Hi - what a cool site, thanks for having me.
Stumbled across the group while going through the chips I've collected over my travels - more for the memories than as any kind of serious collector.
This group was the only internet result for my Caesar's palace grey $10 chip - I can't find anything else on it online at all outside of its basic info, seems as though it's obsolete now though.
Does being obsolete mean I can't gamble with it when I go back next year?
Big thanks
Stumbled across the group while going through the chips I've collected over my travels - more for the memories than as any kind of serious collector.
This group was the only internet result for my Caesar's palace grey $10 chip - I can't find anything else on it online at all outside of its basic info, seems as though it's obsolete now though.
Does being obsolete mean I can't gamble with it when I go back next year?
Big thanks