My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (57 Viewers)

The BB shows down :kh::3s::2s::2d: for the steel fucking wheel, on my last hand of the session, when I flop quad Aces

My will to live if this happened to me:

My will to live if this happened to me:

View attachment 858818

At the Hard Rock maybe a year ago? I flopped a set of Queens and raised the flop bettor, turned quads and checked, he rivered the runner-runner straight flush to the King (think he had JT of spades, K on flop, my Q on turn and 9 on river)

No bad beat jackpot, but fortunately he only had $200
+$796 tonight, key hands:

We are in the BB with :ah::ad::7d::6d:

There's a few limpers, the CO pots, we repot, limpers fold, he rips and runs once with :ac::as::4s::4h:

Board runs out :qd::8c::5c::7s::7c: and we scoop

We are in the HJ and limp-call a raise from the BB with :ah::qd::jh::6h:

The BTN calls also, flop is :9h::6s::6d:

The BB leads out, it's unlikely this flop helped him and our trips should be good, we pot it, btn folds, bb thinks for a bit but gives it up
+$483 tonight, really swingy session with some big hands:

We're in the BB and just call a raise holding :ad::kd::kh::jc:. Five ways and the flop is :kc::qc::6h:. It's checked to the button who pots, we block some of the straight and flush draw outs, but decide to just call to hopefully see a safe turn before we drop the hammer. Everyone else folds and the turn is the :9s:. While we block the straight here, it's not out of the realm of possibility so we decide to pot-control and check, our opponent checks back. River :jd:. We still figure to have the best hand, so go for the check-call line as we don't want to bet and get raised and have to fold given how disguised our top set is. We check, he bets pretty small, like 1/3 pot, we make the call and he has :ts::8s::6c::5h: (HURR-DURR!) for the rivered non-nut straight that he squeezed some juice out of us with. I guess if I checkraised flop I take it down there, whom whomp. :(

We have :ad::as::kh::4h: and call a raise, three-handed to a flop of :jd::9s::7h:, checked around. Turn :jc:, checked around. River :ts: and we figure we HAVE to be beat with that card, but again checked around and we're good

We limp :ah::ad::5s::3d: and call a raise, four-handed to a flop of :as::kd::4s:. Original raiser bets and we pot, folds back to him and he rips, we call. He only runs once but fortunately we see the great news that we don't have to fade too much as he has :ac::ks::qh::6c:. The board runs out :6d::kh: and our boat beats his.

A LAG pots it pre and there's one caller, we repot to isolate with :ad::kd::jd::tc:, he calls and only runs once and has :kh::ks::td::3h:. The flop comes :kc::jh::5d: so we've got a gutshot plus backdoor diamonds. The turn is the :2d: giving us some hope but the river :3c: secures him the double up

With :ah::as::ts::8d: we limp UTG+1 and the HJ raises it up, everyone folds and we don't want to give away our hand so we just call. Flop :8h::7s::3s: and we wind up getting stacks in, he has :qs::js::9c::7c: so we need to fade some two pair outs but are in pretty decent shape overall. We agree to go twice:

first board: :kc::6h:
second board: :ks::qh:

and we hold both boards to scoop

We have :kh::kd::8d::7d: and get it in vs :qh::jh::js::5h: preflop, a pretty dream scenario, agree to run twice and the boards run out:

:ts::9c::jd::ks::4c: (we both make a straight but his is higher)

And I somehow get scooped, ooch

back at it tomorrow!
from last nights session:

We call a raise with :ad::as::7h::2h: on the button and see a flop of :qc::9h::4h:

Original raiser pots, we call and on the :7s: turn we both check. River is :7d:, he checks and I'm able to squeeze a little juice out of him with a smallish bet

We limp the SB with :9c::9h::8d::3h: and see a flop of :kc::9s::7h:. We go for the checkraise as no one raised pre so it's doubtful they have top set, and with the 8 in our hand we block some of the straight draws, Villain calls. Turn :qh:. Not the best card since my opponent could easily have the JT on the flop for the double gutter, but their stack size in relation to the pot is small enough that we call their shove and agree to run it twice

