Newbie: How do I valuate these chips? (1 Viewer)

Could I ask 1 question? Please don't take this the wrong way, but as a "Newbie" did you know that you owned "secondary" chips??? Most newbies wouldn't know the difference if they are asking for pricing recommendations. Just curious!!
I was directed to a post early on with pictures . I still got it wrong as the .5 s are primary , pointed out here. Heh
OK, I'm going to throw cold water on everyone because that's what I do.

No offense intended to the OP, but you are brand new to the site as of yesterday and your first post is to offer a premium, highly desired set of chips for sale. You are no doubt getting many offers via private message.

Maybe I'm jaded (hell, I'm a Noo Yawker), but I caution everyone here that the OP needs to establish his bona fides before I'd consider sending money to him. I am not saying this is a scam, but I am saying that my nipples are twitching. The OP could have gotten that photo from anywhere, and he seems to know a LOT about the chips for someone who says he doesn't.

@collin8579: If you post a photo of the entire set with a piece of paper in the picture that says "gopherblue hates TRKs," that will go a long way towards establishing your credibility. Everyone else: consider yourselves forewarned and forearmed.
+1 what he said.
If I can make a suggestion...

If you MIGHT play poker in the next few years, hold on to these. They are fantastic chips for all the reasons mentioned and price is unlikely to go down in the next few years.. they are not making any more of these chips...

You can participate here, learn about other options that might suit your tastes better and sell these at any time for the same price ballpark you've been quoted here.

If there is zero chance you'll ever play poker, sure, cash out now.
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You are welcome to ask for any specific pics to show them like goherpblue did. I provided that one. I’m all about transparency, I get that I’m new.
You are good...thanks!! I apologize. I didn't read all the posts to see that you already did it. If you auction off the $5s all together, I will be bidding.
You are welcome to ask for any specific pics to show them like goherpblue did. I provided that one. I’m all about transparency, I get that I’m new.

Can you take a picture of your chips with the front and back of your credit card, make sure it's clear enough to read the numbers on both sides.

Beautiful chips! Unfortunately, I was burned recently on a deal for a bunch of decent quality PCAs that I'm a little averse to them right now. Whoever ends up with these will be the envy of the block (for at least a week)!
We are all addicts to this website, so no more than a few days.

Everyone knows already and if you make it a week, it’s just wasted time until the last day anyway.
I inherited a poker chip set, what is the best way to determine the value in order to potentially sell? They are unused from a now closed casino.

(Paulson, and a full set but I will get the numbers and quantity shortly)

Congrats on the chips and condolences for your loss...unless you inherited them in some other way...
I bet you can find some folks to bid for you if you are busy (y) :thumbsup:


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