I am going to have to stop following your thread, as I am beginning to think live poker is rigged.
I'm beginning to believe you.
We have about $800 or so in front of us (what we started with) and pickup

in the CO. The HJ (aka Nitwit #1) raises to $15, I call. When it gets to UTG (aka Nitwit #2) he reraises pot. UTG+1 is short-stacked and shoves for $105. Nitwit #2 cold-calls. We spring the trap and repot to $510 with about $300+ behind.
Nitwit #2 hems and haws for what seems like forever, really struggling with his decision. He probably takes a good 2-3 minutes before he just says fuck it to himself and gets his stack in. Back on Nitwit #2 who thinks for awhile as well and starts saying "do I want to gamble? I think I can only win once". He eventually puts his stack in, I put mine in and we're off to the lopsided races as I'm a monster equity favorite three-ways against these chucklefucks (we never see the shorties hand).
Unfortunately for me, Nitwit #1 only goes once, if he doesn't overshove in this spot with his piece of cheese, we get to run twice and likely chop.
Nitwit #1 has

Nitwit #2 has

Best PLO Player Ever has

Here's how the equities look:
I'm just printing money against these chucklefucks (I'm really beginning to like that phrase)
Unfortunately Poker Jeezus has still forsaken me as we see a flop of:

Well that changes things a bit
The turn is the

and the horse that is Nitwit #1 pulls ahead and leaves us drawing dead
But wait, the exciting conclusion to this race isn't complete until the river, which is the................

, pairing the board so fuck your mother Nitwit #1 who only runs it once and gets his ass scooped!
Had he not overcalled in this spot I get to go twice against Nitwit #2 and it's highly doubtful he's going to win the 2nd board when he used up the last King in the deck on the first board.
I don't know how I can possibly play much better or my opponents play much worse, but I absolutely just cannot dodge these beats over the past month. Tomorrow I may play the 100K guaranteed tourney at Hard Rock, it's their last Day 1 for the 2-day series with a $500 buyin that already reached the guarantee.
A lot of the regular tournament grinders are out in Vegas so the field should be softer and I'm feeling like I need a break from this soul-crushing that continues unabated