They have :kd::qs::td::3s: so we're in pretty good shape

First river: :9d:
Second river :as:

and we scoop

Maniac in MP raises and the CO who is a solid player cold calls. We're UTG+1 with :ah::ad::qs::6s: and fairly deep so opt to just call. Flop is :qc::ts::6h: so we flop top and bottom pair plus backdoor spades. We check, maniac bets, solid player in CO rips it and we decide to let our hand go. Their hands:

Maniac: :td::7d::6d::4h:
CO: :as::ks::kh::8c:

Maniac only runs once and board runs out :2d::js: to give the CO broadway.

CO raises, button calls, we reraise from SB with :ah::as::4d::2h: on a shorter stack and get it in vs button who has :th::9d::8h::7d:, he only runs once and flops pretty perfect with :ts::9h::6s:. Board runs out :3d::4h: and we rebuy

We limp button with :tc::9h::7h::3c: and maniac in the SB raises, everyone else folds and we go headsup to a flop of :9s::9c::7c:. He bets into us, we just smooth call. Turn :qd: he shoves, we call and we're in good shape as he has :qs::7d::5h::5s:. River is :ah: and we hold up.

In the SB we call a raise with :td::8h::7h::6d: and see a flop of :kc::5s::4h:. We check-call a bet by original UTG+1 and check-fold on the :as: turn.

In MP with :ah::ks::tc::5s: we see a flop of :ac::qd::3h:. LAG player in the SB leads, the BB folds, we call and see a turn of :jh:. SB leads again, we rip and he calls and only runs once.

River :jc: and he turns over :kh::qh::js::7h: (hurr-durr!)

In the HJ with :ac::ks::qc::ts: we see a flop of :kd::tc::4h: and get it in vs UTG+1 who has :ah::qh::jh::3c:. We agree to run it twice:

first board: :6s::5h: (we win with two pair)
second board: :7s::qd: (he makes broadway)

So we chop it up

End of session sees us +$211
We're in the HJ with :as::jc::8c::5s: and limp, button limps, squirrely player in the SB raises, folded to me, I call, button calls. Three ways to a flop of :tc::9s::7h:

SB pots, I repot, button folds, SB thinks for a bit but gives it up.

On the button with :qc::qs::th::7c: we limp and go three ways to a flop with the CO and BB sticking around. Flop is :8c::3h::2s:, checked around. Turn :qh:. BB checks, the CO bets, we raise, BB folds and CO calls. River :3c:. CO check-folds to our bet so most likely picked up a flush draw on the turn and didn't have anything else to continue with.

Folds to us on the button with :ah::ac::jc::6s: and we pot, only the SB comes along. Flop :qd::6c::5c: and we pot when checked to, he calls. Turn :6h:. He folds when we bet again.

Overall a solid session with us booking a +$613 win.
When did you become confident enough to entertain the idea that you could try to have Poker be your main income?

It was more that I HAD to make a change in my life. My job was killing me with stress and affecting my marriage.

I had a lot of varied poker experience, knowing multiple games. But was more of a fixed limit player overall

I had zero experience with PLO. But I had enough money for a roll to take a chance and was fortunate it worked out.

If I had experienced the 2.5 month downswing right away, it's unlikely I'd still be doing this
Well, I was due to see the fish pull some rabbits out of hats I suppose, but managed near the end of the session to turn what was shaping up to be a -$2,100 one into a -$900 one. Key hands:

We have :ah::js::tc::9h: in the BB against a nitwit in the CO on a flop of :kh::td::5h:. He bets, we call. Turn :as: and we consider a checkraise but figure he's likely way behind us here, as we have two pair, nfd and block broadway, so again check-call. River :qc: and we check to let him continue betting. Unfortunately we chop as he shows up with :jc::ts::8d::8c:. Guess a turn checkraise would've gotten him out, but why would I want to push out a hand we have drawing so slim?

