So far the results of my most recent sessions
I guess the saying that it's a hard way to make an easy living is true, lol. Looking back at the sessions I played, the only one I'm not too thrilled about my play on was this past Saturday with the -$1,600.
There were a few hands that cost me the bulk of those losses that I could've gotten away from or played differently. I don't believe I detailed them previously, but here they are:
I sit down in the 2/2 PLO early morning on Saturday, game has been running all night. There's an aggressive Russian guy I know (no, it's not KGB lol) who is sitting on roughly 4K (max buyin is 1k). He's frequently making blind raises preflop and is just keeping his foot on the gas, betting most flops regardless and trying to bully the table.
I have

and call a raise, we go multiway to a flop of:

He continues with the aggression, I opt to call with position on him and everyone else folds.
So I've gone from two pair to the "nut straight" but obviously I don't block the flushes and have nowhere near the nuts here. He bets into me again and again I call.
Once again he fires, betting the full pot which was somewhere in the $350 range. I figure the club peeling off on the river reduces the likelihood that he has the flush, and he's just been so aggressive every hand he could be bluffing here. My call-call line might embolden him to bet the full pot thinking I'm not strong enough to call it (or he might have the nuts and hope I have a flush I can call with).
Eventually I make the call and he of course shows down the

xx for the flopped nuts.
In another hand later I'm sitting on around $500 and pickup

on the button. The aggressive Russian raises to $25, I call, SB calls, BB min-reraises to $50 (he's a reg whose father owns a bunch of food joints and that's where he gets his money, so he tends to be a donator in the games overall, although he's gotten a little less bad from last year)
Russian calls, I call, now the doofus in the SB min-reraises to $100, lol. Then Mr Daddy's Money shoves. The Russian gets out of the way, I decide I've had enough and if these fuckers wanna gamble, well, let's gambooool! So I get my stack in. SB calls off as well. I flop pretty good:

for top pair and the open-ended straight draw. Turn

and river

and Mr Daddys Money turns over

to outkick me and scoop the three-way pot (the SB doesn't show his hand)
I think I allowed my frustration over all the bad rivers in the previous sessions to spill over this past Saturday, and I started deviating from my winning formula and made plays that I normally wouldn't out of frustration.
Fortunately I returned to form on Mondays session, plus managed to run well on top of it in key pots to go from $200 to close to 2K.
Appreciate everyone who has stuck around, cheered me on and continues to follow this journey. The past couple of weeks have been rough, but the fish are still biting and I will be catching them!