My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (28 Viewers)

The legend of Tony Martino just keeps growing and growing.

Also, I was Willow's stunt double

Waiting for PLO so playing 1/2 hold em

Call a preflop raise from a LAG and we go 5 ways to the flop

I shove from SB

Three guys call off


Turn :7s:

Everyone starts congratulating me. I say "it's not over yet"

River :8d:

And the LAG scoops lol
The legend of Tony Martino just keeps growing and growing.

There's a mighty dwarf who lives in the swamp. He uses mystical techniques to forge powerful machines able to access the greatest of secrets. He cannot be toppled by any force to known to man -- he merely wobbles at even the greatest of strikes. A trickster at the gaming tables, he seems to always acquire wealth unless a particular strain of Caribbean magic nullifies his power. All those who have played games of chance with him come to curse his name. He has a horseless buggy somehow able to operate with only three wheels. While he casts aspersions on others in this regard, no one dares peek into the cargo area of his vehicle lest they discover the corpses of the vanquished.

Hmm, it's a start, what have I missed? And to think that I could have just made the cheap joke about his legend growing even though his stature didn't.
There's a mighty dwarf who lives in the swamp. He uses mystical techniques to forge powerful machines able to access the greatest of secrets. He cannot be toppled by any force to known to man -- he merely wobbles at even the greatest of strikes. A trickster at the gaming tables, he seems to always acquire wealth unless a particular strain of Caribbean magic nullifies his power. All those who have played games of chance with him come to curse his name. He has a horseless buggy somehow able to operate with only three wheels. While he casts aspersions on others in this regard, no one dares peek into the cargo area of his vehicle lest they discover the corpses of the vanquished.

Hmm, it's a start, what have I missed? And to think that I could have just made the cheap joke about his legend growing even though his stature didn't.

I am dying over here lol
That's pretty bad. I got one-outered twice in one weekend....once nut flush over straight flush, and once for quads over boat. Hard to shake that feeling of entitlement there....good luck.

At least it went to the action player in the game, calling off with just the 9 high flush draw, almost practically dead

Same guy who one outered me last year at hard rock with 2.5% equity on the turn lol
At least it went to the action player in the game, calling off with just the 9 high flush draw, almost practically dead

Same guy who one outered me last year at hard rock with 2.5% equity on the turn lol
Just remind yourself that if they didn't win as huge dogs once in a while, you'd be out of a job.
High point was up $300 but wound up taking a $400 loss on the day

In a pot straddled to $40 the maniac calls, I pot with KKxx to $175 and shorty who straddled to $40 shoves for $200. Maniac calls and betting not reopened so we can only call

Flop QJ6 and maniac shoves, we have to let it go

Also, in a family pot pre and a different maniac gets his stack in (holding QJ55 ds) for $170

The original maniac calls in the CO and we call the extra $120 from the button with 9876 suited

Flop 224....J....8 and maniac and I check it down. He has 9986 so we blocked each other and the all-in player wins with his pair of Jacks
Off for a bit. Amazon driver was lazy and tossed our delivery over the fence into the wooded area across from our house, instead of driving down and delivering it

When Jenn went to get it she twisted her ankle and fell, scraping up her knee. So she's on crutches right now and I'm staying home to help out

She is feeling better today than yesterday at least, so hopefully a speedy recovery

In the interim I'll work on painting my miniatures and crafting my D&D Adventure

Did up a rough draft trailer for the players to wet their appetite for it

Also have some upcoming tournies I intend to play



The PLO tourney, I made final table and chopped last two events


The $500 tourney. Not planning for the $3,500 one unless I sell some action.

Hmm, it's a start, what have I missed?

The chicken on the hood. And his lurid fascination with Hello Kitty, which he has the gall to blame on his innocent wife.

Plus I suspect that he's secretly and closely related to Matt Gaetz, which is why he moved to Florida in the first place. You'll note that they share the same forehead. Heredity.
Jenn should be feeling well enough that I'm planning to return to poker on Monday.

Was washing my car this morning and got inspired. Our driveway is crushed gravel and we don't have a garage, so the car needs a weekly bath because it gets coated with dust and pollen. I'd really like to buy us a new home within the next few years, one with a garage I can park the car inside, and with actual pavement for the driveway.

What's nice is Luckys has been taking off on Thursdays and Fridays. I had only been playing three days/week, enjoying life and other activities. But looking to up to at least four days/week now:

Mondays: Luckys PLO cash
Thursdays: Luckys PLO cash
Fridays: Luckys PLO cash
Saturdays: Hard Rock PLO cash

In addition, there are a number of tournaments coming up that I'm eyeing:

Sat Apr 24th: 11am Hard Rock $400 NLHE 100K gtd (day two Sunday noon) – 20k chips

Tues Apr 27th: 6pm Silks $210 PLO $7,500 gtd – 30k chips

Sat May 1st: 11am Hard Rock $600 NLHE 150K gtd (day two Sunday noon) – 30k chips
ALTERNATE IF BUST EARLY AT HARD ROCK - Sat May 1st: 6pm Silks $230 NLHE 30K gtd (day two Sunday at noon) – 35K chips

June 9th-13th - $500 NLHE $1M Gtd Event Ctr Hard Rock

If I score big enough in any of the other tournies I'll consider this one:

June 18th-22nd: $3,500 NLHE $2M Gtd Event Ctr Hard Rock

Hard Rock has been absolutely smashing their guarantees, usually 3-5x what the guaranteed prize pool is. So going to be some big prizes up at the top. I'm still "undefeated" in my tournament runs, having cashed (and final tabled many) of the last 6-7 tournaments in a row. But of course those weren't all going to have the larger fields where a lot of traveling tournament grinders will be showing up.

What's nice is the 100K and 150K gtd at Hard Rock are all 1 entry per flight, and I'm playing the absolute last flights. So won't have to deal with the guys trying to throw 9 buyins at it when I like freezeouts where I'm only firing one bullet.

The PLO tourney at Silks is typically a smaller field of 40'ish players and I've final tabled and chopped the last two in a row, so looking to keep that run-good rolling.

The $500 tourney at Hard Rock with $1 million guaranteed prize pool is being moved to their event center rather than the poker room. I can only assume this event is going to be absolutely MASSIVE with attendance. Haven't seen the structure yet, but assuming this one will be a re-entry type setup, and obviously a lot of the circuit grinders are going to show for this one.
In the blinds with :ad::js::ts::4d: and see a flop of


Checked around 5 handed

Turn :th:

We all check to button who bets pot

I don't believe him and call

River :7h:

I check, he checks and announces full house, turns over


Lol, two outs

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