We have :ah::js::7h::6h: in the BB and go multiway after a raise to a flop of :9d::8h::5s:. Checked around. Turn :3d:, we lead, they fold.

UTG LAG raises and we call from the button with :as::qs::jh::9h: Flop is :ac::7s::5h:. He leads, we call. Turn :th:. He leads, we pot all-in, he calls and only runs once.

Holding :kd::qc::jc::ts: he is about 12.5% equity to win and 5% to tie here for stacks, so pretty primo spot. River :tc: :mad::mad::mad:

A few limpers, maniac in CO pots, we repot for close to half our stack on the Button holding :ad::ah::th::6s:. Folds to him, he just cold-calls. Given SPR I'm essentially never folding post-flop here.

Flop looks good with :4s::qc::4d:

Before I can bet, he pots and we make the obviously call. He only runs once and tables............:8c::7d::5d::4c: for flopped trips, you're the best buddy. Runout is :2d::tc: and we get stacked again.

there's an EP raise and multiple callers, we figure our :tc::9h::8d::6d: is live as fuck and call from the BB. Flop :ks::7d::4d:

We flop the gutshot straight-flush draw, but facing four opponents OOP here we opt to check and see what develops. It's checked around. Turn :jh:

I figure if someone had a flush draw they would've taken a stab at the flop, but no one did. I think I fucked up here, I should just be betting it. We pickup a bunch of equity on the turn as we can now hit a :diamonds: which may give us the winner, plus we can hit a 5, 6, 8, 9, T or Q to make a straight (not all nut straights, but still a pretty good spot)

Instead I check, it's checked to the Button who bets pot, I just don't believe him, and the SB cold-calls, I checkraise rip it, they BOTH CALL. River :9s: We make our straight and it's good for the triple up against

Button: :kh::js::9d::9c:
SB: :ad::2d::6c::6h:

That hand salvaged the session from being a complete disaster and we leave a little bit later. Back at it tomorrow, then swinging down to Anna Maria Island on Saturday to play some cash games and the main event at @k9dr 's Suicide Queen Melee. Looking forward to seeing everyone again!
+$289 tonight, hands of note

We flop open-ended with nfd and get stacks four ways but whiff


Then we repot pre and have an SPR of 1:1 on the flop and manage to dodge his outs

Playing online

I'll try to explain hands in my updates so it flows better
Looks like you are playing on ClubGG. Have you stopped going to the casino all together for now? You playing with local people? Or did you get an invite to a larger club? What are they raking? Don't answer if you don't want to. Just curious.
Looks like you are playing on ClubGG. Have you stopped going to the casino all together for now? You playing with local people? Or did you get an invite to a larger club? What are they raking? Don't answer if you don't want to. Just curious.

It's actually a private club a local buddy runs. Has 2-3 plo tables every night and lots of deep pocketed degen gamblers

It's been a nice honey hole so I've been focusing on it rather than the live games for a bit.
Won a whopping $20 tonight, but still better than a loss. Had one big hand for stacks where we had the guy crushed but he snuck away with half the pot going twice

Uploading from phone, will edit on my pc with hand histories

In the below hand my opponent bets the flop, I pot it, he just calls for most of his stack, then calls off on the turn. We agree to run twice, he sneaks away on the first board hitting the straight against my set and flush draw, but we win the second board to chop it up


i pot the flop, not sure why this guy calls with middle pair, but he does. I check the turn hoping to induce him into betting but he checks it back. The river is terrible, so I check it back, he pots and I crying-call and see he hit the 2-outer


I limp in, pot the flop and pickup one caller. The turn brings in the front-door flush so we check for pot-control, but villain checks it back on turn and river and we're good with the straight


We call a preflop raise fairly deep OOP and get a great flop. Short stack pots the flop, original raiser cold calls, we check-raise and original raiser gets out of the way. We're good and win a nice one.


