lol, i love following the poker drama you get into. please also post the honest feedback!
There's over 100 replies but I can't see them, she has me blocked
A friend sent it to me.
I just posted this in the group
Since Elizabeth Blalock blocked me on here and then posted falsehoods about a hand we were in at Tampa HR, wanted to give MY side of the story
We were playing 1/2 PLO. In the past we had to not only flop a high hand, but if the turn or river improved our hand, it was disqualified, forcing us to end hands on the flop and losing the ability to value bet them
They recently changed it back, so the turn and river won't foul our hand
In a raised pot, I think about 5-6 of us saw a flop of 789 all clubs
I was in the blinds I believe and held XXT6 of clubs
There was about a minute and a half left on the clock and my hand was better than what was up there
I was under the belief that high hands were based on when you were DEALT the hand, but the rule actually is when it is TABLED.
I checked, she bet small for $15, everyone folded, I check-raised to $75
She said "do you have 56 of clubs? I have the ace high flush".
She claims I responded NOOOOO and then she called. I never answered her, I just shrugged my shoulders
The rules prevent me from
1. Telling the truth about my hand
2. Revealing my hand face up when there is action pending
3. Softplaying other players
My hand was tabled 15 seconds after the high hand period switched, so instead of winning 1k immediately I had to sweat 30 minutes for $500, which I won
She was upset that I didn't tell her I had a straight flush (against the rules) and even said she should get her money back!
She immediately blocked me from facebook, then called a mutual friend to complain AND posted in this group to seek solace
I play poker for a living. I am friendly at the table, but I will NEVER softplay anyone, friend or family member, Mother Theresa or a Make A Wish kid
I'm at the table to win money, and to expect me to cheat for you is frankly disgusting behavoir.
I expect my friends to try and take my money, as I'll be doing the same. Perhaps she should play solitaire instead