My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (76 Viewers)

for sure.
I guess I’m really talking about the $40 to $100 tournaments where people have been playing for 5 or 6 hours. These aren’t ‘I’m making a living playing poker’. Tournaments
This would make a great discussion on it's own, I think. TBH, I feel like tournaments already have a structure and should be played as structured. Now, when it comes to life changing money, I want to make deals. I do not want to give up 6 figures kind of money for a chance to score even bigger. But for a $40-100 tournament, I would rather play until the end....and offering the bubble back his buyin seems bad to me. Actually, this seems nitty, instead of vice versa.

Take this all from it's source....a guy that plays home games and online micro stuff. I have been in a casino maybe like 10 times.

@MatB and @Anthony Martino I hope neither take this poorly. I am here for the learning and discussion.
I’m a total amateur. I play purely for recreational fun.
ive played a few small tournaments in the 40 to 100 range at cardrooms. And at those buyins most people are there to have fun. There are a few that think it’s the WSOP but mostly not.
so final table is usually much more relaxed and everyone’s tired and know it’s been a grind.

@upNdown has played A few tourneys like that he can give better insight maybe to etiquette.

and there’s nothing to take poorly grebe
I’m always learning too !
Read up on tip credit and how it affects hourly wage. The employer can apply any tips towards an hourly rate. So if you don’t tip, the employer does. If you do tip the employer uses that to their advantage to lower their cost.

I Don’t Know if Tip Credit Applies To Dealing Jobs
But it does sound like it if tips are an expected source of their hourly pay.

Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum wage obligation for tipped employees equal to the difference between the required cash wage (which must be at least $2.13) and the federal minimum wage. Thus, the maximum tip credit that an employer can currently claim under the FLSA section 3(m) is $5.12 per hour (the minimum wage of $7.25 minus the minimum required cash wage of $2.13). Under certain circumstances, an employer may be able to claim an additional overtime tip credit against its overtime obligations.
Read up on tip credit and how it affects hourly wage. The employer can apply any tips towards an hourly rate. So if you don’t tip, the employer does. If you do tip the employer uses that to their advantage to lower their cost.

I Don’t Know if Tip Credit Applies To Dealing Jobs
But it does sound like it if tips are an expected source of their hourly pay.

Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum wage obligation for tipped employees equal to the difference between the required cash wage (which must be at least $2.13) and the federal minimum wage. Thus, the maximum tip credit that an employer can currently claim under the FLSA section 3(m) is $5.12 per hour (the minimum wage of $7.25 minus the minimum required cash wage of $2.13). Under certain circumstances, an employer may be able to claim an additional overtime tip credit against its overtime obligations.

I'm not sure either. But I have heard sometimes the money taken out of prize pools also pay to floor staff as well as dealers, and sometimes some of the money taken out of tournaments for dealers may be used to cover what the employer pays them already (i.e. it may not all be directly benefitting or increasing the dealers wages)
Saying no to a chop is fine. I'm saying that the player in the money that is unwilling to tip will also be unwilling to chop.

All baseball caps are hats. Not all hats are baseball caps.
Dodged a bullet first hand of 5/5

In the BB with :9c::5c::4h::2d:

Four ways to a flop of


Checked to maniac on button who pots, I fold, nit calls from UTG

turn :4d: and I start kicking myself

Nit check-calls the maniacs pot bet

River :tc:

Nit bets, maniac stacks off

Nit has KKxx and Maniac has 55xx and I would've had the 3rd best full house

Unfortunately a couple hands later the maniac raises, I call in CO with AQJ9 and he check-raises a A96 rainbow flop and I repot to gwt him in (only has $380l and he shows up with 9984 lol
Oocb, first 1k down. Call a $20 straddle in the CO, multiway to the flop and I hit the nuts


Checked to me, I pot for $125. Pro UTG calls


On the turn he check-calls my $375 pot bet, leaving me with roughly $215 behind going to the river

Which of course pairs the board with a 10 and he bets

There's 1125 + 215 = $1340 in the pot and I have to call my last $215 which I do, and see the bad news
Rebuy for $500 and double up when I flop a broadway wrap, bet and get one caller, then pot turn when I hit nuts and he repots

We run it twice, but I announce my hand right away and he says he can't win....which is a relief because the board pairs BOTH rivers lol
Ooch, in the blinds and this doofus limps UTG+1

I pot flop, we both check turn, he binks river (hits the duece lol) and I pay off a $60 bet



Not gonna get discouraged though, only a matter of time before these guys are showering me with cash
I could make a pretty good strategical argument against wanting to pay the bubble.

Nothing special about the bubble. It is just another person who didn't make the money. If you don't like the structure as posted, then don't play.