Nothing too crazy here, we limp in. On the flop we have the nfd blocker plus a number of cards that block the nuts, so we lead right out and fortunately take it down straight away.


We check the flop to an aggro shorter stack who raised pre, he bets, we check-raise and he just calls for most of his stack. We get it in on the turn and agree to run twice and manage to escape on the 2nd board while behind.


Below the button pots pre, we limp-repot and he calls for a good chunk of his stack. Pretty solid flop and he calls it off. We go twice and I'm a pretty strong favorite, but he escapes the scoop on the 2nd board and we have to settle for the chop.


Aggro in the HJ bets the flop, I call on the button with TP 2nd kicker plus 2nd fd, the SB comes along with his straight draw. We all check the turn and everyone checks the river as well, I see the bad news, that the SB hit runner-runner on this dangler (out of context thread?) to secure the win.


We raise to 15 pre and pickup a few callers, we continue betting the flop with top two pair, and pickup the royal draw on the turn when our opponent shuts down and folds to our bet.


We limp-call a preflop raise from the SB who has been frequently juicing pots OOP, this time he's got the goods but flops fairly bad so it's checked down to the river and he holds.


Bunch of limpers, we flop TPTK plus the NFD and decide to bet our own hand rather than let someone pickup a free turn card, no takers.


We flop the nuts and check, our opponent checks behind. We lead the turn, he calls with his flush draw. River isn't great, but I don't think he's got hearts since he didn't bet the flop, so I don't buy he's going to show up with a flush here. He could conceivably have hit the straight to the 9, although we have a blocker. So I check and allow him to bluff, picking up some additional equity when we call the river.

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So I wound up playing a bit more last night and booked an additional $560 win, a good chunk thanks to this hand

I figured out how to access these replays, so I should be able to capture them on my PC by sending myself the link, then put together interesting clips and add voiceover to create a VLOG finally, thoughts?
Just jams top and bottom 2 and AA with no redraw? I mean... I guess he has set and straight draw blockers, but that also means you just have all the flush+straight draws since he isn't really blocking the keys cards, like Ts, J's, or clubs.
Just jams top and bottom 2 and AA with no redraw? I mean... I guess he has set and straight draw blockers, but that also means you just have all the flush+straight draws since he isn't really blocking the keys cards, like Ts, J's, or clubs.

Yup, some players can't help themselves. Preflop he had me in rough shape:


But then once we get to the flop he's in a whole hell of a lot of trouble.


Normally when I have the board so locked up (top set, nfd plus the straight draw/blockers) I'm not going to repot in that spot, because I just have too much and it's hard for someone to have a holding strong enough to call. But in this instance when he potted the flop after raising pre, I figured I might as well go for max value and see if he'd get stacks in.

I managed to get a bit over 12 minutes of hand history footage that I recorded on my PC, then clipped the messy bits to make it flow smoother. Now I just need to put in voiceover work explaining thought processes and concepts for the hands I've got, which will require me to pause the hand action at certain points in the video, making it lengthier. And then I can put together my very first VLOG for this PLO journey.

Kinda excited to put something together, although I know it can be a ton of work based on what other Vloggers have shared, although they're doing live and have to comb through hours of footage. My job should theoretically be easier because I just need to send myself the replay link to hands right after they happen and I won't have to sift through any clutter.

Still need to do a decent amount of editing and voiceover work to finalize it all, but should be manageable.
So I wound up playing a bit more last night and booked an additional $560 win, a good chunk thanks to this hand

I figured out how to access these replays, so I should be able to capture them on my PC by sending myself the link, then put together interesting clips and add voiceover to create a VLOG finally, thoughts?
I would love to hear analysis as a hand unfolded. However, there are a lot of vlogs that do it very poorly.

