brush to give me the open seat at my previous 2/2/5 game and hopped back in.
End of session results:
5/5/10 - lost $85
2/2/5 - won $600
So +$515 on the day. Not as amazing as the past couple of days, but still feels great to put three consecutive wins in a row on the first week of playing on my stake.