Bubble deals are always terrible for everyone but the bubble person and whomever finishes first. Everyone else from 2nd on down pays a successively greater penalty as a portion of their winnings to the bubble, as almost every bubble deal involves taking an equal amount from each person's winnings, which is hardly fair as the payouts are based on a sliding scale.

The only bubble deal I would agree with would be taking the entire amount from first place.

Nothing special about the bubble. It is just another person who didn't make the money. If you don't like the structure as posted, then don't play.

Bubble deals are always terrible for everyone but the bubble person and whomever finishes first. Everyone else from 2nd on down pays a successively greater penalty as a portion of their winnings to the bubble, as almost every bubble deal involves taking an equal amount from each person's winnings, which is hardly fair as the payouts are based on a sliding scale.

The only bubble deal I would agree with would be taking the entire amount from first place.

In my experience when I've played smaller buyins that paid the bubble it was usually taken from the top 1-3 spots

If you're a chipleader on the bubble it obviously benefits you if you can apply pressure on the bubble and increase your lead while everyone is trying to squeek into the money
No bueno today. The big hand early where my straight got ran down by the kid chasing to the river was the big pot of my day

Moved off the 5/5 game cause I had a guy who kept straddling to 20 and making it play bigger

The 2/2 was so/so. A few fish, but mostly tight and passive play that saw me bleed slowly. Down $1,180 tonight, back on the horse Saturday

Taking Friday off, games have been pretty bad Friday adfternoon and evening when I've played, going rollerskating instead

Might start incorporating late night sessions into my schedule again
Read up on tip credit and how it affects hourly wage. The employer can apply any tips towards an hourly rate. So if you don’t tip, the employer does. If you do tip the employer uses that to their advantage to lower their cost.

I Don’t Know if Tip Credit Applies To Dealing Jobs
But it does sound like it if tips are an expected source of their hourly pay.

Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum wage obligation for tipped employees equal to the difference between the required cash wage (which must be at least $2.13) and the federal minimum wage. Thus, the maximum tip credit that an employer can currently claim under the FLSA section 3(m) is $5.12 per hour (the minimum wage of $7.25 minus the minimum required cash wage of $2.13). Under certain circumstances, an employer may be able to claim an additional overtime tip credit against its overtime obligations.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is just up to minimum wage. If a typical dealer is averaging $25-35/hr, that's well above min wage so the employer is not going to make up that kind of difference if on a bad week a dealer only clears $15/hr, which is still above min wage.
Can we all agree that reliance on tipping is just a crazy way to earn a living? It's based on trust of people you dont know (for the most part) and tribal knowledge.
Honestly, it's a huge sham. Especially in restaurants. The employer should pay their staff what they are worth, and since they are the primary face of the establishment, that's a pretty decent amount. Then they just need to raise prices to cover it, and make tipping either obsolete, or purely optional for exceptional service. (which is the actual meaning of tip) When you consider that large percentages of people who eat in restaurants are selfish bitches, and the rest of us are covering for their share, it would honestly only require about a 10-12% price increase to ensure that EVERYONE is paying for the waiter's services, instead of just some of us.

Having said this, that is NOT the system we have today, so if you don't tip just because you don't believe that's the way it should be, then you're scum. Sorry for the attitude, but 6 of my 9 kids and their spouses work or have worked in the hospitality industry.
How do you chop the main pot? Other guy have aces? What hands are these mouth breathers playing?

Other guy had broadway cards and made broadway

In for $200. Out for $1,885

Taking an hour break, then back in with a $200 buyin. These guys are starting to straddle to $20 preflop over and over, not looking to risk it all back the way things have been going the past couple weeks
Other guy had broadway cards and made broadway

In for $200. Out for $1,885

Taking an hour break, then back in with a $200 buyin. These guys are starting to straddle to $20 preflop over and over, not looking to risk it all back the way things have been going the past couple weeks

You ever get flack or grief from other players for sitting out for an hour and then sitting back down with your small buy-in? I mean it's strategic and I would easily do the same, but I can see how certain mouthbreathers may take umbrage with it.
You ever get flack or grief from other players for sitting out for an hour and then sitting back down with your small buy-in? I mean it's strategic and I would easily do the same, but I can see how certain mouthbreathers may take umbrage with it.

I rarely do it. And it wasn't like I hit and ran. Bought in for $200 and ran it up to almost $1,900 over multiple pots and hours

Plus, when I sit back in will be a different group of players, since there are multiple tables now

And, I don't really give two fucks if they like it or not

So how is that a chop? You had 2 pair, right?

He had broadway, I had Aces up on top board. Bottom board flopped a full house so I won that

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