My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (135 Viewers)

Back in those mean streets

We call the CO's raise to 20 on the button with :ac::qd::7d::5c:

UTG calls, UTG+1 raises to 100, CO calls, we call, UTG calls

Flop :2s::3s::tc:

UTG checks
UTG+1 bets 100
CO shoves for 600
We fold
UTG all-in for less
UTG+1 calls

They go once

Turn :ah:
River :9s:

CO shows :as::ks::qc::9c: and scoops
We flop bottom set on a T63 board from the rock and bust a shortie

Next hand it's raised to 35 and fold J992 from the rock

Flop is 962 and I'd have the J-high fd or blockers too

Raiser pots to 150, two callers

Turn 9 and two of them get it in. Dammit man

Player who shoves turn has TTxx and original raiser had AA54 with nut hearts

Pretty big pot, right fold wrong time
We pot after limpers to 35 with :kd::ks::qc::jd: in the BB

Four callers

Flop :ts::9c::8s:

We pot and a shorty (same lady who got lucky with the 9 turns) with :as::th::8d::7s: gets it all in

We go twice

First board it comes 78 to fill her up. We hold 2nd board to chop

Next hand we are dealt :kh::kd::9d::8d:

It's raised and reraised, we just call, but check-fold a 644 flop and raiser shows AA

Next hand dealt AKK5 in the SB, button raises, we call, multiple callers

Runout 66556 and we win
We pickup :kc::kh::qs::8c: (yes I've had Kings 4-5 times in the past under 10 hands)

We raise, three callers

Flop :th::8h::8d:

Asian lady donks 20 into us, we make it 80, folded to her. She snap pots, we snap muck
I am going to have to stop following your thread, as I am beginning to think live poker is rigged.

I'm beginning to believe you.

We have about $800 or so in front of us (what we started with) and pickup :as::ad::qh::9h: in the CO. The HJ (aka Nitwit #1) raises to $15, I call. When it gets to UTG (aka Nitwit #2) he reraises pot. UTG+1 is short-stacked and shoves for $105. Nitwit #2 cold-calls. We spring the trap and repot to $510 with about $300+ behind.

Nitwit #2 hems and haws for what seems like forever, really struggling with his decision. He probably takes a good 2-3 minutes before he just says fuck it to himself and gets his stack in. Back on Nitwit #2 who thinks for awhile as well and starts saying "do I want to gamble? I think I can only win once". He eventually puts his stack in, I put mine in and we're off to the lopsided races as I'm a monster equity favorite three-ways against these chucklefucks (we never see the shorties hand).

Unfortunately for me, Nitwit #1 only goes once, if he doesn't overshove in this spot with his piece of cheese, we get to run twice and likely chop.

Nitwit #1 has :kd::js::th::9d:
Nitwit #2 has :kh::ks::qs::5s:
Best PLO Player Ever has :as::ad::qh::9h:

Here's how the equities look:


I'm just printing money against these chucklefucks (I'm really beginning to like that phrase)

Unfortunately Poker Jeezus has still forsaken me as we see a flop of:


Well that changes things a bit


The turn is the :6d: and the horse that is Nitwit #1 pulls ahead and leaves us drawing dead


But wait, the exciting conclusion to this race isn't complete until the river, which is the................ :7c:, pairing the board so fuck your mother Nitwit #1 who only runs it once and gets his ass scooped!

Had he not overcalled in this spot I get to go twice against Nitwit #2 and it's highly doubtful he's going to win the 2nd board when he used up the last King in the deck on the first board.

I don't know how I can possibly play much better or my opponents play much worse, but I absolutely just cannot dodge these beats over the past month. Tomorrow I may play the 100K guaranteed tourney at Hard Rock, it's their last Day 1 for the 2-day series with a $500 buyin that already reached the guarantee.

A lot of the regular tournament grinders are out in Vegas so the field should be softer and I'm feeling like I need a break from this soul-crushing that continues unabated
We defend BB with 87 from a raise by the CO

Flop J98, we check-call his c-bet. Turn 5

He fires again, we call again. River K, we chevk, he gives up, our bottom pair is good
Guy raises in MP to 700. HJ calls, we call from CO with :qs::ts:

Six handed to a flop of


Checked to MP who downbets 1100. Golded to us, we raise to 3k, he is only caller

Turn :ks:

He checks, we check behind.

River :8h:

He flicks in a 5k chip (roughly half pot)

We fold
Guy down to 5k calls a preflop raise with :9h::5h: and on a flop of :ah::qh::3s: he check-calls a 3500 bet

Turn :4h:

He leads for 700, leaving 200 behind lol

What's even funnier, his opponent just calls with :js::jd:
Back from break first hand we are BB with :ah::qs:

Blinds 300/500/500

Short stack from the 95 s00ted hand before raises in EP to 1500. Folded to us, he only has about 7k behind so we rip it in, he folds

Next hand folded to button who raises to 1200

We are in SB with :ah::th:

Fuck this guy, we make it 3600. He calls

Flop :kc::jd::ts:

We lead for 4500, he folds


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