In my opinion, these are steps every poker vlogger should follow...
  1. Stick to talking about the topic (poker). Many poker vlogs ramble on about other things. I know it might be tough to fill a vlog with just poker, but most your subscribers don't know you, and played the video to hear poker insight - not your wife, your diet, or the music you are listening to on the days you aren't playing. Yeah, I'm looking at you, DNegs...
  2. Have a script or something. Know what you are going to say. The fewer "ummmmmms, uhhhhhhhhs, or other crutch words the more professional you will sound. The more professional you sound, the easier it is to both listen to the video, and to believe the speaker is knowledgeable on the topic.
  3. Do not start with "Haaaay, what up guys". Half of YouTube starts with those words. It's so 2010. Also, what are you asking? Do you want people to pause the video and add into the comments what is going on in their lives? If you open the video with something that is simply a time waster beaten to death by Dough Polk, I will already assume you also have nothing new to add and are just here to waste my time.
  4. Don't give me a minute long musical intro. If I wanted to waste my time, I'd choose sexy girls on TicTok over a YouTube video intro.
  5. Save the like and subscribe bullshit until the very end. Nobody clicks like and subscribe before they've decided if your video is any good, so why waste time asking them do do something that they may forget by the end.
  6. Don't be afraid to pause the video, especially for a deep in-hand analysis.
I look forward to your vlogs!
I forgot to add #7 - Don't say "obviously", ever. If it was obvious to me, I wouldn't be watching an instructional vlog. You don't have to treat me like a 4 year old, but also remember that your audience are not pros. What is obvious to you is not obvious to everyone. If it was, you couldn't be a pro.
I would love to hear analysis as a hand unfolded. However, there are a lot of vlogs that do it very poorly.

In my opinion, these are steps every poker vlogger should follow...
  1. Stick to talking about the topic (poker). Many poker vlogs ramble on about other things. I know it might be tough to fill a vlog with just poker, but most your subscribers don't know you, and played the video to hear poker insight - not your wife, your diet, or the music you are listening to on the days you aren't playing. Yeah, I'm looking at you, DNegs...
  2. Have a script or something. Know what you are going to say. The fewer "ummmmmms, uhhhhhhhhs, or other crutch words the more professional you will sound. The more professional you sound, the easier it is to both listen to the video, and to believe the speaker is knowledgeable on the topic.
  3. Do not start with "Haaaay, what up guys". Half of YouTube starts with those words. It's so 2010. Also, what are you asking? Do you want people to pause the video and add into the comments what is going on in their lives? If you open the video with something that is simply a time waster beaten to death by Dough Polk, I will already assume you also have nothing new to add and are just here to waste my time.
  4. Don't give me a minute long musical intro. If I wanted to waste my time, I'd choose sexy girls on TicTok over a YouTube video intro.
  5. Save the like and subscribe bullshit until the very end. Nobody clicks like and subscribe before they've decided if your video is any good, so why waste time asking them do do something that they may forget by the end.
  6. Don't be afraid to pause the video, especially for a deep in-hand analysis.
I look forward to your vlogs!

It's funny you bring this stuff up because when I was contemplating doing the VLOG thing I thought to myself:

1. I'm not going to show you me playing golf, lifting weights at the gym, or any other activities I never do. Hell, I'll probably not even include me roller skating or doing plumbing work.........probably.

2. I intended to have a script when going over hands and concepts so that it flows and I'm not stumbling through my words

3. Another thing that cracks me up, this is your 87th Vlog, you don't need to keep telling people who you are!

4. Again I considered how I didn't want to harass viewers eardrums with shitty royalty-free music (which is why I intend to freestyle yodel to start ALL my videos)

5. I don't intend to beg people to like, subscribe, comment and share. I get SO fricken annoyed by the constant reminder from people EVERY video. It's 2022, we fucking KNOW it helps the channel, we'll automatically do it if we FEEL like it, not because you happened to bring it up for the 200th fucking time

6. I will have no choice but to pause the action on hands to discuss concepts and my thought process regarding my opponents and the situation.

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