If you think this ONE incident is the reason I feel like this, well, you'd be wrong.
Daniel has on numerous occasions preached to others about one thing or another with a holier-than-thou attitude. Whether it was dietary choices, lifestyle choices, religion, etc.
He's a born-again Christian so he lambasted Chris "Jesus" Ferguson for having the "Jesus" moniker because Ferguson is an Atheist. As if Ferguson nicknamed himself, like, gimme a fucking break.
He attended "The Choice Center" which is another sales-driven cult, kinda a Scientology Lite, to help his mental game/state (which clearly it hasn't).
Dnegs is quick to throw shade at others, preach on twitter about politics, religion, health, etc. and as a high-profile "poker ambassador" he really opens himself up to scrutiny. I don't like Deeb and think he's a massive d-bag, but there's multiple instances I saw in Dnegs Vlogs where he pokes fun of Deeb being overweight, making sure to get camera shots of Deebs massive belly, etc.
So Dnegs is one of those "do as I say, not as I do" type preachers, who tries to tell others how they should act and live their lives, while doing the exact opposite himself. Do I expect him or anyone to be perfect? Of course not. But those who've latched onto that squeaky clean persona that has been portrayed throughout his career are deluding themselves if they believe he is anywhere close to the person you were led to believe he was. You're defending a fraud, a fake, a phony.
As far as Amanda goes, I and some others in this thread (and others in other forums, in online chats, etc) feel she is with him primarily for the money because the interactions we've witnessed, the body language, the "romance" that we see, all comes across as forced and disingenuous. Good on her for finding a sugar daddy though.