Update: upon further investigation of negreanu's wife (mostly just Google search and images)
Shemight be a hoeHOT

Update: upon further investigation of negreanu's wife (mostly just Google search and images)
Shemight be a hoeHOT
To each is own, her seemingly promiscuous activities is less than attractive to me. But I'm also female, and I don't know anything about her. She might be an angel, but I'd put my money on not
Well.. I was mostly taking about the almost nudey pics and all the pics with dudes that AREN'T DNegs lol
Google images is your friend lol
I've never seen anything too explicit... Haven't really looked, tho. She was a model, there's bound to be pictures that show a lot of skin...
Theres a difference between modeling and taking naked pictures with a birthday present covering up your lady goods...
Oh there's worse in the world, and tbh she's not affecting my life soo, carry onI don't think everyone should be a fan of stuff like that, but come on, as far as models/celebs go, that's pretty harmless![]()
I remember when she was dating Joe Sebok......
Also, she and Daniel were a thing years ago, so after his divorce, they rekindled their relationship. Nothing too nefarious
I don't see Gold Digger/Hoe here....but that's just me.
Here's a Throwback Thursday moment, my wife ran into him in 2006 at the WSOP while I was playing....
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I met her when she dated Seebok. Still think she's with Dnegs for the financials primarily
What the heck is this kind of statement lol. You know someone's state of mind and personal relationships because you met them once years ago? Kind of ridiculous, honestly, and even if it happens to be true who cares. One would think you'd refrain from bashing a "fellow pro" instead of gossiping like a school girl.
Yeah I honestly have no clue what it's like to be a hater, I cant understand what that mindset is like. Not trying to be a dick @Anthony Martino , I think you're a cool dude and I would love to have you take my money at a table some time, but how the heck could you say that with any reasonable level of certainty? That's a tad hater for sure. Same with people thinking she's a hoe, I mean damn, I thought society was supposed to be ok with women being sexual and self confident enough to wear hot clothes? As a life long fat guy I can tell you right now that if I ever somehow got off my ass and had a good body I wouldn't own a damn shirt let alone wear one anywhere, and it wouldn't change the fact that I love my wife and would never do anything manhoe related.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand and agree with all of you 100% that there are women, and men, all over this world who are with their partners for many things that have nothing to do with love. I also completely understand that women are locks and men are keys (as my grandma used to say) and why a woman who uses her sexuality to gain material things is not doing herself any favors. But damn, judging a specific person or couple who we have no idea who either of them really are besides what they look like on our phone or computer screens is kind of harsh.
Phil Nagy is a cancer to poker. How people still willingly put their money on ACR is beyond me.I think he's making a mistake getting in bed with ACR who I suspect will eventually screw up something fierce.
At the end of the day, that's just my opinion.
I hear ya bud, I get it, and maybe I’m being deliberately naive. I’m definitely not mad about the opinion.
I’m just trying to move to a point in life where I would rather not say something like that 99 times out of 100 and be wrong every time than say something and be wrong the one time concerning someone who doesn’t deserve it.
When I watched Daniel's WSOP vlog last year, I got the same read on Amanda. She seemed disinterested in anything he had to say. She was more interested in her tan than railing him at one of the biggest events of the year. She also seemed disinterested in poker in general, despite the fact that she was a t.v. poker commentator.As far as Amanda, I try to trust my reads. I'm not always right, I could be wrong. But everything I've ever seen of her with him leads me to believe there is zero passion there. I have no doubt he is very into her, I just don't feel she shares the same feelings.
When I watched Daniel's WSOP vlog last year, I got the same read on Amanda. She seemed disinterested in anything he had to say. She was more interested in her tan than railing him at one of the biggest events of the year. She also seemed disinterested in poker in general, despite the fact that she was a t.v. poker commentator.
That's not to say that dNegs isn't completely enamored with her, or that the relationship won't work. I'm just saying that if you put their apparent emotional investment on a teeter-totter it would look like this:
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Yeah, hard to imagine I blocked you back in the GrandGnu days... Clearly my bad.You get me man!
Yeah, hard to imagine I blocked you back in the GrandGnu days... Clearly my bad.
...or now I'm a just a dick too![]()
Yeah, hard to imagine I blocked you back in the GrandGnu days... Clearly my bad.
...or now I'm a just a dick too![]()
Anytime celebrities “feud” I just assume it’s carefully scripted attention seeking by both parties. Like opposing lawyers in a criminal case, they are probably having drinks at happy hour together and toasting the process. I try to ignore attention seeking and only give my attention to the things I enjoy about them...in this case their poker content.
When it comes to people’s relationships, celebrities or otherwise, it’s safe to assume all parties are getting something out of the transaction or they wouldn’t be in it. Some relationships are formed for reasons that I don’t relate to, but that doesn’t make mine better than theirs or visa versa.
I don't know Daniel at all besides what I have seen on a screen. My impressions of him are he's a nice guy, happy and easy going, as long as everything is going his way. But once things go wrong, he gets all depressed and/or turns into a raging asshole. This seems to have come more to light since he's been showing more of the behinds the scenes of his life both this year's and last year's vlogs for the WSOP. So I'm not surprised at all at his outburst, but I don't think it was warranted. Some internet troll, commenting from his parent's basement, says some shit and he reacts like that? Kid Poker has got some issues. Dude needs to just chill and laugh off the haters. He's got a hot wife and tons of cash. Why he let's some internet comment bother him so is beyond me?